Reactor wrote:If I were you, I'd also add a few automated turret guns which also shoot lasers, and they'd require a megablast to destroy.
Sounds interesting. I might be able to add that, though I'm not sure which monster I'd replace with it. Custom maps would be in order; I need a good texture pack full of grey-blue rocks, stones, and metals. As for those little slug fellas, I already thought I could have those rarely replace health or armor bonuses, so that every now and then you've got a little venomous slug wandering in a room.
Reactor wrote:In this mod, it's good to actually see how many shots you have left. In the original game, it was damn annoying that you can't see how much energy left in yer pistol.
Yeah, I haven't implemented any kind of ammunition here. This pistol just fires forever, which is kind of necessary unless I had maps with chargers in them. I'd rather not use ammo pickups -- just feels out of place with Another World.
Reactor wrote:I see what I can assist you with...I have animated rocks which'd work nicely as falling stones, and sound effects.
Well, that's a start. Big factors here are going to be monster sprites, which I haven't got the confidence to rotate, and textures/artwork in general. My spriting skills, while not the worst, are not exactly fantastic. I'm sure I can draw up one of those stinger slugs, though.
Right now, I'm just taking things easy with this, but I appreciate your enthusiasm; I think I'd like as well as you to see this thing become a reality. It'd be really neat to make a mapset resembling the environments from Another World and to script the thing all the way through with its appropriate story and puzzles, but it's a huge task that I'd originally not even planned on.
Basically, I'm fine with mapping and coding, but sprites aren't necessarily my strong point and I'm going to need a lot of artwork to make something like this. Until then, I'm going to just make a little gameplay mod out of this.
EDIT: I've just uploaded another tweak! The player can no longer move and charge his pistol at the same time. I'm not so sure about this one, I'll have to play with it some more. The biggest implication here is that you must place shields in an open area before you can safely attempt to use a charged shot; you can't simply charge it and turn the corner anymore.