[Survey] How many of you CANNOT run GZDoom's OpenGL renderer

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Can your computer run GZDoom's OpenGL renderer?

Yes (perfect, smooth performance)
Yes, but very crappy performance (please elaborate)
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Re: [Survey] How many of you CANNOT run GZDoom's OpenGL rend

Post by edward850 »

Graf Zahl wrote:So what CPU do you use anyway?
Wonk! That's important too! An AMD Phenom X3 8750 Black Edition. (2.4GHz).
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Re: [Survey] How many of you CANNOT run GZDoom's OpenGL rend

Post by Graf Zahl »

Hm. That speed is a bit surprising. I'm using a Core i7 3770 with 3.4 GHz which really looks 3x as fast from my benchmark data.

This is regular GZDoom without lights:

Code: Select all

Map MAP01: "entryway",
x = 4676.2854, y = 5956.6655, z = 369.0000, angle = 90.3790, pitch = -1.3348
Walls: 14600 (0 splits, 2007 t-splits, 122666 vertices)
Flats: 537 (24549 primitives, 108130 vertices)
Sprites: 708, Decals=0, Portals: 1
W: Render=6.221, Split = 0.000, Setup=2.850, Clip=3.710
F: Render=0.632, Setup=0.083
S: Render=0.241, Setup=1.097
All=22.487, Render=10.288, Setup=11.387, BSP = 3.646, Portal=0.196, Finish=0.759
DLight - Walls: 0 processed, 0 rendered - Flats: 0 processed, 0 rendered
Missing textures: 0 upper, 0 lower, 0.000 ms
43 fps
Blue Shadow
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Re: [Survey] How many of you CANNOT run GZDoom's OpenGL rend

Post by Blue Shadow »

I can't run the test version, as it crashes on me. I guess my AMD doesn't cut it...
Spoiler: System specs
Here is the crash report
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Re: [Survey] How many of you CANNOT run GZDoom's OpenGL rend

Post by Graf Zahl »

Do you use the latest driver? AMD supports the two extensions that are missing from your log on newer hardware, but it's only very recent.
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Re: [Survey] How many of you CANNOT run GZDoom's OpenGL rend

Post by Nash »

Code: Select all

// GZDoom 1.8.6 no lights
Map MAP01: "entryway",
x = 4676.2854, y = 5956.6655, z = 369.0000, angle = 90.3790, pitch = -1.3348
Walls: 14573 (0 splits, 2007 t-splits, 122551 vertices)
Flats: 537 (24512 primitives, 107913 vertices)
Sprites: 708, Decals=0, Portals: 1
W: Render=9.393, Split = 0.000, Setup=3.907, Clip=5.996
F: Render=4.278, Setup=0.135
S: Render=0.354, Setup=1.352
All=36.462, Render=18.271, Setup=16.538, BSP = 5.145, Portal=0.177, Finish=1.598
DLight - Walls: 0 processed, 0 rendered - Flats: 0 processed, 0 rendered
Missing textures: 0 upper, 0 lower, 0.000 ms
27 fps

// GZDoom 1.8.6 lights
Map MAP01: "entryway",
x = 4676.2854, y = 5956.6655, z = 369.0000, angle = 90.3790, pitch = -1.3348
Walls: 14573 (0 splits, 2007 t-splits, 122551 vertices)
Flats: 537 (24512 primitives, 107913 vertices)
Sprites: 708, Decals=0, Portals: 1
W: Render=10.298, Split = 0.000, Setup=3.895, Clip=6.045
F: Render=6.091, Setup=0.132
S: Render=0.493, Setup=1.361
All=38.848, Render=21.164, Setup=16.624, BSP = 5.189, Portal=0.178, Finish=1.005
DLight - Walls: 2117 processed, 432 rendered - Flats: 7212 processed, 658 rendered
Missing textures: 0 upper, 0 lower, 0.000 ms
24 fps

