OSJC's QUAKE - Descent into Heresy - revisited

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Re: OSJC's QUAKE-DIH (on hold) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2014)

Post by Cacobus »

Cacobus wrote:This a very cool mod,and your right it does have a nice old school feel to it,but any chance you could please make the corpses,and body parts have some random hidden items such as nandes, bullets,health,ect,ect?but you would have to destroy the corpses first in order to obtain them,just a thought.
I am sorry this message was for your other addon,please disregard,I am very tired.
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Re: QUAKE: Descent into Heresy (WIP) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2

Post by osjclatchford »

Captain J wrote:...hope he spoke the truth.
what do you mean by that J?
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Re: OSJC's QUAKE-DIH (on hold) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2014)

Post by Captain J »

I said i hope my guessing was right; you don want update this mod anymore just like what you said nefore.
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Re: OSJC's QUAKE-DIH (on hold) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2014)

Post by osjclatchford »

ERM. Yeah. OK got that. But they still doesn't really answer the question. Why? :?
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Re: OSJC's QUAKE-DIH (on hold) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2014)

Post by Captain J »

well, they keep says you need to keep update your mod, even since you said no back in the thread. so i replied with your saying that why you don't want to update more. but i thought my guess could be wrong even it's sure, so i said i hope you spoke the truth.

that's all, no offence.
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Re: OSJC's QUAKE-DIH (on hold) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2014)

Post by osjclatchford »

No offence at all. Gotcha now. Was a little confused for a bit there is all... think the language barrier must have got us lol...
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Re: OSJC's QUAKE-DIH (on hold) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2014)

Post by Sgt. Shivers »

So I thought it would be cool to do a re-texure set for heretic for this.
Still a lot of weird clashes to fix but otherwise it's not bad. :D
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Re: OSJC's QUAKE-DIH (on hold) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2014)

Post by Captain J »

oh, now this one. it's sure has a awesome looking, i'd better try it out.
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Re: OSJC's QUAKE-DIH (on hold) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2014)

Post by osjclatchford »

Sgt. Shivers wrote:So I thought it would be cool to do a re-texure set for heretic for this.
Still a lot of weird clashes to fix but otherwise it's not bad. :D
This desperately needs a DL link :wub:
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Re: OSJC's QUAKE-DIH (on hold) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2014)

Post by Legend »

Finally got around to giving this a try and it is very cool. The weapons somehow oddly fit with heretic and adds some new fun to the game.

The only weapon I wasn't that fond of was the lightening gun. Was never that fond of the original either though.

I get that quad damage replaced the tome, but still woulda been cool to see some tome power up effects though I can see how they wouldn't quite fit with the weapons.

I went poking around with Slade and saw some rather cool looking weapon sprites that looked like a suped up Hellstaff. What was this planned for? as far as I can tell, it is not actually used in game.
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Re: OSJC's QUAKE-DIH (on hold) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2014)

Post by -Ghost- »

Yeah. I'm always happy to be able to shoot the Heretic enemies with regular guns. It's very cathartic after the weak feeling default guns.
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Re: OSJC's QUAKE-DIH (on hold) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2014)

Post by osjclatchford »

Legend wrote:Finally got around to giving this a try and it is very cool. The weapons somehow oddly fit with heretic and adds some new fun to the game.
thanks! that's what I was going for...
Legend wrote:The only weapon I wasn't that fond of was the lightening gun. Was never that fond of the original either though.
same here :wink:
Legend wrote:I get that quad damage replaced the tome, but still woulda been cool to see some tome power up effects though I can see how they wouldn't quite fit with the weapons.
indeed they don't. thats why its like it is :)
Legend wrote:I went poking around with Slade and saw some rather cool looking weapon sprites that looked like a suped up Hellstaff. What was this planned for? as far as I can tell, it is not actually used in game.
sorry about that, leftovers from this:http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f= ... ic#p660643 sloppy I know but laziness abounds where I'm concerned...
-Ghost- wrote:Yeah. I'm always happy to be able to shoot the Heretic enemies with regular guns. It's very cathartic after the weak feeling default guns.
thanks, isn't it just so true? :twisted:
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Re: OSJC's QUAKE-DIH (on hold) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2014)

Post by Legend »

osjclatchford wrote:
Legend wrote:I went poking around with Slade and saw some rather cool looking weapon sprites that looked like a suped up Hellstaff. What was this planned for? as far as I can tell, it is not actually used in game.
sorry about that, leftovers from this:http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f= ... ic#p660643 sloppy I know but laziness abounds where I'm concerned...
Shame. I was hoping it was a planned new weapon or even a replacement for the lightening gun. That would have been a cool twist on it.

Thanks for bringing your other heretic/hexen mod to my attention though. I will definitrly check it out.
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Re: OSJC's QUAKE-DIH (UPDATE) texture addon (3rd jan 2015)

Post by osjclatchford »

new year, time to clean up the old and move on...

ok since sgnt shivers made this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/141866421/QD4H.wad texture add on I noticed some clashing issues with the liquids when its used with my mod.
as such I've redone the lava and water fall textures and redone the splash in the new quake style colour-scheme so it now looks great!
here it is in an easy to add on add-on!
qd4h(FIX ADDON).zip
further enhances the whole quake/heretic mash up nicely and adds further quakeyness to the stock heretic levels. in fact its amazing how different they feel with new textures!

run thus: zdoom.exe -file nashgore.wad -file quake-dih_1.pk3 -file qd4h.wad -file qd4h_fix.pk3

hell I can't leave it alone! I thought the skies deserved some quake treatment! don't ask me why but id preferred purple as the ideal sky colour of choice back in '96. so I knocked up three quakey purple skies in the heretic pallette and added them into the fix add-on:
dih tex fix addon.zip
here's a screenie to show it off.
I feel it really sets the mood...
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title screens?! surely not!

Post by osjclatchford »

...evil I know but whatcha gona do.:wink:

so I've finaly relented and found that increasing the axe-speed to about half of the time makes it kinda-actually-useful now. sorry for my stubborn pigheadedness about this in the past: guys you were right! seriously sorry I should of listened to you; my un-official beta testers instead of being obstinant. in fact it took my wife leaning over my shoulder going; "that axe is a bit bloody slow isn't it? you're getting slaughtered by those hitty mummy blokes aren't you?" "its intentional, cos of the foot thing, remember?!"says I "well whats the point of it if it doesn't even work. waste of time making it at all..."she says shaking her head and walking away. so thank her too! LOL

also I've knocked up the following pics for the texture addon fix pack thingy in a vague attempt at making seem more of a professional total or partial conversion mod of heretic. :? basically a new start/console screen, a couple of quickstart help screens and a basic credit screen...
title graphics.PNG
top left 'title', bottom left 'credit' top right 'help1' bottom right 'help2' clearly based on conback graphic texture from quakes id1.pak...
as yet neither of the packs are updated with this or the new axe code yet. soon I hope though...technical difficulties at present... :roll:

oh, and before anyone asks; sgt. shivers is on the credits because of the fact he made the whole texture pack addon for this mod. this total/partial (whatever it is) conversion would not even exist without his making this pack. other comprehensive credits will be listed in the credits section of the readme.txt in the final edition...
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Last edited by osjclatchford on Sat Jan 10, 2015 4:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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