[Release] The Trailblazer - 1.5e

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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Zhs2 »

They're also named "Cradle" and "Grave", a reference to Blood's first episode. :)
iSpook wrote:While I could say you don't have to bind a new button (Well, except the Manual run button, but that's not a NEW button. :P), but I Understand.
I actually use the walk key to move slowly on thin-skating platforms, something Trailblazer's low health speeds aren't very conducive for when running, oh no. (All speed bonuses do not apply when TB is moving below a certain degree of input control on the movement axis. You can see this effect with a joystick.) I suppose toggling autorun off is also an option, but...
amv2k9 wrote:CRAZY LIKE A FOX
I'm glad somebody is, and I was hoping someone would see that comment some day, in some Pillow project. The question is, will it actually happen? :wink:
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Ed the Bat »

Zhs2 wrote:They're also named "Cradle" and "Grave", a reference to Blood's first episode. :)
Which itself is a play on a line used in The Tatler by Richard Steele (1709): "A modest fellow never has a doubt from his cradle to his grave."

And this, potentially, could be based on an even earlier use on the idiom.
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by wildweasel »

Incidentally, Ransom's two revolvers from The Stranger - Cain & Abel - were actually inspired by the "Angel Arms" revolvers from Trigun.
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Unholypimpin »

Anyone else having trouble fighting icon of sin bosses with this?
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Enjay »

On the contrary. Two well placed shots from the Patriarch will kill the Icon on MAP30 of Doom2. The Bitchmaker can do it in 4-5 shots too.
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by zrrion the insect »

I am not sure how I have failed to comment on the glory that this mod it, but I am doing it now.
This mod is glorious.
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by oODemonologistOo »

Is there an ammo spawner for the nutcracker in Doom? I couldn't come by any.
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Captain J »

and mathematically, zero and infinity is names of the Zero Prophet's doom mod called zero tolerance. despite it's heavy energy weapons. hope they counts but rather religiously.
Last edited by Captain J on Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Ed the Bat »

Captain J wrote:and scientifically, zero and infinity gun combi is names of the xaser's doom mod called zero tolerance. despite it's heavy energy weapons. hope that counts but rather religiously.
Zero Prophet made that, not Xaser.
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Captain J »

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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Valherran »

This was a fun MOD, especially nice that it plays with Heretic as well. The guns were OP as hell though, it made the hardest difficulty setting laughable. :lol:
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by FreddBoy »

Right, after playing this through a few WADs and having a blast, time for some serious feedback for this mod!

- The weapons are powerful, but not OP. Very nice balance between weapon types, and kudos on making the chrome justice shotgun use 3 shells per shot, perfect way to balance it against the dual shotguns.
- However, you may want to decrease the size of the projectile of the bitchmaker, many times I've hit the corner of a wall while shooting through a not exactly small window, perhaps a 20-25% reduction would be ok.
- The patriarch is CRYING out for a LVG secondary attack, as bouncing grenades around corners or down pits would be a godsend on some maps.
- Maybe increase the magazine size of the sidekick to 20 rounds to help keep it viable until you get a FMG. As the leadspitter is horrible at range, the sidekick is useful for long shots to save ammo.
- The nutcracker needs to have a LOT less recoil when firing, as you can't really tell you've hit with it. Maybe increasing the reload to compensate would keep it balanced, or add an ADS as an secondary attack option for more accuracy.
- Maybe adding an item guide in game or on this mod page to explain the different sphere effects, especially the blur sphere replacement. I realised after I picked it up a few times what it did, but others might wonder what it does exactly.
- minor HUD issue, there is no icon (like the bottle of Piss) to show that you own a hazmat suit, just green numbers.
- like wise, there's no icon to show that you own a pair of NVG too. Yes I know the icons up the top right of the screen show you using them, but actually knowing you have them is nice too.
-The minigun. OH HELL TO THE FUCK YES!

Well, that's just my initial thoughts, but nonetheless, a damn fine mod, and I hope you can expand a bit more on it too!
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Zhs2 »

oODemonologistOo wrote:Is there an ammo spawner for the nutcracker in Doom? I couldn't come by any.
Broke in v1 Trailblazer! Grab v1.1 to fix that.
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Crudux Cruo »

Well, ill keep this short since this is largely going to be watered down personal bias, keeping in mind this is meant to be bigger than life and over the top. i realize im sort of the black sheep here, since russian overkill is the inspiration here and seeing how i just couldn't stand its balls-to-the-wall power. this isn't my cup of tea but.. her goes.

Add +NOEXTREMEDEATH to bullet weapons, and perhaps to the machete as well.
Pistol is sorta wonky looking, the dual revolvers have been given short shrift. make the Bosavso the ammo free backup, and BEEF UP THE REVOLVERS! the way it is now the bosavso is the primary, and the pistols are no ammo backups, and as a result, suck. reverse it please.
Maybe reduce the clip size on the LMG a tad? 70 bullets makes it almost better to use than the uzis for most situations.
Bitchmaker and patriarch almost do the same thing, and there is so much ammo its impossible to run out. i end up just using the patriarch because its faster than the bitchmaker; the bitchmaker really doesn't do anything better than the patriarch except that it shoots in a straight line.
Minigun is way over the top in that it too never runs out of ammo. i'd suggest maybe making it spend 2 or 3 bullets at a time instead so its not so over the top.
the rifle is just balls. just remove it. it looks terrible, its overpowered, and the recoil is rediculous. it just takes away from everything else i feel.

In a nutshell, my biggest complaint isn't the fact the weapons are stronger, but rather than they vary wildly in power and balance to the point that if you just had one gun, the others wouldn't really matter as much. as it is now, if i had all the low level guns and got to choose one special weapon (minigun, rifle, grenade launcher, magnum), i really wouldn't need anything besides maybe the grenade launcher. Part of balance is that no weapon gets unused... but this isn't whats in here. I still play this and have fun, but i avoid using any of the large weapons because it just really becomes hugely unbalanced, more so than it is.

So, if you do balance these, i'd say its not so much a matter of dialing it back a bit (although i'd like that), as much as making sure every weapon is indispensable, and the scale of power is linear. With that being said, that's my 2 cents on the matter.
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Enjay »

Crudux Cruo wrote:various points
It is most peculiar to me that I can find almost nothing in that post that I can agree about. I read each and every point and thought "nope, that's not how I see it".

Please believe me that isn't intended as any kind of insult or me trying to start a fight. I note that you prefaced your comments with an introduction that explained your position and your personal preferences and I like the way you put your points constructively. So, I am genuinely only commenting that I really do find it interesting that our opinions on this mod can be so different.

Vive la différence!

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