// TestVersion no lights
Map MAP01: "entryway",
x = 4676.2854, y = 5956.6655, z = 369.0000, angle = 90.3790, pitch = -1.3348
Walls: 14573 (0 splits, 2007 t-splits, 197176 vertices)
Flats: 537 (24512 primitives, 107913 vertices)
Sprites: 708, Decals=0, Portals: 1
W: Render=6.028, Split = 0.000, Setup=3.968, Clip=6.033
F: Render=2.589, Setup=0.124
S: Render=0.242, Setup=1.360
All=38.427, Render=13.027, Setup=16.586, BSP = 5.100, Portal=0.091, Finish=8.756
DLight - Walls: 8 processed, 0 rendered - Flats: 0 processed, 0 rendered
Missing textures: 0 upper, 0 lower, 0.000 ms
25 fps

// TestVersion lights
Map MAP01: "entryway",
x = 4676.2854, y = 5956.6655, z = 369.0000, angle = 90.3790, pitch = -1.3348
Walls: 14573 (0 splits, 2007 t-splits, 197176 vertices)
Flats: 537 (24512 primitives, 107913 vertices)
Sprites: 708, Decals=0, Portals: 1
W: Render=7.047, Split = 0.000, Setup=3.978, Clip=6.083
F: Render=2.837, Setup=0.124
S: Render=0.421, Setup=1.371
All=37.999, Render=14.491, Setup=16.627, BSP = 5.067, Portal=0.091, Finish=6.829
DLight - Walls: 2143 processed, 0 rendered - Flats: 1316 processed, 0 rendered
Missing textures: 0 upper, 0 lower, 0.000 ms
25 fps

Vista x64
Intel i7 920 @ 2.67 GHz
3 GB DDR3 @ 1066 MHz
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Re: [Survey] How many of you CANNOT run GZDoom's OpenGL rend

Post by PlayerLin »

System Spec :

Code: Select all

//Official 1.8.4
//With Light

Map MAP01: "entryway",
x = 4676.2854, y = 5956.6655, z = 369.0000, angle = 90.3790, pitch = -1.3348
Walls: 14243 (0 splits, 2007 t-splits, 147390 vertices)
Flats: 529 (46213 primitives, 201451 vertices)
Sprites: 708, Decals=0, Portals: 1
W: Render=7.713, Split = 0.000, Setup=2.962, Clip=3.728
F: Render=3.868, Setup=0.401
S: Render=0.293, Setup=1.024
All=29.144, Render=16.062, Setup=11.828, BSP = 3.711, Portal=0.209, Finish=1.210
DLight - Walls: 2116 processed, 429 rendered - Flats: 7214 processed, 651 rendered
Missing textures: 0 upper, 0 lower, 0.000 ms
33 fps

//Without Light
Map MAP01: "entryway",
x = 4676.2854, y = 5956.6655, z = 369.0000, angle = 90.3790, pitch = -1.3348
Walls: 14243 (0 splits, 2007 t-splits, 121469 vertices)
Flats: 529 (24237 primitives, 106442 vertices)
Sprites: 708, Decals=0, Portals: 1
W: Render=6.245, Split = 0.000, Setup=2.823, Clip=3.708
F: Render=0.786, Setup=0.091
S: Render=0.197, Setup=1.122
All=23.415, Render=10.626, Setup=11.551, BSP = 3.804, Portal=0.195, Finish=1.195
DLight - Walls: 0 processed, 0 rendered - Flats: 0 processed, 0 rendered
Missing textures: 0 upper, 0 lower, 0.000 ms
41 fps

//1.9 Pre-662 test build
//With Light

Map MAP01: "entryway",
x = 4676.2854, y = 5956.6655, z = 369.0000, angle = 90.3790, pitch = -1.3348
Walls: 14243 (0 splits, 2007 t-splits, 195912 vertices)
Flats: 529 (24237 primitives, 106442 vertices)
Sprites: 708, Decals=0, Portals: 1
W: Render=6.153, Split = 0.000, Setup=2.929, Clip=3.920
F: Render=1.973, Setup=0.092
S: Render=0.374, Setup=1.208
All=24.964, Render=11.857, Setup=11.924, BSP = 3.773, Portal=0.094, Finish=1.151
DLight - Walls: 2138 processed, 0 rendered - Flats: 659 processed, 0 rendered
Missing textures: 0 upper, 0 lower, 0.000 ms
38 fps

