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Does anybody remember the classic game Hocus Pocus? It was an old sidescrolling platform game made by Apogee in 1994.
What would happen if Hocus Pocus was a fps like Doom, rather than a sidescroller? Inquiring minds wanted to know! Hocusdoom is a Total Conversion for Doom 2 that attempts to bring Hocus into the third dimension in a dazzling new adventure!
[===== Download: =====] Requires the latest stable version of GzDoom and Doom 2.
Be careful using unstable devbuilds, as obviously they may not always work.
completely redone torches again. use so much fewer actors now.
all bosses have rebalanced resistance to the power wand. they take half damage now.
Trolodon's health changed from 3000 to 2000
Wraith's projectile speed cut in half.
power wand shots are now homing.
fixed typo in one of the Wizard's chat strings.
changelog for - 08-13-2019
power wand now has alt mode. press [reload] to switch (much like the secret weapons)
changed language entries for throw bombs and weapon mode switch in controls.
new enemy - tree spirit
cosmetic updates to maps 25 and 26
changes to HARD difficulty. lowered health to the same as normal, but dialed up aggressiveness.
more various bugfixes in maps
disabling the lasers in map20 plays a sound now
fixed sequence string in map13 not showing up properly
allow the ability to restart a map upon completion, in case you want to try again for a better score.
fixed sound issue with that one lift in map17
moved a flower enemy out of a tree in map18
fixed a clipping issue with the tower in map22
adjusted the brightmap for the egyptian tesla model
changed thing portals in map29 to line portals to speed them up a bit
moved starfield effect to a camera texture (automap no londer overlays them in intermissions)
abyssal hydra are more dangerous now
power wand shots use fewer particles (three rays instead of 4 for each shot)
player no longer takes double damage in hard difficulty. instead the time a player is unable to be hurt after taking damage will be longer or shorter depending on skill.
decoupled player pain flash from rapid fire flash scripts.
completely new particles for torches. hopefully less intensive.
changelog for - 01-26-2019
few minor fixes in levels
fixed stray pixel on Terrexin sprite
fixed stray pixel on magic crystal sprite
fixed ceiling portal in map15
fixed a bug where dormant bosses still blocked shots. apparently it matters when you declare the Monster combo.
fixed several more ceiling portals and added one to map25
removed a crystal entirely on map25. I spent way too many times completely passing it by, as I'm sure did everyone else.
more various missing textures fixed, and maps touched up.
easter egg treasure no longer counts to total treasure
weapon powerups no longer give score
added a jump pad in map34. I don't like inescapable pits.
altered powered up launcher for jazz secret
expanded boss arena on map40 and prevented boss from getting suck on the sign
fixed various issues with ULTRA difficulty, hopefully.
raised a power bomb off of the slime in map14 so that you can get it without taking damage.
added laser barriers for the trolodon fight so you can't go back down until the next phase. This solves the issue of trolodon not targetting you through a portal, and gives the fight a little more urgency.
spiders jump now. experience fear.
remade treasure room in map39
testing autofire for your main weapon. its slower than clicking (even at level 1 power), but I've had a lot of people ask for it over the years.
changelog for - 01-13-19
fixed volume for music in map40
added a Death.Massacre state for base enemies. No more deafening explosions or slowdowns when using Massacre cheat
fixed an error with map40 pointing to map30. now points to the correct next map.
fixed some texture alignments on map02
fixed a softlock issue on map19
forced the outer door in map39 requiring the power wand, mostly so you can't miss it. The fight practically requires it anyway.
lightning upgrades now let you shoot extra shots occasionally, not randomly. more upgrades shoots them more often. ring on the finger will glow when next shot will double. needs testing as it may throw all balancing off?
fixed background transparency for menu.
added brightmaps for models, sprites, and textures
cheaty method of getting read of bloodsplatters permanently. replaced the graphics themselves.
fixed trigger for a lowering floor in map07. Now only triggers once.
fixed a graphical glitch in map04 with some weird passable walls showing up on a sloped floor.
fixed several texture alignments
raised one of the crystals higher in map27 so you can just run into it. was confusing when it was lower?
fixed several sections of ledges in map38 to be either obvious you can't progress on them, or you can get back in-bounds
made progression behind the gold door in map38 more obvious
added message on death to hit the use key to continue.
