[WIP] Wolfenstein Ultra (v4)

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[WIP] Wolfenstein Ultra (v4)

Post by YukiHerz »

Wolfenstein Ultra
Wolfenstein Ultra aims to be a Wolfendoom-styled mod that uses classic Wolfenstein 3D sprites with modern assets (mainly sounds) and upgraded gameplay.
In time, i'll work on its own map set, which will be separate from the main mod, but for testing, this mod should work with the original and nocturnal conversion by Laz Rojas and updated by Ceejay and NightFright.

-Knife, standard melee weapon.
-Luger, German pistol with optional silencer.
-Colt 1911, American pistol that can be dual wielded.
-TT Pistol, Russian Pistol, a little bit stronger than the Colt and Luger.
-MP-40, German submachinegun.
-StG-44, German Assault Rifle with two fire modes (Full Auto and Semi).
-Type 100, Japanese Submachinegun that's slower than other machineguns but does a little extra damage.
-Gatling Gun, Big ol' boss.
-Type 38, Japanese rifle, very accurate and deadly, slow due to bolt action.
-Winchester 1912, a shotgun great for short to medium distances.
-Prototype Hand Mortar, a protype for modern Grenade Launchers.
-Panzerschreck, Reusable rocket launcher.

-First Relase
(You only need to download the first one on the list unless otherwise stated).

-ID Software.
-Infinity Ward.
-Splitwolf, PSTrooper, ArmanAhmadi, David G and Anyone i missed from the Wolfenstein Sprite Fix and Rotations Project.
-Raven Software.
-The Man Who Knows.
-EA Los Angeles.

Spoiler: AceOfWolves shit
Last edited by YukiHerz on Sat Oct 24, 2015 12:30 pm, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] Ace of Wolves

Post by YukiHerz »

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Re: [WIP] Ace of Wolves

Post by wildweasel »

Currently giving this a run with Fragport. I've so far found that if you only have one 9mm bullet left, the MP 40 still fires a burst of two. [edit] Same with the StG 44. Also, the chaingun is a rather overpowered weapon to have so much available ammo for.
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Re: [WIP] Ace of Wolves

Post by YukiHerz »

Thanks, didn't notice that little detail with the machineguns, as for the gatling, i've made the ammo belts much more uncommon (now replacing CellPacks)

Also, thanks to Sgt.Shivers for the help with some weapons.

New version is up.
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Re: [WIP] Ace of Wolves

Post by Josh771 »

Played through a handful of maps in Flashback to Hell with this, and I must say that there was plenty of ammo for the vulcan and the panzerficker. I didn't really use the vulcan much because of the disconcerting recoil; felt like I was headbanging every time I fired the thing. As for the panzerficker, I actually appreciated having enough rockets to basically use them anytime the opportunity arose. Don't know if it's a balance issue or not, though.

A singular complaint about the handguns: they're dreadfully inaccurate at range. It'd be nice to perhaps reintroduce Doom's original "sniping" behavior for the first shot -- only on the handguns. Or perhaps they could be given some strong recoil in exchange for a slightly faster rate of fire and more accuracy.

Favorite weapon was the P38. :) Whipped that out and cleared rooms out with it one monster at a time, if I could find cover. I'm a big ammo conservationist, so I like to grab a semi-automatic weapon with plentiful ammo and make it the mainstay of my loadout. All in all, I approve of the Wolfenstein / WWII theme here. I enjoy a good bullet hail every now and then; I can do without plasma weapons.

Now I just need a good Doom-to-Wolfenstein monster replacer. Or something similar.

EDIT: This was previous to your latest update; just ignore the comment about having lots of vulcan ammo. :P
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Re: [WIP] Ace of Wolves

Post by YukiHerz »

Thanks for your time checking the mod!

I still gotta balance the ammo, peraphs changing the "real life" ammo types with more arcadey variants (something like, "Mp 40 Ammo") to have a better time balancing it out.

The handguns, yeah, they could do with a better range, peraphs an alt attack with better accuracy.

When i'm done with weapons i want to move on to enemies, i already have some faint ideas, but for now weapons are in the focus.
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Re: [WIP] Ace of Wolves

Post by YukiHerz »


Mainly added the normal HUD and did some small fixes on weapons.

Now both Walthers have high accuracy AltAttack.

Also, votation to decide what to do about ammo.
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Re: [WIP] Ace of Wolves

Post by Josh771 »

Voted. :) I always prefer realistic ammunition in games whenever I can find it -- even fictional ammunition wouldn't bother me so much. I just prefer that feeling that it isn't just some pickup in a game, but that it's actually a manufactured product with a history of invention behind it. Even if you end up taking the more generic route, though, I appreciate having shared ammo types between weapons. Adds to the complexity of the game, so long as one weapon isn't simply a straight improvement over the other. Just my two cents.

EDIT: I just noticed the alt-fires on both handguns use no ammo.
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Re: [WIP] Ace of Wolves

Post by YukiHerz »

Update time:

-Fixed the handgun alt-fires not using ammo.
-Re-worked the ammo replacing, now custom random spawners replace every ammo type, if something feels unbalanced just let me know.
So i kept the realistic ammo.

-Fullscreen HUD

New poll, regarding maps in the future.
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Re: [WIP] Ace of Wolves

Post by Josh771 »

Voted, again. :) I was torn between "Doomy" and "Wolfendoom," but ultimately I voted for more Wolfendoom-like maps. I kind of want to see a nice blend of Doom and Wolfenstein in the maps, really. Maybe some kind of sci-fi Nazi installation? I dunno. Anyway, I rather like this mod, so keep up the good work! :D Was playing Fragport with this today. That vulcan mows down the big baddies pretty handily, and I rarely find myself with less than half ammunition for it. I'll see if the new version is more balanced.
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Re: [WIP] Ace of Wolves

Post by YukiHerz »

Updated yet again:

-Added fullscreen HUD (may be changed to make it "less small").
-Some weapon fixes.
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Re: [WIP] Ace of Wolves

Post by wolf00 »

w ppk fire sound weird to me, it is like from magnum firearm.wichester 1897 can be nice[& fit in ww2 timeline nicely]
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Re: [WIP] Ace of Wolves

Post by Slax »

You nazi demons are gonna pay for shooting up my wife!
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Re: [WIP] Ace of Wolves

Post by YukiHerz »

wolf00 wrote:w ppk fire sound weird to me, it is like from magnum firearm.wichester 1897 can be nice[& fit in ww2 timeline nicely]
They sounds are not actually based on the weapons themselves, so that's why it may sound a little weird by now, but i want to change that.

Nazi zombies are overrated, Nazi Demons...
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Re: [WIP] Ace of Wolves

Post by wolf00 »

ok thx for explain ...

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