OSJC's QUAKE - Descent into Heresy - revisited

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Re: QUAKE: Descent into Heresy (WIP) v_3b3 (sun 10th aug 201

Post by Dark-Assassin »

I am a derp. Though, I'm quite sure I used -iwad HERETIC.WAD in the command line. I could have just misspelled it.
Ah well, it must have been set to autoload doom2.wad if not specified or incorrect. And silly linux only uses the terminal output so it's not easy to see which IWAD you are loading if you aren't paying attention.
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Re: QUAKE: Descent into Heresy (WIP) v_3b3 (sun 10th aug 201

Post by osjclatchford »

Easy enough mistake to do... we've both done it lol!
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Re: QUAKE: Descent into Heresy (WIP) v_3b3 (sun 10th aug 201

Post by Valherran »

Anything new on this? This game could really use that Axe you were working on. :-P
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Re: QUAKE: Descent into Heresy (WIP) v_3b3 (sun 10th aug 201

Post by osjclatchford »

as a matter of fact yes (the axe has been in for some time now actually) but sad news is that filesnack just folded. no longer accepting uploads but files will stay on for one more year (up to 15th sept 2015) this is a serious bast for me as filesnack was the only sharesite i could get to work on my antiquated machine. can anyone suggest a free fileshare that isnt googles, dropbox, 4shared or the other obvious one I cant quite remember at the minute. LOL

media-fire that was it... oh and don't ask me how but for some reason I went to it and it logged me in without prompting at let me upload so i figure I ust have sighned up long ago but it never worked properly at the time LOL seems to work now so have at it, update:
https://www.mediafire.com/?uiiodcvhokbe31y this version includes better explosion sprites for rocket and the nailgun muzzleflashes are recoloured to fit in better now...
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Re: QUAKE: Descent into Heresy (WIP) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2

Post by Caligari87 »

Maybe sendspace? Also, those other sites should work, depending on your browser, not your computer... Are you running Firefox or Chrome? Just about everything should work in either of those.

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Re: QUAKE: Descent into Heresy (WIP) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2

Post by Valherran »

Odd that I didn't see that update with the Axe... Anyways I checked it out, looks great.

However, that Axe BADLY needs a ROF increase, waaay too slow to be useful.
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Re: QUAKE: Descent into Heresy (WIP) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2

Post by osjclatchford »

Valherran wrote:Odd that I didn't see that update with the Axe... Anyways I checked it out, looks great.

However, that Axe BADLY needs a ROF increase, waaay too slow to be useful.
:roll: sigh...
new version is up now with aforementioned axe. it behaves very differently to its quake counterpart but that is due to the fact that the kick more or less replaces the original axe behaviour. this axe is half as fast but twice as strong. which might seem pointless but we needed an axe and truth-be-told the quad makes it quite impressive indeed... oh, and before anyone mentions it, yes, it goes a bit clippy when you have the hud on full expansion. I can live with it, I'm sure you can too... enjoy!
getting a little tired of having to keep repeating myself in every one of my project/resouce threads...
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Re: QUAKE: Descent into Heresy (WIP) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2

Post by Valherran »

osjclatchford wrote:
Valherran wrote:Odd that I didn't see that update with the Axe... Anyways I checked it out, looks great.

However, that Axe BADLY needs a ROF increase, waaay too slow to be useful.
:roll: sigh...
new version is up now with aforementioned axe. it behaves very differently to its quake counterpart but that is due to the fact that the kick more or less replaces the original axe behaviour. this axe is half as fast but twice as strong. which might seem pointless but we needed an axe and truth-be-told the quad makes it quite impressive indeed... oh, and before anyone mentions it, yes, it goes a bit clippy when you have the hud on full expansion. I can live with it, I'm sure you can too... enjoy!
getting a little tired of having to keep repeating myself in every one of my project/resouce threads...
I am fully aware of this post, it is still too damn slow. If you are hell bent on keeping it that way, then I will just avoid using it because it will get you killed faster. :roll:
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Re: QUAKE: Descent into Heresy (WIP) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2

Post by osjclatchford »

that's your prerogative. you must do as you feel is right, of course...
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Re: QUAKE: Descent into Heresy (WIP) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2

Post by Stormblade »

When I played through this mod, my only complaint is the axe.

If you can't get a Quake style Axe, then why not a Broadsword? :3
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Re: QUAKE: Descent into Heresy (WIP) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2

Post by Captain J »

since it was based on vanilla quake weapons on heretic, so i'm gonna say one word to a sword; ney.
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Re: QUAKE: Descent into Heresy (WIP) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2

Post by osjclatchford »

And I second the ney... lol
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Re: QUAKE: Descent into Heresy (WIP) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2

Post by Stormblade »

Good point... hmm what about a hammer? Like the one in Hexen or Quake? Mjolnir? Anyone?! XD It's kind of a joke referring to the fact my avatar is Nordic runes for Mjolnir! :D
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Re: QUAKE: Descent into Heresy (WIP) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2

Post by osjclatchford »

Asguardian weapons for the win lol... You'll have to wait for the expansion pack add on for that...
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Re: QUAKE: Descent into Heresy (WIP) v_3b4 (thur 18th sept 2

Post by Stormblade »

Oh noes! It's Electronic Arts!

To pay for the Quake: Scourge of Armagon and Quake: Dissolution of Eternity DLC you will have to pay over $9,000 just to get them! Now you can get the Axe DLC, and other DLC! DLC galore!

EA is ridiculous...

Everyone here, boycott Battlefield: Hardline. It's terrible and it's just a crappy rehash.

I'm going to stick with Wolfenstein: The New Order and Shadow Warrior (2013) thank you very much! :D

Also, are you going to get the new Doom game next year?

And last but not least...

Is there a slight chance you may make a War on Stroggos for Heretic?

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