Damagefactors for Electro robots changed to 1.0. No more issues with certain shots not doing damage. Not sure why I did that in the first place.
new sprites for greater health potions and super health potions to differentiate them from small potions
wizard chat no longer pauses music. Thank you Kinsie!
wizard chat also no longer has a delay before stopping time.
made pharoah shots less aggressive
changelog for - 9-23-18
give all enemies +DONTBLAST (really only useful in the secret level)
sprites, weapons, textures for map40
started and finished map40
various small fixes
changelog for - 07-28-18
fixed conflicting sprite names for bombs and smartbombs
remade mushroom minibosses.
lowered base damage for bombs from 10 to 5
increased resistance to bombs for minibosses
added +DONTSPLASH to various traps that explode like the volcanic vents
added terrain effects for sand
added healing oases in egyptian levels
switched names for 'Shifting Sands' and 'Mirage'
fixed more portals and hopefully fixed a lot of framerate issues around them
on a side note, a LOT of fiddling with map16 to ease up on the framerate. Tried to cut a bunch of extraneous stuff out, especially sand dunes you can never actually see anyway.
added a 'particle limit' for heavy effects like rain and snow to try and speed things up a bit
added a particle limit for basic particle effects too--mostly particles that get used the most like the basic square particles. the limit scales with particle gen scaling
added larger, more detailed snowflakes that occasionally spawn on map05. All this work for a weather effect that's only used on one map.
does anyone read these?
changed music for map35 and map36 to m_meso instead of m_gloom2. Whoops?
more brightmaps!
bug that caused thrown bombs to inheret a player's color flashes no longer happens. somehow fixed itself?
more changes to bomb damage
revamped power wand, hopefully for the last time
ammo icons for alt hud
changed projectiles for flamethrower powerup
added vertical lightning traps for later maps
reworked some of the skyboxes to make easier to change later on
updated graphics for powered up ammo bars
added +NOBLOODDECALS to all enemies and shots, as even though everything has +NOBLOOD, sometimes they'd still splatter on walls
renamed particle options to be less confusing
bug where ricochet projectiles will get stuck in corners. No idea how to fix this yet.
finished map36
finished map37
finished map38
finished map39
gave power wand its own damage type to tweak it for boss use.
changelog for - 04-08-18
more work on map30
bees now die on their own (and die faster, and give off no particles)
added +NODAMAGETHRUST to player shots (maybe it'll stop enemies from spazzing out when you hit them) (it doesn't)
completely reworked secret ore vein actors/treasure they drop
cleaning up scripts
treasure and crystal tracking uses levelinfo, rather than each actor adding to a variable (this could be broken easily if you collected items before it added to the total)
changed flash color for crystals (The red was too simililar to the pain flash)
changed flash color for secret gem to be opposite of crystals ( now its red. fuck)
made most numbered global scripts into named scripts, and altered actors that use them accordingly
forgot to add ammo flash icon for active flamethrower powerup
ammo number on full hud had the wrong color. should be UNTRANSLATED
more progress on transferring all strings to LANGUAGE, so maybe someone in the future can translate them to other languages.
give +WEAPON.CHEATNOTWEAPON to secret weapons
changed damage for LightningPowerShot from 1 to 4
Supercharge will now refill your power wand ammo if you still have it
teleporting retains your current weapon again
added invulnerability powerup
health icon for when invulnerable
split skill definitons to a separate file
animated ammo icons when you have flamethrower or rapid fire active
used the wrong torches on map24
changed power wand again (and again and again)
power wand no longer self destructs upon depletion. instead, now you keep it, but it has very slow recharge
hitting enemies with regular shots replenishes power wand ammo faster
changed LaserShot damage from 1 to 2
changed death for skeletons. instead of spawning a new enemy (which I admit was annoying), now they explode and spawn a ring of bone shots
all key switches now use 'Actor Hits Floor' sector activator
small change to liquid flat glowing
moved all ednums to a separate file to keep better track of them
added sand jet particles
updated flamethrower shots to be more useful
secret weapon/super weapons now are affected by rapid fire and flamethrower powerups
I just discovered sector special 195. Time to hide all those skyboxes
finished map32
finished map33
finished map35
new textures and models for flags
fixed a bug in map28 that caused a crash entering map29
minor fixes in LANGUAGE
new enemies for final realm
replaced Twin Shot with Ricochet Shot
Floaters from the Night levels now occasionally shoot to the side to catch you off guard (eventually more enemies will have different variations)
cleaning up ceiling portals, hopefully making some levels run a little faster.
