HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R17 (17 Feb 2025)

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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 2.0 (NEW RELEASE!!!)

Post by Silentdarkness12 »

What about your load order? Is HXRTC loaded before or after HR2?
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 2.0 (NEW RELEASE!!!)

Post by 4thcharacter »

Silentdarkness12 wrote:What about your load order? Is HXRTC loaded before or after HR2?
Is it fine for you? No matter what my load order is, HR2's menu is invisible.
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 2.0 (NEW RELEASE!!!)

Post by wildweasel »

Hell Revealed 2 actually blanks out the menu option graphics, as the actual menu text is part of its M_DOOM graphic. If M_DOOM is getting replaced, that renders the menu invisible.
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 2.0 (NEW RELEASE!!!)

Post by 4thcharacter »

wildweasel wrote:Hell Revealed 2 actually blanks out the menu option graphics, as the actual menu text is part of its M_DOOM graphic. If M_DOOM is getting replaced, that renders the menu invisible.
I just played it with Community Chest 4. But this needs to be fixed because HR2 isn't the only one who has a custom menu graphics. Icarus comes into mind.
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 2.0 (NEW RELEASE!!!)

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Hi there again, I've re-uploaded the file for including some last-minute updates to special monster weapons' sound effects. Sorry for the delay, I've been quite busy with homeworking this week... :blergh:

Well then, time now for multi-quote! :)
-Ghost- wrote:Cool, I'm gonna give it a try now. I think the ModDB page may have either not updated yet, or didn't upload right, since the download is still version 1.7.
Yeah I noticed it, must have been a Moddb upload error. The file has been re-uploaded, please check it again!
Silentdarkness12 wrote:Whooooooooooooooo



But seriously, it's nice to see it's back already! :D

Looking forward to that shop system.
Working on it again, hope I can release it soon! ;-)
Mister Neauxbauxdeay wrote:When dual wielding the berettas or the plasma rifles, I am unable to fire both at once even if I press FIRE+ALT-FIRE simultaneously. Is this how it's supposed to work?
Yes, for the moment the dual weapons work that way... I haven't been able to make the simultaneous shooting work with both keys pressed, like in Brutal Doom or some other mods, yet as far I've read, it is required to use some quite advanced (and complicated) coding with Decorate and ACS... Sadly, that's out of my possibilities for now... :(

In fact, for implementing the dual weapons to the H-Pack, I had to choose between two possible methods:
- Method 1: Primary Fire shoots alternate projectiles with a delay of 0,5 seconds (right weapon first, left weapon last); Secondary Fire shoots both weapons at once.
- Method 2: Primary Fire shoots only the right weapon, Secondary Fire shoots only the left weapon. (Finally chose this one, I found it worked a bit better than Method 1).

However, and if there are enough requests, I can try to make an addon/mutator to change the dual weapons behaviour like the aforementioned Method 1...
jpalomo wrote:Do you mind if I update the enemy health bar for you? I updated my hud a while back to fix some issues.
Yeah, no problem at all, please go on! :)
4thcharacter wrote:Hell Revealed 2's menu is missing whenever this mod is loaded along with it. / No matter what my load order is, HR2's menu is invisible. / I just played it with Community Chest 4. But this needs to be fixed because HR2 isn't the only one who has a custom menu graphics. Icarus comes into mind.
Well, just have to say I've tried personally to load HR2 and CC4 with the mod, and in both cases the custom menu is successfully loaded. Also to say I have included in GZDoom.ini's autoload section the three PK3 files of the pack.

For avoiding this type of problems with customized-menu Megawads, you must ensure that HXRTC and its addons are always loaded BEFORE the Megawad. This way, in the (G)ZDoom's load processing, the default & custom graphics of the mod will be overwritten by the Megawad new ones, according to load priority. So, there is no need to make more fixes than this.

Personally I do not recommend to use the Drag & Drop file method to load custom Megawads into the (G)ZDoom.exe file (or using the Skins folder for autoloading), it's more reliable to use the Windows shortcut method or using a Doom launcher application. I suggest you take a look at this.

End of multi-quoting (phew!), doombye for now and keep having fun everyone! 8-)
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 2.0a (UPDATED 3 sep 2015)

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Hello! :toohappy:

A minor update of the H-Pack has been released, this version fixes a few problems present in v2.0 and includes a tiny bunch of new features:

- Fixed some missing enemy projectiles decals.
- A new wall-decal has been added for the Chainsaw weapon.
- Replaced the (old) Super Imp with a new enemy: the Centipede. A pretty dangerous giant worm creature, beware with him!
- Improved the Arachnotron, Chaingun Spider and Elite Arachnotron deaths. Now they have a 50% chance to explode violently, so stay back when they die!
- Repacked the main files in PK7 format instead of PK3.

