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Several examples of how Bumi can be used as a level design toolkit to drastically alter the tone and mood of your maps. The tint and fade colours are all customizable to suit your level's mood. Map designed by Real AtroNx.
Impressive, this looks like a scene straight out of the original Silent Hill.
Thank you, if everything goes right, the map will be ready for the end of this week!
Several examples of how Bumi can be used as a level design toolkit to drastically alter the tone and mood of your maps. The tint and fade colours are all customizable to suit your level's mood. Map designed by Real AtroNx.
Impressive, this looks like a scene straight out of the original Silent Hill.
Thank you, if everything goes right, the map will be ready for the end of this week!
Hello, can I ask something a bit off-topic? This must be embarassing... so recently I have been converting some maps to UDMF using ConvUDMF tool to integrate Bumi with the maps. There is always a guaranteed broken doors and switch, so I instantly think "Eh, even ConvUDMF is not perfect. Get over it.". But just then I realized that it's me who broke the maps when I add the Bumi skybox to the converted maps, as I play the freshly converted maps and it is flawless!
So what I did wrong? I don't know anything about mapping. I just follow the direction from the kids.
1. First I converted the maps (usually maps in Boom : Doom format), to UDMF with ConvUDMF (it is flawless, the map is fully playable)
2. Then I opened the converted map with GZDoom Builder, along with Bumi Template Map.was
3. Activate Sector Mode, select the skybox then Ctrl+c
4. Back to converted map, Ctrl+v. Move the skybox outside the map
5. Select all playable then right click (is it okay to right click when the pointer is above the map?)
6.change the tag (I am not really sure what number I should input... the vid said 1 is okay, but in what conditions I should change it higher? Which indicators shows that I should make it like 100?)
7. Custom tab, add user_envsector, boolean, true
8. After that I just save, and play. Cue some unresponsive doors, switches
I'm assuming you're changing the tags of doors and lifts and stuff, which means the switches don't have a target anymore because there's no longer sectors with the tag they're told to affect.
Edit : is that possible to tag the whole map without changing the already tagged sector? The map I experiment on is Arcadia demake, and by default there is 114 sector already tagged
1) If there are already existing tags, DO NOT touch them. I put an annotation in red in the Youtube video (it was an oversight I didn't realize while recording it). If a sector already has tags, skip tagging them, in other words DO NOT OVERWRITE EXISTING TAGS and instead just add user_EnvSector into the custom property.
2) Bumi is NOT meant to be a player mod; it is actually a modder resource/dev kit for custom/from-scratch projects. I am probably just marketing this thing wrongly but it's not meant to be user-friendly and playable with Doom maps. What I wanted to demonstrate was the setup required to make this work was minimal, so that's why I used existing maps. Probably not a good idea in hind sight to demonstrate this... sigh
Silly me, all this time I watched the vid in mobile where there is no annotation. And yes, I experiment with just custom properties and it works. I just worried that the tag is very crucial.
I aware that Bumi is more a resource for modders than a mod, but as I said, I don't know anything about mapping. I just want to see how much I can improve a map with Bumi... Have a good time with this, it adds a lot to the atmosphere especially urban maps. I actually gonna try Phocas Island next, lets see how well I can do that
PS: how to use the cheat_season? Does it toggles season change or I need to do cheat_season fall ?
Last edited by NantoCodd on Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cheat_Season just flips through the 4 seasons in a year. No parameter is needed. It will cycle through winter -> spring -> summer -> fall and then back to winter.