changed color of secret level gem to green, and made the flashes less intense.
made the key pickup sprites thicker so they stand out more
added throwable bombs for altfire. because I got bored.
added bombs to most levels. You start finding them after map13
raised y offset for weapons on the main status bar up by 8
weird bug found, but no idea why it happens. bomb projectiles are also affected by player palette translations.
made the sludgy projectiles in maps 13 and 14 faster. This way they don't linger too far and make the hallway hard to traverse.
updated many player projectiles (ROLLSPRITE is so cool)
changed order of weapon powerups. basically put split shot on the bottom below ricochet
various fixes to previous maps. Lots of changes.
changelog for - 10-03-2017
finished map22
finished map24
finished map25
finished map26
finished map27
finished map28
finished map29
finished map30
finished map31
fixed particle bridges moving up if you're underneath it.
particle bridge inherits from a zscript actor that lets you jump onto it from underneath. Thanks To Gutawer for zscript help!
changed automap strings for kills,treasures,crystals (now that its available)
teleport particles only activate when teleporting, freeing up memory otherwise used by it
rewrote script for Power Wand, and may actually use it. Its a bit weird so I'll need more feedback on it.
added handling for if your time is greater than 999.
lowered chance for ghosts to fade to 1/4
dragon boss done, added dinos (John Hammond would be so proud)
picking up new special weapons doesn't remove other weapons (You still lose them at the end of a level though)
returning from a teleport sets your last used weapon back (due to change above) (nevermind still need to fix)
IDFA cheat no longer breaks weapons (good news for you cheaters!)
lowered tree demon boss's health to 175
made fireball much more destructive
fixed a bug where some scripts were still using setammocapacity when no longer needed.
fixed minor texturing & scrpting in map01
renamed Gargoyle to Devil to avoid conflicts with another enemy
added several E4 enemies
added laser trap for E4
fixed bug where explosive shots were throwing decorations in map20 around like crazy. WHUT
added stuff for secret level
new alternate hud sprites for powered shots
new powerup - flamethrower!
made the eastern crystal a bit more visible on map21 and tweaked bridges to it some.
more small changes to early levels
added small hints for multi-switch puzzles
made jump and teleport potions fullbright to match other potions (and to make more visible)
tweaked all 3d models to be gzdb friendly (most of them at least)
lowered lava damage from 2 to 1.
rewrote script for Power Wand again. (This is version six or so. I guess I don't know what I want)
added secret weapon
new weapon powerups for E3 secret level
changelog for - 01-27-17
added smartbombs. Kill any monster within a very large radius, but can also be tied to certain enemies too.
finished map23
added name particles to most item pickups. These can be disabled in Hocus Options.
Fixed picking up rapid fire when already under its effect-thus wasting the pickup.
Tweaked breakable boxes so they don't get destroyed by smartbombs. (Why were they ignoring damagetypes from A_Explode that weren't called by projectiles? BECAUSE ZDOOM)
Made shooting a little faster. Its amazing how much a single frame makes a difference!
added rudimentary code for Highscores table. Not part of the menu yet, so check Hocusdoom options to bind it to a key!
