HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R15b (9 Jun 2024)

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HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus R15b (9 Jun 2024)

Post by Hexereticdoom »


HXRTC PROJECT UPDATED WEAPONS SHOWCASE (Golden Edition video weapon test by Xenolix):

HXRTC PROJECT WEAPONS SHOWCASE (OLDER) (Golden Edition video weapon test by AbsoluteN7):

25 YEARS OF DOOM WITH HXRTC PROJECT (Golden Edition video gameplay by LeoDoom85):



HXRTC Project Golden Edition Plus compressed ZIP file includes the following content:
  • - HXRTC Project Golden Edition: this is the main file that contains all and each one of the basic things to play, including a special version of the HXRTC HUD.
    - JPHUD HealthBar v3.2.1: an optional but useful addon that allows to see the HP enemies you aim with your weapon. (Created originally by JPalomo; check his MODDB addon page for extra info).
    - JP Special Powers 3-in-1 v1.2: another optional addon that gives the player some special abilities like using a Grappling Hook for climbing unreachable heights or overcoming deep chasms, or being able to use a Double Jump and/or a Hovering effect for floating briefly in the air. (Also originally created by JPalomo; see this ZDoom forum thread for more info about it). [WARNING: THIS ADDON IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH REVISION 9, SO IT WON'T BE SUPPLIED ANYMORE WITHIN DOWNLOAD ZIP FILE].
    - HXRTC No Smoke SFX v1: a small addon for disabling several smoke cloud effects in the mod; if your computer is a bit old and/or slow, you may try this one for increasing the global performance of the game. (Not necessary at all on most modern-hardware machines).
    - HXRTC Project Classic Cursors: another small addon that will allow you to use the older knife-shape mouse cursor included in H-Project Final Edition, in case you don't like or get bored of the gold Lost Soul one.
    - HXRTC No Renegade Ambush: yet another small addon whose function is disabling the appearance of Renegade Marines that teleport near you randomly when killing certain enemies. If you find the mod too hard for this reason and/or you are not too experienced in the game, load this file and your way will be completely free from these turncoat guys... except for all other common enemies, of course. (WARNING: this addon will have no effect with those Renegade Marines -or some special scripted Marines- that are already preset or defined on some rare level maps).
    - Footsteps v4: with this nice addon you'll be able to hear your own footstep sounds when walking or running, either on solid floors or liquid/viscous surfaces. (Credits for The Zombie Killer, the original author).
From now on, there are also included in the ZIP file a small collection of external addons (they give some extra interesting features in the mod gameplay) and a few GZDoom patches that bring some improvements for the original classic Doom, Final Doom, Heretic & Hexen WADs, plus for some well-known custom megawads.

Most of these custom addons and patches have been originally created by several users; at the same time most of them are distributed as-is, without any modification (or almost none) and it's guaranteed that they're 100% compatible with the H-Project mod. For more further details, check the text files included in the ZIP's Addons and Patches respective folders.


The HXRTC Project is an addon for exclusive use with Doom & Doom II games, that means it won't work correctly with Heretic, Hexen or Strife games. However, it's fully compatible with many classic custom Doom megawads that don't alter the gameplay, monsters and/or weapons in a critic way. (For example, megawads using special definitions through DEHACKED lumps, unless a patch for them is created). You'll be able to play with HXRTC Project addon with megawads like Alien Vendetta, Community Chest series, Hell Revealed, Icarus, Memento Mori, Scythe, etc. Also you can use it with some auto-generated wads or megawads by Oblige or Obhack tools, so the fun can be almost endless!

If you don't have the required Doom or Doom II wad files to run this mod, alternatively you can download the FreeDoom Phase 1 & Phase 2 wads and still enjoy all your favorite megawads. Yes, the HXRTC Project is also compatible with FreeDoom! You can get the latest wad releases from the following website:



Well, as presumably and like many other existing mods, it adds plenty new things and features respect from the classic Doom. In fact, it has a huge bunch of new monsters (more than 200 different enemies actually, taken from several sources and customized specially for the mod), a large weapons arsenal (more than 50, including dual-wield modes) with also plenty of new items and new ammo types, and some exclusive abilities (in this mod the player has a bit more walk/run speed, can jump higher, has more health and armor capacity, and can enter in a 'rage-stage' if receives enough damage from enemies, doubling this way his attack power). Furthermore the monsters, weapons, ammo and items are totally randomized from one game to another, making player progress easier or tougher depending on map conditions and/or his luck.