As always, the download is available in the first post. Cheerio, and keep having fun! 8-)
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 2.0a (UPDATED 3 sep 2015)

Post by jpalomo »

I finally got around to updating the enemy health bar. I've made it a little easier to customize the scaling of the bar in regards to offsets (everything is centered). You can use a scaled resolution of 0 to use your video resolution. I would suggest changing the settings in the menu if you have used it previously. LInks:
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 2.0b (UPDATED 21 sep 2015)

Post by Hexereticdoom »

jpalomo wrote:I finally got around to updating the enemy health bar. I've made it a little easier to customize the scaling of the bar in regards to offsets (everything is centered). You can use a scaled resolution of 0 to use your video resolution. I would suggest changing the settings in the menu if you have used it previously. LInks:
Thanks a lot for the update JPalomo, it keeps working like a charm, very nice work! :thumb:

By the way, I've released another minor update to the H-Pack, in shape of v2.0b. In these one, some explosions effects have been updated, and also many smoke effects have been improved and optimized for increasing some in-game performance. Some player weapon sounds have been revised and fixed, too.

And the most important thing: the dual wield weapons behaviour has been changed. Remember about 'Method 1' and 'Method 2' I talked about in a previous post? Well, after thinking deeply in it, and after some megawad-test-playing, finally I've decided to make the swap between the aforementioned methods. Now, the Dual Berettas and Dual Pulse Rifles have alternate projectile shooting in Primary Fire, and both weapons are fired simultaneously in Secondary Fire.

Last, but not least, I have included JPalomo's Enemy Healthbar update to the main file pack, no need downloading it aside... :wink:

That's all for now folks, have fun and keep dooming away... 8-)
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 2.0b (UPDATED 21 sep 2015)

Post by durbdoogle »

Great Mod. Spices up the Doom gameplay :) Implementing a shop so you can use all the money you pick up would be cool :D Also, I always get a kick out of the fake gold coin pickup sound.
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 2.0b-u1 (UPDATED 27 sep 2015)

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Hi there, just a quick update to the H-Pack... :!:

Included a few minor bugfixings with some enemy projectiles, and re-balanced several random-spawners for improving the in-game experience.

Cheerio, keep having fun... 8-)
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 2.0b-u1 (UPDATED 27 sep 2015)

Post by Silentdarkness12 »

One day, i'll see the shop system. And then i'm gonna play the bejeezus out of this mod.
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 2.0b-u1 (UPDATED 27 sep 2015)

Post by durbdoogle »

This mod is great when you just want to shoot the hell out of some monsters. Any chance you could include an in game option to enable like a "performance mode" or a way to at least turn off the smoke effects from the mancubi shots. They kill my frame rate on the the Shield portable. I like this game so much, I have to have it on the go! :D Just a suggestion :)
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 2.0c (UPDATED 18 oct 2015)

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Hello dudes, here releasing a new revision of the H-Pack, v2.0c this time...

Apart from the usual improvings & bugfixings respect to prior releases, there are some highlights like these ones:

- New addon included: JP's HookShot v1. With this you'll obtain a versatile grappling hook for climbing up to not-accesible heights, crossing dangerous side-to-side cliffs and pulling-in/hurting distant enemies (in a similar way like Scorpion from Mortal Kombat series).
- A new enemy available: the Chaos Skeleton. This bony, fiery nightmare combines some Archvile and Diabloist's skills with even more dangerous ones, like stealthing and vicious surprise attacks. A very dangerous foe for sure! :shock:
- New game skills defined, now there are available 6 difficulty levels in total. (Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Very Hard and Insane). The two last ones are equivalent to classic Nightmare mode, but cheats are disabled by default and enemies make double damage. Furthermore, in Insane mode they are even faster, so these two skills are only for hardcore players! :)
- Mauler Demon and Satyr attacks revised, including new sprites for them. Mauler Demons can now "hop" more visually in their charge attacks. Also, the Satyrs are now more aggressive than before, instead of just wandering around, now they can leap against the player with a fast, slashing attack. So, it's better to keep your distance and your weapons ready! :|
- Some other bugfixes and minor improvements.

Hope you keep enjoying and dooming away! :wink:
Silentdarkness12 wrote:One day, i'll see the shop system. And then i'm gonna play the bejeezus out of this mod.
Coming in future v2.1, with a bit of luck! Hope my still very-limited ACS skills won't be an obstacle for it... :shucks:
durbdoogle wrote:This mod is great when you just want to shoot the hell out of some monsters. Any chance you could include an in game option to enable like a "performance mode" or a way to at least turn off the smoke effects from the mancubi shots. They kill my frame rate on the the Shield portable. I like this game so much, I have to have it on the go! :D Just a suggestion :)
Hello, I have already improved the performance in this release with some half-sized and non-smoke flames, so please check it!
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 2.0c (UPDATED 18 oct 2015)

Post by durbdoogle »

He'll yeah. Released just in time for a trip I'll be taking tomorrow! :D
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 2.0c (UPDATED 18 oct 2015)

Post by -Ghost- »

Cool, glad to see another release! I think the light/torch noises might be a bit loud. I was playing E2M2 and the fluorescent buzzing was almost deafening, couldn't even hear my music. I also feel pretty overpowered in regular Doom, what's your baseline for difficulty, Doom 2 UV, or harder?

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