Also built in support for future bonus episodes too! This thing is ugly as sin but seems to be working.
fixed various minor areas in most other maps
expanded last room on map13
rewrite most of particle handling again. should be a bit more flexible now. This also changed the CVARS that handled them so be sure to check your settings
convert TEXTURE1 to zdoom's TEXTURES and moved to main archive. hocustxt.wad no longer needed
moved boost pad script to library and fixed.
replaced hocus_mp3.pk3 with hocusogg.pk3 for reduced filesize
changelog for - 01-04-2017
tweaked laser shots blasting through breakable boxes.
lowered the volume for spooks.mp3 It was far louder than all the other tracks. (Why did I wait so long to do this?)
finished map19
added particle controls to LeafBlower and fixed HocusMagicSmoke
changed the flame jet traps so they can have a delay before they shut off. Easier for making trap chains
changed Maxamount for MonsterMaxHealth from 0xFFFFFFFF to 1000 because it breaks in linux zdoom. Whoops!
finished map20
finished map21
started map22
changelog for - 11-28-2016
fix all instances of A_SpawnItem and replaced them with A_SpawnItemEx. They were broken in later versions of gzdoom BECAUSE ZDOOM
fixed minor graphical bug with one of the exit strings. Was the wrong color
completed map18
completed map19
more work to particle options (add leaf spawner too)
reworked end of episode intermission screens. Should be bugfree.
changed inconsistent method for damage for spikes. now uses terrain instead of A_explode
added extra frame & sprites for eskimo attacks. Not sure if they were unused in the original game or I missed ripping them. Thanks to Hisymak for their work on a Hocus Pocus editor.
with lava becoming much more dangerous to touch, I had to add some extra pathways in some levels to get out of big pools of lava without taking too much damage.
removed +SOLID from pillows in the egyptian levels.
changed the hudwrap width for wizardtalk from 200 to 250. Gives a little more room for when he feels like being wordy.
added several new enemies: skeleton, ghost, another floater (from unused graphics, thanks to Hisymak)
added +NOGRAVITY to keys. Now I can place them anywhere!
gave the flamejets a damagetype. Monsters could kill themselves on them.
made the flamejets less intensive. Did every projectile really need a light?
added +DONTSPLASH to several particle effects. They were getting on my nerves.
crystal ball pickup sound should not be overridden by anything anymore (hopefully)
made the secret platforms in map10 a little more visible.
included Hisymak's GENMIDI. Sounds pretty close to the original. I'll still keep the mp3s around though.
changelog for - 03-07-2016
nerfed monster trap on map11. forgot to when I nerfed the rapid fire powerup.
implemented some actual difficulty levels. Monsters on HARD don't have as much health, but will still do more damage, and will be more of them. EASY won't be quite as pushovery either. ULTRA will still fuck you. Sorry, not sorry.
rapid powerup no longer uses powered shots, thus encouraging you to fire freely without wasting ammo
updated music entries so intermission music resets on new level (it wouldn't reset if it had the same music as map)
added map16
started map17
started map18
started map19
added collapsing bridge actors
new sounds for lava terrain and fire-related actors
added option to disable the intro help screen
removed the vertical sprites from player shots as they weren't working properly.
fixed some minor lighting issues in previously finished maps
cleaned up some old textures
added +NOGRAVITY to upwards fire jet
completely remade map10 with new enemies
changelog for - 09-08-2015
updated switch textures (they were badly scaled placeholders from an older era)
added map12
added snow effects on maps map05 and map06
added options menu to disable or reduce excess weather particles
more reorganization of decorate scripts
added fog for some maps
removed +SOLID flag for icy rocks. God they were annoying.
added options to disable enemy health bars (or show numbers instead)
made all player shots slightly faster (feels better)
added a bunch of little decorative flowers/grass to fill out levels a bit.
added secret weapon for a secret level
added GAMEINFO lump to change startup colors and title
added map15
updated mapinfo and language to add formatting to level names
stable teleports are now a thing! these rifts don't dissapear like teleport potions
increased the damage radius of fireballs to make them more effective.
changelog for - 04-06-2015
changed icy water in the Ice levels damage from 5 to 1
finished map08
finished map09
added several new models & decorations for maps 13 & 14
finally fixed the scrolling secret gem platform in map04 (after forgetting to fix it several updates in a row)
nerfed the ambush to the crystal above the bridge in map06. It was too annoying.