In general terms, monsters are a bit harder in this mod than in classic Doom, but also the player weapons are quite more powerful than classic ones. Player starting weapon is a special pistol named Z-Gun, which has infinite ammo, but it's globally weaker than the rest of weapons, so like in Hexen game, it's better using it at first on weak enemies and save collected ammo for harder foes in latter levels. Also, some monsters have some special resistances depending of their nature elements (fire, ice, electric, stone or poison) so also some weapons can be less effective versus them than other ones. (More details in the mod's Help Screen!)

Killed enemies can drop (apart from weapons, ammo and/or items) coins and special treasures, which can be collected for increasing player's funds with the possibility of investing them buying some basic elements from Trade Shop Droids (special units spawned randomly in levels) like weapons, ammo & health refills, armors, special items, etc. There is also the possibility of meeting some special powerful allies to help you killing enemy hordes. Big bosses (Cybies and SM types I mean) will release a special prize for defeating them, a Mistery Box that can hide a lot of precious items or a nasty surprise, depending of your luck.

So well, all those features (and some more not detailed here) can be encountered in the mod, so if you're curious and want to discover yourself the rest of them, I recommend to download it and play it. Hope it will be a good and fun Doom experience for you! :wink:

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you're experiencing some problems executing HXRTC Project addon with your current GZDoom or LZDoom version, please check for a more recent version in their webpages, development versions are often recommended:



HOT TIP: If you are a GZDoom user and you own a good/newer computer, you should load also the LIGHTS.PK3 and BRIGHTMAPS.PK3 files provided in GZDoom's main folder for a better experience in game. For example, HXRTC Project includes a lot of new dynamic light definitions, but if you don't load the basic LIGHTS.PK3 within the mod, some of them may get missing. On the other hand, if your computer is quite old and/or slow, deactivating use of dynamic lights through GZDoom's options menu could be a good idea for increasing global game performance.

If you are using the JPHUD HealthBar for first time and having strange screen issues, you should go to GZDoom's Main Menu > Options > HUD Options > JP HealthBar Option and scale the health bar resolution conveniently to your actual screen size.

This Doom project has been created mainly from arranged & fixed versions of WEAPONS OF SATURN weapon mod and DOOM MONSTER RANDOMIZER monster mod, along with lots and lots of edited extra elements (most of them from Realm667 website) and some other additional random generators/spawners coded by me, for making your oddisey through Doom a bit different from one game to another.

By the way, the HXRTC Project has been created from multiple sources just and only for fun. So don't think bad, I'm absolutely not earning any money from it in any way, not even in the hosting and downloading file action. Just please enjoy and play, OK?

ABOUT THE HUD: From some versions ago, the HXRTC HUD for HXRTC Project is now fully integrated into the mod's main file, so it's no longer necessary loading it separately on GZDoom.

For showing the HUD correctly, you must set in Display Options a screensize of 11 and turn off the alternative HUD. On the other hand, if you find the size of the HXRTC HUD is too small, you should open GZDoom's HUD Scaling Options and tweak the Fullscreen HUD override option to the most suitable value for your computer (this can vary quite a lot depending on your current screen resolution, so try several values pressing Left or Right cursor arrows until you find the most appropriate setup for you).


Hope you have fun with the HXRTC Project mod. Enjoy and have a nice Doomsday! 8-)


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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.1

Post by mamaluigisbagel »

for a while, I thought you had disappeared. Glad to see your back, and with this add-on :D Using it immediately.
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.1

Post by -Ghost- »

Nice, glad to see you're still working on this. I've played through it a bit with Doom 1 and 2, and to be honest it feels too easy at the moment. I'll have to try it out with some harder mapsets to confirm, but for the most part I was running around with 200+ HP and armor for the majority of each level. You might need to just throw some tougher monsters in there, or maybe bring the default HP cap to 150 or 125 or something.

Also when I use the JPHUD addon I get weird colored artifacting/numbers across my screen, like it's trying to work but something isn't loading.
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.1

Post by RikohZX »

-Ghost- wrote:Nice, glad to see you're still working on this. I've played through it a bit with Doom 1 and 2, and to be honest it feels too easy at the moment. I'll have to try it out with some harder mapsets to confirm, but for the most part I was running around with 200+ HP and armor for the majority of each level. You might need to just throw some tougher monsters in there, or maybe bring the default HP cap to 150 or 125 or something.