// Without Light
Map MAP01: "entryway",
x = 4676.2854, y = 5956.6655, z = 369.0000, angle = 90.3790, pitch = -1.3348
Walls: 14243 (0 splits, 2007 t-splits, 195912 vertices)
Flats: 529 (24237 primitives, 106442 vertices)
Sprites: 708, Decals=0, Portals: 1
W: Render=5.346, Split = 0.000, Setup=2.918, Clip=3.917
F: Render=1.875, Setup=0.091
S: Render=0.202, Setup=1.188
All=24.103, Render=10.704, Setup=11.865, BSP = 3.750, Portal=0.094, Finish=1.501
DLight - Walls: 24 processed, 0 rendered - Flats: 0 processed, 0 rendered
Missing textures: 0 upper, 0 lower, 0.000 ms
40 fps

Also when running on the test build of GZDooM, I found totally missinginvisible wall/floor/ceiling textures, is it normal?
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Graf Zahl
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Re: [Survey] How many of you CANNOT run GZDoom's OpenGL rend

Post by Graf Zahl »

Of course that's not normal. Can you also post your GZDoom startup log?
Blue Shadow
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Re: [Survey] How many of you CANNOT run GZDoom's OpenGL rend

Post by Blue Shadow »

Graf Zahl wrote:Do you use the latest driver? AMD supports the two extensions that are missing from your log on newer hardware, but it's only very recent.
Hmm... I think I'll pass on this, then. The generic drivers from AMD seems to be incompatible with Toshiba notebooks, according to AMD. And what drivers update Toshiba has for my laptop is from September/October of 2013, it seems. So they're not even new.
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Re: [Survey] How many of you CANNOT run GZDoom's OpenGL rend

Post by Graf Zahl »

How I hate such systems. Buying that stuff is like screwing oneself by default. :(
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Re: [Survey] How many of you CANNOT run GZDoom's OpenGL rend

Post by jpalomo »


Code: Select all

// No lights
Map MAP01: "entryway",
x = 4676.2854, y = 5956.6655, z = 369.0000, angle = 90.3790, pitch = -1.3348
Walls: 14600 (0 splits, 2007 t-splits, 122666 vertices)
Flats: 537 (24549 primitives, 108130 vertices)
Sprites: 708, Decals=0, Portals: 1
W: Render=6.202, Split = 0.000, Setup=2.789, Clip=3.616
F: Render=0.630, Setup=0.078
S: Render=0.198, Setup=1.148
All=23.131, Render=10.409, Setup=11.132, BSP = 3.499, Portal=0.142, Finish=1.562
DLight - Walls: 0 processed, 0 rendered - Flats: 0 processed, 0 rendered
Missing textures: 0 upper, 0 lower, 0.000 ms
43 fps

// With lights
Map MAP01: "entryway",
x = 4676.2854, y = 5956.6655, z = 369.0000, angle = 90.3790, pitch = -1.3348
Walls: 14600 (0 splits, 2007 t-splits, 122666 vertices)
Flats: 537 (24549 primitives, 108130 vertices)
Sprites: 708, Decals=0, Portals: 1
W: Render=7.731, Split = 0.000, Setup=2.818, Clip=3.625
F: Render=2.423, Setup=0.079
S: Render=0.361, Setup=1.193
All=27.323, Render=14.042, Setup=11.364, BSP = 3.648, Portal=0.171, Finish=1.889
DLight - Walls: 2118 processed, 413 rendered - Flats: 7225 processed, 726 rendered
Missing textures: 0 upper, 0 lower, 0.000 ms
36 fps

pre-662 (test build):

