Thinking about it, I'm not sure if I've ever done anything truly evil; the worst I can think of is some of the dipshit stuff I did in my early days of high school, like partially unplugging the keyboard from a few computers. Yeah, my teenage years were...a bit less than happy, I'd wager.
I may or may not have consumed the devil liquid, alcohol, before I was entirely of legal age. I assure you, I hurried to church the very next day to dispose of the Burger King bag full of barf I threw out the car window on the way home confess my sins as soon as I could.
Dumpster dived a old oil filter, and a can of used motor oil
made a person who I hated car look like it had its filter removed and its oil drained
it was parked in the lot for at least 3 weeks, because they where stupid
Okay, okay, if dumpster diving is coming into question here...
About five years ago, I found a dumpster out front of someone's house in a neighborhood I lived nowhere near. It was about nine in the evening, nobody was awake nearby. I got curious and started digging through it. Inside the dumpster was an entire HP desktop computer. I had no tools with me, but it was easy to crack the thing open and root around in it.
I wasn't able to do much inside the case, but surprisingly,a few choice parts were not secured with screws. I think the machine was about six years old at the time, so the video card was an old Radeon, the RAM was not worth taking, etcetera. But there was a PCI wireless card (I couldn't get the screw undone with just my thumb nail so I just stole the antenna from it) and the hard drive, which was mounted with plastic tabs that were designed to make it easy to pull. I nabbed the drive and closed up the case before I left.
When I got home, I booted the nearest computer into a Linux live CD and hooked up that hard drive with a USB enclosure, and here is where the evil part comes in. Rather than doing the Lawful Good thing and simply formatting the drive, I poked around. I checked the Program Files, the Users, even the browser cache. Sadly (maybe), I found little more than a couple of cached images from a short Facebook session. The machine's previous owners had evidently wiped and reinstalled Windows on the computer before tossing it.
The hard drive in question? 40 gigabyte Seagate Barracuda. Hardly worth using even now.
I would think it would be tricking someone into thinking their car was unusable + poking around people's private data respectively that are evil rather than dumpster diving.
(I am not going to contribute an answer for this thread and will just say that it's reassuring to know how relatively non-life-altering, non-criminal and not-totally-explicitly-social-contract-rejecting people's answers have been so far.)
And speaking on the topic of looking at unformatted hard drives...
while in California I decided to purchase a computer from a thrift store so that I'd have a functional computer in my room. It was an old machine with Windows 98 on it, but it'd freeze up due to intellipoint on it. One I uninstalled that I got to poking around on the computer and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD WHY DID THEY NOT WIPE THIS THING. GM Financial Analysis reports for one of the plants in Michigan, a letter discussing the manner in which the owner's son was dismissed from college, basically enough information to make my head spin. I even thought about trying to connect with the person and letting them know their data was still here. I was told not to bother, but... I did attempt to back up all the relevant data to floppies.
this isnt the worst thing ive done, but i cant stop thinking about it and i feel bad about it, so i'll post about here. so the past couple of days i behaved like an asshole at a tread tormentor667 started. without knowing the whole situation i unjustly compared him to sargent mark iv, all over something that didnt even concern me and had been settled long ago.
In DnD, I murdered an orphan who tried to pickpocket me and fed his corpse to a cannibal. Not only did I get an assassin prestige class from that, I also got 5 gold from the cannibal. That was a fun campaign.
@raymoohawk: Try not to beat yourself up over it We've all said and done things on here we regret (I certainly have, repeatedly!), but half the time no one else will remember it in a week or so. Consider your sins confessed and don't worry about it.
I jumped into a lunch box from a kid, and it exploded with bananas everywhere, the guy got so pissed that he took a piece of metal, broke it in half and start running in direction to everyone who jumped into his lunch box...
Oh the evil times when I was a kid. (And yes, that guy was crazy, his favorite game was a demo from a 3D battleship game where the ai always cheated when he was losing, so you would always loose O_o )
The other one idk what was, but I remember it ended in death, no seriously, this is a joke, and it didn't happened rofl.