Anyone else hate death match?

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Anyone else hate death match?

Post by Naniyue »

I have held my own in Unreal Tournament and such, both online and offline, yet I find death match to be utterly boring. I think it's the quick, repetitive nature of death match that kills it for me. If I'm winning, I get tired of fragging the same guys over and over. If I'm losing, I get tired of dying over and over.

Personally, I'm partial to Domination and Assault, with a little Capture the Flag thrown in for good measure. Sorry, boys and girls, but death match is just no fun.

Anyone else share a similar distaste for death match? And, if so, why?
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by wildweasel »

I find there's too much emphasis on team modes anymore, especially the kind that most players don't care enough to learn to play. So many folks on stuff like BF4 care too much about their previous kill/death ratios that the games tend to just be elaborate team death match modes anyway.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by Matt »

FFA DM really shines on big servers with a couple people who are very close in overall scoring ability, especially if they have very different strategies.

Otherwise, it does get rather monotonous. The best treatment is to be so busy with real life stuff that you are never able to play long enough to let the monotony set in. :V
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by Blox »

FFA DM isn't a thing you should play for hours on end; it's played for a couple of quick rounds.
DM in general is very prone to becoming boring unless the players are almost equally good at it.

Team DM with random teams is pretty fun though, especially with 3-4 teams so that there's also an element of getting teamed upon to even the field. ;)
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by edward850 »

Blox wrote:FFA DM isn't a thing you should play for hours on end; it's played for a couple of quick rounds.
DM in general is very prone to becoming boring unless the players are almost equally good at it.
I was under the impression that FFA (3+ people) was considered a party gamemode, nor something you do for hours unless you have a cycle of gimmick maps and mutators (although that really applies to doing anything for several hours :P). It seems rather monotonous by yourself, hence why TDM is usually the professional standard.

Granted, it sounds like Naniyue's problem is he's just not matching skills, and doesn't know how to compete with people outside of his range (and thus either sweeping or brickwalling). During the early days of Halo4 where I kept ending up in 4v1 situations due to the ill-planned drop-in-out matchmaking, I very quickly adapted a guerrilla warfare-esc strategy to compensate for being the 1. It was a buttload of fun. The point being that when the game has you beat, make a new game.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by neoworm »

On the contrary - I always hated team modes because if you play just occasionally, like I do, you fail to do anything properly at best and get kicked and yelled at at worst. Kinda ruins the game if you can choose either this or being alone with few bots.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by TheBadHustlex »

TF2 is great in that matter:
You do have to kill the other team, but you never win by just doing that (except for payload-defense).

And even in Arena-Mode, it's a quite intense experience, as you stay dead after beeing killed.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by leileilol »

I don't hate deathmatch

I hate the StopHavingFunGuys that revise history as if the game was made for their picmippy blurtastic highfov nolighting obsess-about-Elo-and-kick way though
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by Oberron »

I don't! I just randomly choose the adversaries I face, a enviroment and I'm off!
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by xenoxols »

For me it depends entirely on the game. In quake 3, I like deathmatch. Back when I played halo, I liked CTF. Some games are better at it than others.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by ETTiNGRiNDER »

I don't "hate" deathmatch but I only play it once in a blue moon (and I'm usually bad at it when I do). I do dislike the trend that started with Q3A and UT for FPS games to be made with a "multiplayer is all that matters" mentality though.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by Hellser »

I tend to avoid Deathmatch. Much prefer playing with a team (and working with said team). There's also the issue of the friends I play with.. they call me "Host Advantage" - even when I'm not hosting.. and this usually happens when Instagib is running, or I have a sniper rifle (or Lightning Gun) in my hand.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by Marisa the Magician »

Yeah, the whole "pure skill pro-player" stuff kinda makes it unenjoyable. I'd prefer deathmatch if it's just a bunch of friends dicking around.

Shame I've never had anyone to play with back in the day.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by Arctangent »

edward850 wrote:I was under the impression that FFA (3+ people) was considered a party gamemode, nor something you do for hours unless you have a cycle of gimmick maps and mutators (although that really applies to doing anything for several hours :P).
Makes me wonder how well a Reelism-styled DM mod would work.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by leileilol »

Nexuiz (CryEngine) played kinda like that with its mutator random roulette mode where it shuffled 3 mutators at the same time after a duration during a match. It was kinda crazy. Too bad about THQ and the nexuiz fandumb to not realize this brilliance

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