Finally getting a chance to reply to all these comments, which I thank you for, by the way.
matuloco wrote:
That Arcane Witch looks amazing and in consonance with Heretic's art style. Have you tried different color translations for it? more than one combination might look great.
I have not had a chance to actually try it in-game yet, but I imagine some color translations would work really well!
Seidolon wrote:
I'll use those in my heretic mod when you finish them, if that's ok with you.
Sure, go ahead. However, I may release a 'basic' version of the sprite sheet at first (which I have good progress on), as I planned quite a number of unique attacks for the enemy, which will utilize many different animations. I had asked Ghastly for help creating the Decorate code for it once I completed everything, and I'd hate to back out on such a request! We will see what happens when the time comes.
Captain J wrote:
would you like to work with combine kegan's GMOTA? i bet he really would like your sprite works especially dark fantasy style sprites like this one.
I had thought about that in the past, but believe it or not, this is actually my first enemy I've ever created for a Doom engine game, so I am not sure how well I would do on new creations. Not to mention I still have to see if this will actually fit during gameplay! It would be interesting though, as I've always had thoughts about participating in a project.
Gothic wrote:
Psssst... Blaspherer...
It is made from scratch? She looks amazing.
I actually combined the Heretic Wizard top half with the Hexen Bishop bottom half and used those as a base! For the front view anyway. Here is an early draft of the sprite to get an idea: