Rail Revenant by Reaku the Crate
A Revenant edit used to denote a Rail Revenant in ZDoomWars. Credit goes to Reaku the Crate.
Dual Pain Elemental by Repoman
A very simple edit to denote the Dual Pain Elemental in ZDoomWars. Credit goes to Repoman.
Flame Mancubus by Me
A simple edit used to denote the Flamethrower Mancubus in ZDoomWars. I just resized and fitted the Doom 64 Manc's cannons to the Classic Manc. Ended up as a nice effect! Credit goes to me/Midway.
Female Marine Sprites by Me
A simple edit which creates a realistic representation of a female comrade of our beloved Doomguy. Gib frames past the first two would be the same as the default sprite so they are not included.
Freerunner mug version 1 by Xaser/Me
A simple edit which makes Xaser's Psyguy mug snarkier, cockier, and younger. Credit for the original mug edit goes to Xaser, credit for the edit of his edit goes to me.
Freerunner Mug Darkened version by Xaser/Me
The final, darkened version of the Mug for Freerunner. Credit for the original mug edit goes to Xaser, credit for the edit of his edit goes to me.
Battle-Scarred Female HUD by Me
A fully aligned and finished HUD for a class that was originally going to be in Doomvengers.
Woad-painted Battle-Scarred Female HUD by Me
A woad-painted version of the above HUD. This set hasn't been aligned and still has a background, but I figured I'd upload it.
Octoshotty Zombie by Me, edited from the work of LoganMTM
A simple edit commissioned by DoomKrakken which adds a whole four other barrels to the Logan's quad-shotty zombie. Is it reasonable? No. Is it hilarious? Yes. This download only includes the frames I had edited. The rest can be obtained from the QSG guy on Realm667.
Freerunner Darkened Arms by Icy Freezy/Me
A full set of the default Doom Hands with Icy Freezy's black glove set, and darkened skin and elbow band thingy courtesy of moi. Used for Freerunner in Doomvengers.
Doom Satchel by Me

A cheap little edit of the backpack to make it a little sling satchel thingy. Used for the Style Satchel in Doomvengers.