Also when I use the JPHUD addon I get weird colored artifacting/numbers across my screen, like it's trying to work but something isn't loading.
I think it's moreso the JPHUD being broken, it looks like enemy health bars that are scaling to the size of the entire screen inexplicably.
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.1

Post by -Ghost- »

Yeah, that might be it, now that I look at how the HP bar is supposed to look in the OP pic.
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.1

Post by TheLightBad96 »

Here is my opinion on the mod and what i love about the mod.

The mod is very awesome and it provides a decent challenge

I Absolutely love the Health system in this with the stackable health system, Now i don't need to worry about wasting a perfectly good megasphere/soulsphere by accidentally running over it because it adds it's bonuses to my health going from 400+ to 500-600+ HP which is needed when playing maps with with OP monsters and rooms with a F**kton of powerful enemies.

The Normal health cap of 200 works well considering that with the monster randomizer some of the enemies in that class may be more powerful than the other example ( Imp = stoneimp and that imp that fires baron balls) (demon/pinky = IceDemon/Stonedemon which when they die they can still hurt you with the stone/ice shards).

I also find it pretty awesome but mildly irritating to find ammo boxes/health bonuses/medkits/berserk kits empty or used just to make it a little more difficult

my only gripe about the mod is that the shotgun ammo limit is a bit high 200-400 but that could be fixed by putting in a Automatic Shotgun or something to balance out the high ammo cap and the ice demon spreading Damaging ice shards after dying (especially in a small corridor)

And How to utilize the JPHUD { Main Menu > Options > Hud Options > JP health bar option > scale the health bar to your preference}

Overall i found this mod to be very enjoyable and Innovative (9.9/10) :D
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.1

Post by FreddBoy »

Im having an error when using 7-zip to extract the files, saying its an "unsupported compression method".

Any idea on whats wrong?
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.1

Post by Captain J »

nice mod, those new monsters are giving me a extreme killing spree so far! but i had some issues;

-first off, player's health is too much, don't you think? i mean, the difficulty is increased because of those new monsters. but that doesn't mean it's unplayable without a lot of health amount at the beginning.

-second, HB addon is pretty makes my hud funny, check this out;
and yes, i set my video setting into a opengl and run it with 1.9 version of gzdoom. what's wrong?

-and lastly, the player goes way too fast. unlike the vanilla speed, he sure running with speed of sound.

well, is first and last one was used to be in the original mod? because i can't remember it.
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.1

Post by -Ghost- »

The Thing Thing wrote:Here is my opinion on the mod and what i love about the mod.

The mod is very awesome and it provides a decent challenge

I Absolutely love the Health system in this with the stackable health system, Now i don't need to worry about wasting a perfectly good megasphere/soulsphere by accidentally running over it because it adds it's bonuses to my health going from 400+ to 500-600+ HP which is needed when playing maps with with OP monsters and rooms with a F**kton of powerful enemies.

The Normal health cap of 200 works well considering that with the monster randomizer some of the enemies in that class may be more powerful than the other example ( Imp = stoneimp and that imp that fires baron balls) (demon/pinky = IceDemon/Stonedemon which when they die they can still hurt you with the stone/ice shards).

I also find it pretty awesome but mildly irritating to find ammo boxes/health bonuses/medkits/berserk kits empty or used just to make it a little more difficult

my only gripe about the mod is that the shotgun ammo limit is a bit high 200-400 but that could be fixed by putting in a Automatic Shotgun or something to balance out the high ammo cap and the ice demon spreading Damaging ice shards after dying (especially in a small corridor)

And How to utilize the JPHUD { Main Menu > Options > Hud Options > JP health bar option > scale the health bar to your preference}

Overall i found this mod to be very enjoyable and Innovative (9.9/10) :D
Thanks for the heads up on the HUD. I went into the options and set my x and y scaled resolutions at 500.0 and it seems to have fixed it. I'm running at 1600x900 at the moment.

