[Project] "Knee-Deep in ZDoom"

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Post by Bloodskull »

*GASP* Sorry if I'm late, I've been busy with Phobos Strike lately. Anyways put me up for E1m2, Week 1 please. E1m4 Week 2 as well.
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Post by Risen »

I would like there to be other teams as well, but if there are none then yes!
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

Bloodskull: E1M2 week 1 and E1M4 week 2 are both already taken.

Check the list and try again :). Though bear in mind the reservations Woolie Wool made in the post before yours as well.
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Post by Vile1011 »

Bloodskull wrote:*GASP* Sorry if I'm late, I've been busy with Phobos Strike lately. Anyways put me up for E1m2, Week 1 please. E1m4 Week 2 as well.
You wish to be part of what may be the most complex set of ZDoom levels ever created, and yet you can not grasp the concept of a time slot table.
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Post by Krillancello »

YARGH!!! I'm going to kill the bastards that designed Windows Media Player, for they have caused me constant, severe problems.

I had to reformat my computer yet again. I'm in the midst of reconfiguring everything, and at the moment the server is not setup. I should have it working within a few hours, I believe.

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Post by Bloodskull »

Aighty then, put me on for:

Week1: E1m5
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Post by Zarggg »

It's events like this that make me wish I was any good at mapping and scripting. I hate to see excellent projects get pushed back or dropped because people lose the time or inspiriation to work on them. :(

All I can offer is that I'll be willing to beta test, if you need people to do that.
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Post by Chris »

That's what Media Player Classic is for.
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Post by Krillancello »


I have officially beaten WMP to a bloody pulp. :D

Which is to say, I've solved my problems, and the server should be working properly again.
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Post by Ninja_of_DooM »

Good news Krill, it's up and running.:)

I'll just get those maps now.
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Post by Nmn »

New versions of E1m3 and the E1m6 I posted a while ago-Uploaded to our server.
Get them now

Vile and Risen-ellmo sent me e1m3-get it now from our FTP.

On a side note I must admit e1m6 (the one I just uploaded) is the Largest map of the whole pack O_o Now, if the next person to go finish it finds it impossible to cope with 5k of sectors we COULD cut out the Lee Szymanski area (east parts of the whole map) and make it a new secret level or sumthin... I want to hear opinions.

EDITage: Someone do me a favour and upload e1m10 to our FTP eh? I can't hunt it for bugs nor see what gameplay stuff needs to be done there. Thx
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

Nmn wrote: On a side note I must admit e1m6 (the one I just uploaded) is the Largest map of the whole pack O_o Now, if the next person to go finish it finds it impossible to cope with 5k of sectors we COULD cut out the Lee Szymanski area (east parts of the whole map) and make it a new secret level or sumthin... I want to hear opinions.
I suggest to make it a 2-level hub. If that part is to be detailed to the standard of the rest of the map I have some doubts that it will fit in the absolute limits a Doom map can handle. But please don't drop it. The bigger the better! :)
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

Nmn wrote:Someone do me a favour and upload e1m10 to our FTP eh? I can't hunt it for bugs nor see what gameplay stuff needs to be done there.
I'm still working on ATM, so I'll upload it Saturday evening.
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Post by Risen »

Including yet another map into the intermap is not something I particularly want to tackle right now. I'd say that if we can, leave it as it is. I really don't want to drop it, either. I haven't looked into how a hub would affect the intermap... I don't know if it would be easy to include or not. Perhaps if this new area does not fit, part of it could go in another, smaller map?
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Post by Skunk »

Here's an idea: since I'm sure you guys are going to be having a little fun with diehard gamers who have played these games and know every secret about them and do things like take out much wanted and needed Soulspheres in obvious places *cough* that you guys could thru this new map Lee did as a secret secret level in the same vein of Doom 2's Grosse. What I mean is, put a secret exit in that is so hidden, it's not even funny, in E1M9, to go to this new level. Then make it so tough it's not even funny (whereas Grosse is just plain easy... you can beat it in record time with 0% secrets from pistol start and not take any damage if you're really good aiming with that rocket launcher)

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