Code: Select all

// No lights
Map MAP01: "entryway",
x = 4676.2854, y = 5956.6655, z = 369.0000, angle = 90.3790, pitch = -1.3348
Walls: 14600 (0 splits, 2007 t-splits, 197291 vertices)
Flats: 537 (24549 primitives, 108130 vertices)
Sprites: 708, Decals=0, Portals: 1
W: Render=5.175, Split = 0.000, Setup=2.773, Clip=3.677
F: Render=1.825, Setup=0.088
S: Render=0.167, Setup=1.201
All=25.755, Render=10.483, Setup=11.219, BSP = 3.479, Portal=0.095, Finish=4.007
DLight - Walls: 0 processed, 0 rendered - Flats: 0 processed, 0 rendered
Missing textures: 0 upper, 0 lower, 0.000 ms
39 fps

// With lights
Map MAP01: "entryway",
x = 4676.2854, y = 5956.6655, z = 369.0000, angle = 90.3790, pitch = -1.3348
Walls: 14600 (0 splits, 2007 t-splits, 197291 vertices)
Flats: 537 (24549 primitives, 108130 vertices)
Sprites: 708, Decals=0, Portals: 1
W: Render=5.926, Split = 0.000, Setup=2.822, Clip=3.661
F: Render=1.982, Setup=0.079
S: Render=0.322, Setup=1.233
All=23.250, Render=11.486, Setup=11.237, BSP = 3.441, Portal=0.090, Finish=0.500
DLight - Walls: 2142 processed, 0 rendered - Flats: 659 processed, 0 rendered
Missing textures: 0 upper, 0 lower, 0.000 ms
41 fps
Windows 7 64-bit
Biostar Hi-Fi Z87W
Intel i5-4670K @ 3.40GHz
nvidia GTX 760

About a 4-5 frame per second difference.

Just noticed that it was faster with lights enabled in the test build, but not by much. That doesn't make any sense.
PlayerLin wrote: Also when running on the test build of GZDooM, I found totally missinginvisible wall/floor/ceiling textures, is it normal?
I was able to reproduce this by loading the test build of GZDoom with the Steam overlay enabled.
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Re: [Survey] How many of you CANNOT run GZDoom's OpenGL rend

Post by Graf Zahl »

Ok, I've seen enough NVidia data now to determine that the net result is close to zero. All gains inside the actual rendering code seem to be propagated to the end of the frame, sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on the current mood of the computer.

LOL about the Steam overlay. What does it do to disrupt the supposedly 'permanent' mapping of the vertex buffer... :?
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Re: [Survey] How many of you CANNOT run GZDoom's OpenGL rend

Post by xenoxols »

I have a amd radeon 7950 overclocked to 1.15 ghz, and i've never had a problem, not even with mods like particle fire enhancer. Oh, and it runs fine non overclocked too.
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Re: [Survey] How many of you CANNOT run GZDoom's OpenGL rend

Post by Kappes Buur »

Wouldn't run for me at all.
For some reason no ini file was generated, so I copied the one from 1.8.06

My system specs:
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Re: [Survey] How many of you CANNOT run GZDoom's OpenGL rend

Post by Graf Zahl »

Your driver is too old. Your hardware supports GL 4.0 but the driver only reports 3.3.0, which means it won't have the required extensions for the test version.
So, unless your startup log clearly says GL version 4.x, don't bother running it. It will most definitely crash because there are no checks if the features are present or not.
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Re: [Survey] How many of you CANNOT run GZDoom's OpenGL rend

Post by Kappes Buur »

Graf Zahl wrote:Your driver is too old. .....
Ok, I updated the NVIDIA driver from 311.06 to 335.23.
Now, the test_version plays and the logfile states GL_VERSION: 4.4.0.

However, when I pick up items the whole screen flashes orange, and when I get hit the whole screen flashes blue.
That happens playing just DOOM2 or an add-on like FrozenT.

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