HDoom flashbacks? From silly ZDoom pickup lines? How do you even make those connections?Big C wrote:/me suffers HDoom flashbacks, foams at mouth, goes into convulsive seizures

HDoom flashbacks? From silly ZDoom pickup lines? How do you even make those connections?Big C wrote:/me suffers HDoom flashbacks, foams at mouth, goes into convulsive seizures
You might think it's hidden, you might think it's a secret, but I know.Caligari_87 wrote:scalliano wrote:Is that an array in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?Csonicgo wrote:What's next? ZDoom pickup lines?Yep, I'm a real Casanova...Code: Select all
ACTOR Me : IdealPartner REPLACES Old_SO { ActiveSound "sounds/greetings/yourelovely" States { Spawn: CALI AABBCCDD 4 A_Wander TNT1 A 0 A_Look Loop See: CALI EF 5 A_FaceTarget CALI G 10 A_PlaySound("sounds/greetings/loveyou") Goto Spawn } }
"Hi. I'm Randy."scalliano wrote:Is that an array in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?Csonicgo wrote:What's next? ZDoom pickup lines?
You got the BFG9000! Oh, yes.Csonicgo wrote:What's next? ZDoom pickup lines?
I don't know what I expected.esselfortium wrote:You got the BFG9000! Oh, yes.Csonicgo wrote:What's next? ZDoom pickup lines?
The What Did You Last Do thread is up a bit higher.fellowzdoomer wrote:I am taking a leave of absence. Don't start a manhunt thread. You will never find me!!
...no I'm serious.
Cant think of any... Oh wait!!Csonicgo wrote:What's next? ZDoom pickup lines?
Spoiler: Spoiler'd for lewdnessWell, that was weird.
DBThanatos wrote:Cant think of any... Oh wait!!Csonicgo wrote:What's next? ZDoom pickup lines?
Spoiler: Spoiler'd for lewdnessWell, that was weird.
Caligari_87 wrote:I'm pretty sure DBThanatos wins the pickup line contest. That works on so many levels, I can't think of anything to top it.
It only works on level 30.Caligari_87 wrote:That works on so many levels, I can't think of anything to top it.
No, ZDoom yo' mamma jokes...somebody wrote: What's next? ZDoom pickup lines?