I agree with CJ too that the stat buffs are a bit too much, like the extra speed, and I think possible extra jump height? I like that they're there, but I think a better way to implement them would be finding items that give you permanent stat bonuses. Like a health item that boosts your max HP by a few points at a time, same for armor or ammo caps or speed. That way you can still get that edge, but not all at once.
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.1

Post by Captain J »

oh, and another issues; i think the massive numbers of stone and ice shards that comes from different pinkies when they dies are pretty pain in the butt to dodge or take them. especially when you have to fight with pinkies and spectres without covers or in small rooms like on the gauntlet from doom 2, they just flies all around and faster like they are on zero gravity and hurts me a lot. and i know having the large amounts of health or heavy armor covers me a lot from those. but if you are on low health or no armor, game over, man.

and what about the empty and broken items that spawned in every place? items should be need to help the player, not being useless. and i understood if those items are pretty overwhelming to make the game easy, but hell, we already have 200 health, after all.
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.1

Post by SyntherAugustus »

This was pretty fun to play with Oblige just now. It would be nice for a gameplay option to disable the "broken medikits", as that could really hurt vanilla wad gameplay.
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.1

Post by TiberiumSoul »

could you put a mirror link on dropbox for those of us who cant access ModDB
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Re: HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.1

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Wow, it's time again for some multi-quoting... :ugeek:

@mamaluigisbagel: Not disappeared, just quite busy with routine stuff, that's all... Enjoy the HXRTC Pack! :wink:

@-Ghost- & @Captain J: Well, I might say the H-Pack is more focused to play with harder megawads & levels than the classic ID's. For these last ones, if you find them too easy, it could be desirable to play them at hardest skills, or even better, using the Brutalized Doom 1 & 2 addons, for a more intense challenge.

About the player states, I buffed some of them (like the run speed and jumping) a bit for balancing some things, apart from little personal preferences. In H-Pack, Doomguy is stronger and more 'athletic', but on the other hand has to confront with a more varied & dangerous fauna, and also some strategy is required to survive, so if you're in an ambush situation, specially with a pinky & cousins group, you have time to run out of them faster. And if they chase you in a wall, you can still jump over them to escape and search a safe place. But, anyway, I'm actually thinking about these type of situations; perhaps in a future release I make the Hell Warrior's shield to be collectable and make a type of "defensive weapon", but first I have to think how to implement it...

@The Thing Thing: Thanks for your extended feedback! Glad you like the H-Pack in general. :thumb:

As you could see, the health system is somewhat inherited from Brutal Doom, but with some major changes, as you described them. But that stackable health advantage must also have a counterpart as a balance, that's where the 'wasted items' makes their move, forcing you sometimes to change your strategy through levels. And respect from the shell ammo capacity, will be more balanced when next revision of H-Pack, because it will include a new weapon, a Quad Shotgun. You'll waste more ammo then unlike with the standard Coach Gun!

By the way, I forgot to detail the JP Health Bar addon tweaking for resolve those screen issues, I'll update the first post info soon!

@FreddBoy: Quite strange, perhaps your downloaded file must be corrupted or must be a problem with your file compression program. Have you tried to extract it with another one? :?:

@blackfish: Yeah, Oblige can be also an interesting way to play with H-Pack! About the option to disable wasted items... Would it require the use of ACS? Because my knowledge of it is pretty null, as yet I've only worked with Decorate codings...

@TiberiumSoul: OK, sorry for the inconvenience, by the way I'm gonna upload inminently the 1.2 release and I'll provide all of you an alternative link! (I'm not a Dropbox user, hope Mediafire works also for you).
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Re: (UPDATED!) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.2

Post by Hexereticdoom »

New release uploaded, please check first post!

This one includes some major changes, for example: the old Coach Shotgun has been replaced by a more powerful Quad Shotgun; included fierce bloodhounds as a new enemy type for levels with Wolfenstein nazi soldiers, and included some new SFX for doors, elevators and other stuff! :3:

Keep having fun... :plasma: :rocket:
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Re: (UPDATED!) HXRTC Ultimate Pack 1.2

Post by Patriot1776 »

Haven't played 1.2 yet, but from 1.1, the biggest most annoying problem from my view has been the stone demons and ice demons and their shards that can take a major bite outta your health when they die if you are in a very close/confined space with them or have no room to maneuver. Required-to-finish-level traps that put a bunch of demons around you the instant you pickup a berserk pack are practically impossible to survive when you have no armor and don't have less than 300 health, and playing at the higher difficulties you recommend, its very likely often you'll be in that condition when you come across such traps. Nerfing the ice/stone demon shards a little may need to be looked at if its not been done already in 1.2. Yes, they'll become a little less dangerous, but with the preference of mapmakers to throw bull demons/spectres at you in huge packs at times, they become now disproportionately dangerous, especially in compared with the other nastier baddies.

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