made Egg Dragons shoot only one egg instead of 1-3, since they're severely powerful
also made the fire shots from eggs affected by gravity.
changelog for - 02-02-15
made player shots smaller so you could shoot alongside walls easier
added better support for althud, thanks to Gez
changes to map01 and map02 to make them a little easier (also map02 had no mushroom chargers)
lowered weapon sprites so they didn't obstruct your view too much
made power shot sprites smaller for the same reason (they should stay fairly large though)
added speed/jump boost floors
fixed some minor things in most of the maps
used a different method for the ladders in map10. No longer uses swimmable 3d floors (no way around reverb effect and using ThrustThingZ works better)
changed weapon sprites yet again. Not quite as in the way now (and is almost pointing now)
made the rapidfire less powerful (overlapping shots). In turn nerfed many mass ambush areas to compensate. They're not as grindy anymore.
Super Health Potions will now give you 20 health (with sbarinfo updated to represent it as gold hearts atop of the red hearts :D
Heart icons updated to be less ugly
added +GHOST to monsters and +THRUGHOST to projectiles so now they are no longer impeded by other monsters. (like in the original game)
added the 10 story pages. Put them at the end of the help screens because I don't know if you can define a totally separate set of help pages
changelog for - 01-24-15
Completely redid map06. No longer lags and flows much better.
added map07
started map08 (Not finished)
started map09 (Not finished)
added map10
added map11 (episode 2)
added sprites and mechanics for hocus player. (jumping animation works too!)
changed projectiles for Power Wand again. The blue and Red just didn't feel right.
Fixed floor check for the jump potion particles. Should work now. (a bit goofy if you hit a ceiling)
New weapon sprites to match the toony look.
Made Monsters return to their original position when they despawn
Reverted monster returning because it doesn't work yet.
added some E2 enemies (blackbeast, mummy, bat)
added some E3 enemies (secret enemies)
added A_SentinelBob to flying monsters to see how they work (works nicely)
added sound variants for power/rapid fire weapons
added some secret stuff
added textures and decorations for Egypt and Night 2 sets
Reworked how bosses work. They should despawn and reset the boss health bar scripts fine now.
changelog for - 08-05-14
added map06
fixed a bug where enemy health bars wouldn't work after loading a savegame
Fixed Progress screens, both when you win a level, and when you die. Now you can't interrupt the death window by pressing a key. Also, they fade out properly now. Unfortunately now there's an issue with the camera spawning inside walls.
Updated decorate and scripts for Monk bosses
Fixed a bug where when you restart a level after dying you retain upgrade shots.
Health Potions give 1 heart instead of 3. Added Big Health Potions that give 3 instead.
Reorganized decorate lumps so that when I start the other episodes it won't be as confusing.
Due to the way the death script works, I had to fix a bug where you'd keep your score after death. obviously your score should reset to where it was when you first entered the level.
Made the Iron Key darker to differentiate from the Silver Key
Fixed a minor issue where the teasure checker wouldn't reset if there was more treasure spawned after you found everything.
added map07
added frames and changed how bosses work (won't be seen until map09 anyway)
(debating: do I change mapnames to ExMx format?)
made player projectiles wider to make shooting enemies easier. (is it too wide now?)
added decorations for Moon Castle levels.
changelog for - 05-21-2014
New sprites for Lightning Spell
Added new enemy - Tengu
Added Map05
Fixed some issues with Wizard talk. Still waiting for new changes to TimeFreeze to fix music not playing
Did some more work for the Full-screen hud
Added to the huds a background meter for your max number of shots
Changed Power Shot. Instead of doing 10 damage to one enemy, now splits into 10 lightning shits.
Changed Hard difficulty. Monsters now have 1.5 health and their shots do twice as much damage.
Added secret difficulty. Rage mode ensues.
Power Shot gives 20 shots instead of 10
Splitter Shot gives 30 shots instead of 20
Homing shots gives 40 instead of 50
More work with the Power Wand. Shots do the same damage as regular, but recharge time is faster and autofires.
cosmetic changes to some actors.
