Code: Select all
clusterdef 1
cluster 1
next map10
map MAP01 "Hangar"
levelnum 1
music D_E1M1
par 30
map MAP02 "Nuclear Plant"
levelnum 2
music D_E1M2
par 75
map MAP03 "Toxin Refinery"
levelnum 3
music D_E1M3
secretnext INTERMAP
par 120
map MAP04 "Command Control"
levelnum 4
music D_E1M4
par 90
map MAP05 "Phobos Lab"
levelnum 5
music D_E1M5
par 175
map MAP06 "Central Processing"
levelnum 6
music D_E1M6
par 180
map MAP07 "Computer Station"
levelnum 7
music D_E1M7
par 180
map MAP08 "Command Control"
levelnum 8
music D_E1M8
par 120
map MAP09 "Military Base"
levelnum 9
music D_E1M9
par 175
map map10 "Intermission"
levelnum 10
music D_INTER
map map11 "Credits"
levelnum 11
music D_VICTOR
Reading this over again brings up another point. We need useful par times! The old ones are no good for these new maps. It will be something we can collect during the testing phase, but please be thinking about it.