[imgur]https://imgur.com/2ZZPxhN[/imgur]The Moderation Team wrote: Message from the Moderation Team
Yes, we are aware that this mod was recently involved in a shitstorm controversy and ended up changing some things in order to attempt to gain wider appeal. We are well aware of Tormentor667's involvement in this controversy and certain actions he has taken. We know some of those actions were bad.
But we also know the actions that were taken by him and his team to try and right the wrongs that have been done. We accepted his apology and gave him a second chance - that is something we try to do with most people here.
So now - you are hereby warned: That stuff is in the past now. We're sick and tired of hearing about it. So is the BOA team. And so is literally everyone on the planet who hasn't been living under a rock for the past 3 months. If you bring it up, your post will be removed, you will get a warning, and may even be banned/tempbanned from the forum. We're done with it - the time to voice your opinion is long in the past now. Thank you.
~ Signed, Rachael
Blade of Agony is a story-driven FPS. The project is inspired by WWII shooters from the 90's and early 2000's, like Wolfenstein 3D, Medal of Honor, and Call of Duty, but with faster-paced gameplay in the spirit of Doom! The game can be played standalone using the GZDoom engine as a base.
It's 1942, and the war approaches its peak. The U.S. has joined the Allied forces, and the Soviets are pushing back the front in the east. The tides of war are turning, and Hitler's victory seems more and more beyond his grasp. But the Nazis, refusing to capitulate, have grown obsessed with human experiments and occult artifacts, in which they see a potential escape from their final Doom. The Allied leaders reject this possibility as nonsense; nonetheless, some still fear what the Führer might be up to. The situation is nebulous, however, and little is certain.
You are Cpt. William "B.J." Blazkowicz, an Allied spy, a fearless risk-taker, and the greatest soldier to ever take up arms in World War II. Your role has changed, though; you've retired from active duty, and now you spearhead operations as a systems analyst. You thought it would be the right choice--leading and motivating instead of doing the dirty work--but lately you've grown restless. At least until a few days ago, when you received an encrypted message from your old friend and comrade Cpt. Douglas Blake, calling you back to duty...
Blade of Agony is much more than just a pastiche of the classic shooters that inspired it; the project will offer a unique experience. It also has many features not often seen in source port projects--Blade of Agony truly pushes GZDoom to its limits.
- 30 playable and unique levels in 3 different chapters (plus secret maps)
- Orchestra-quality game music
- Voice acting and ambient soundscapes
- A combination of low-poly models and hi-resolution sprite assets to create the perfect retro feeling
- Devastating armaments from the battlefields of WWII
- Interactive NPCs that support the twisted plot's progress and help you understand the game
- Improved enemy AI for more dynamic and challenging fights
- Beautiful special effects (weather, elements, explosions, etc.)
- Modern post-processing shaders (motion & effect blur, noise, flares, etc.)
- Much, much more!
If you are interested in helping us improving the game, the easiest way to do so is by making pull requests to the project's GitHub repository. The development repo is public, and we are happy to have any kind of help. We can't promise to implement every public change, but we'll have a thorough look at all of them, and we'll be thankful for any helpful improvements or suggestions.
Screenshots tell more than words, don't they? Additionally to the shots below, a huge collection can be found on our webpage.
There are numerous videos around the web that already show how Blade of Agony plays. I have added some interesting ones to this thread, more can be seen here or on YouTube - check them out and get psyched!
The final release is out, but there is still room for improvements to be done. Are you interested in helping us with these and support the next release of Blade of Agony? Drop us a line and let us know via GitHub issues.
You are encouraged to create your own weapon, enemy and gameplay mods, or user addons with new maps and new content. We are happy to place them here and on the official webpage, just let us know what you have prepared. If you want to start developing anything for Blade of Agony, you might want to take a closer look at the editing docs.
You want more? More information? More content? More hype? Check the official webpage under http://boa.realm667.com
It is done!