I don't know if I want to have backers to Wizard conversations, but I thought I'd try them out anyway. They don't look half bad, actually.
Changed the par time for map04 to something more sensible. Probably not possible to get EVERYTHING in 300 seconds. Someone prove me wrong.
Completely remade the font and moved item strings to language.enu
Monsters now play their sound at full volume regardless of where you are
Monsters deaths are more satisfying now. They really do *POP* :P
Made the radius for player shots larger so that they hit enemies easier. also made them slightly homing.
Toying with autofire. The main spell weapon won't have autofire, but is more responsive.
The Power Wand WILL have autofire though.
Hitting enemies will give you a point of recharge. Now rewards you for getting into the fray by letting you shoot faster when up close.
Cleaning up various scripts that I haven't touched in years.
Fixed an issue with the fireball prematurely detonating on breakable blocks. Works fine now!
Added the Super Jump Potion. Thanks Kate! -Unavoidable issue where landing on a bridge or breakable block won't cancel glitter effect.
Help page updated to reflect new Power Wand
Moved music in _mp3 into a folder to alleviate some hotloading issues
Hocusdoom will have relatively the same features as the original Hocus Pocus. You complete maps by collecting all available crystals. However, you can also find red crystals that let you warp to secret maps at the end of the level. You are awarded points for finding treasure, killing enemies, and completing each map within a time limit. At the end of every episode your highest score will be recorded.
Rapid Fire - Fire a long continuous stream of shots lightning-fast. Lasts for 30 seconds and doesn't use extra shot ammo.
Flamethrower - Fire a short-range stream of fire that leaves smoldering ground. Incredibly powerful and rare! Lasts for 30 seconds and doesn't use extra shot ammo.
Extra Lightning Bolt - Lets you fire lightning bolts faster. Your shots slowly recharge, but charge faster if you hit enemies.
Twin Shot - Shoot two bolts at one time. Gives 40 shots per bottle.
Splitter Shot - Shoot three bolts in a spread pattern. Gives 30 shots per bottle.
Laser Shot - Shoots a beam of lightning that pierces through enemies. Gives 20 shots per bottle.
Power Shot - Shoots a single large ball of energy that splits into smaller shots. Devestating against single enemies and tight groups. Gives 20 shots per bottle.
Fireball - Gives 3 shots that will obliterate and pass through any baddie. Bosses are a bit tougher but will still go through them!
Power Wand - Special secondary weapon that is incredibly powerful, but ammo is limited! Make short work of those monsters! This weapon destroys itself when you run out of ammo.
Jump Potion - Lets you jump super high. Only useable once.
Teleport Bottle - Warps you to another area of the map. Only useable once.
Along the way to find those crystals you'll grab treasure to get the top score!
Other types of secret treasure await, worth much more. Happy hunting!
[===== Help Needed: =====]
While I don't mind doing most everything by myself, there is one thing I could use help with--enemy sprites. I can use the original sprites for side views, but I need front and back views for them. If anyone would like to help, I'll provide a spritesheet that you can use as a base, to keep everything consistent.
Edit: As of 2017 I have 3/5 of the sprites done, however many still remain. If you still wish to help, please let me know!
I loved Hocus Pocus as a kid, and despite the AI being obviously terrible to me now as an adult, I still adore the graphics and music. This has some promise, but I'd like to point out that Hocus seems to be a young man, yet the recolored Hexen mage hands are veiny and wrinkly. Also, Hocus Doom sounds kinda dumb. Couldn't you at least settle with Hocus Pocus 3D or something?
This gave me epic nostalgia to the balls, loved the working levels alot...
Also made me just as frustrated as I did feel 20 years ago when I played the original... you bastard... clever bastard... I love you... finish this mod!!!
NuroGL wrote:This gave me epic nostalgia to the balls, loved the working levels alot...
Also made me just as frustrated as I did feel 20 years ago when I played the original... you bastard... clever bastard... I love you... finish this mod!!!
Seconding everything here. This is brilliant.
Could do without the old man hands but the whole asthetic and spirit of the game is reproduced and translated to 3D seamlessly.