[Project] "Knee-Deep in ZDoom"

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Post by Chris »

any e1m2'ers read my suggestions?
Especially, don't put enemies in secret areas...
I don't mind some enemies in secret areas. Doom did it all the time. Hell, E1M9 is one big secret area.

Though I do have to mention this about ZE1M3. It's too goddamn big. I could get to the normal exit before having three of the six keys needed to get to the secret exit (which itself is an unfair fight IMO.. the place is too dark). That's sort of forgivable though.. I did manage to beat it without cheating, plus having encountered the door early on made me want to find all six keys and get in there. Though, I did end up wandering aimlessly a lot, and I couldn't get to that area near the beginning that has the soulsphere. I looked all over and searched high and low.. and all I saw was a path that leads to it but I couldn't reach it. And the slime tunnels that lead to Romero's head.. good idea, but it has little reward for such a secret (plus the text leading up to and reaching it disappeared too fast.. I couldn't read it and the console didn't save it).

And I think the idea of a skybox with clouds scrolling underneath the stars should be looked at more closely. You said it doesn't work.. Post a bug report about it in the bugs forum, because it seems to me it should work.. at least definitely not crash.
I won't do this because for E1M8 I need a clear black sky with stars
I'm still curious about this. I played through what I have of ZE1M8 and I didn't see anything that having translucent clouds under the stars would ruin. Don't forget you can change the texture when needed.

And on a general note, I think the starry background image itself is quite bland. IMHO, there's too many (even in 640x480 they flicker in and out when turning). Perhaps there should be fewer stars, but make them bigger.. a bit more pronounced and colorful. Remember Doom64's starry skies?
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

New textures! Just copy everything over to the resource wad, since the TEXTURE1 & PNAMES lumps are based on the ones from the last released version.

I_GRAY12: a texture from the Doom alpha. I've used it for a door in E1M5.

N_CM02RD, N_CMPT1R, N_CMPT2R, N_CMPTLRD: versions of various computer textures with the green bits turned into red. I figured these might be nice for the later levels, i.e. E1M7 and E1M8. I'll probably re-do these with the blue bits turned into red as well :).

N_DRST02: 90' rotated version of DOORSTOP.

N_RKPB01 - N_RKPB05: the new rock textures mentioned earlier in the thread.

N_STNE15: a brown version of STONE2, using FLOOR7_1 as a base.

N5BRWN05: modified version of N5BRWN01, with the horizontal metal strips replaced with horizontal silver strips.

EDIT: I've attached a new version, with a couple of extra textures:

N_CMST1R, N_CMST2R, N_PLNTRD - the silver computer textures with red displays
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Post by Risen »

- Developed a method to store my multidimensional arrays as globals
- Added ammo tracking
- Enhanced and simplified the methods used in multiple processes

I think I have the data collection complete, unless I think of something else that I want to add to it. If there are any suggestions, feel free to pass them along. My next task will be the presentation of information, interface development, and just generally making it cool.

The script I am developing to be placed in each map begins at 800 and goes upward. So far there are about four or five scripts there. Right now the scripts will not need to be altered at all (with one exception for the secret map) but I will provide detailed instructions. For now all that is necessary it to keep the 800-850 range open for my use. Each map will need to execute one of my scripts as the sole method of exiting the map.
Last edited by Risen on Fri Nov 05, 2004 7:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TheDarkArchon »

How about having the player having to physically move to the next map, without monsters there. Then, just before "Phobos Anomally", you start getting attacked by demons (Very suitable for E1M8 - Play NMN's version and you'll see). Also, I think that the episode should begin in daylight, slowy turning to night as you progress through the maps.
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Post by Risen »

I think the gameplay should be done in the maps, not between them. Also, for this to happen, the map would need to be completely rebuilt because it is not even close to the correct scale.
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Post by Graf Zahl »

Risen wrote:I think the gameplay should be done in the maps, not between them.

Exactly! The intermission should remain an intermission, no matter how it is being designed.
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Post by Nmn »

The fact HOW Doomguy moves between the next outposts of the Phobos installation was always puzzling to me. If he walked on foot, why didn't he just walked freely from Hangar to the Phobos Anomaly? Not too logical according to the storyline which excludes a potential idea of a killing frenzy on the remaining demons in the next bases-thus they need to be cleaned out of pests.

The Doom bible is a good clue in this situation. When ID was designing Tei Tenga (which became Phobos in the latter time) the UAC personnel used trains to move between the next outposts, thus I believe there is some sort of transport between the maps-definately not teleporters tough. I was inspired by this idea in my E1m4 beginning-tram :)
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Post by Tormentor667 »

Latest Resource available here (with Nightmare's Additions)
http://home.arcor.de/tormentor667/kdizd ... zd1res.zip

Someone might check if it is working;)
Last edited by Tormentor667 on Fri Nov 05, 2004 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tormentor667 »

Oh, and by the way, don't forget the list ;) Week 1 ends today and I want the maps to be finished!

Code: Select all

          WEEK1     WEEK2     WEEK3
E1M1    cccp_leha cccp_leha --------
E1M2    Tormentor --------  cccp_leha
E1M3    ellmo     ellmo    ellmo   
E1M4    Risen     Nightmare --------
E1M5    Nightmare --------  --------
E1M6    --------  cccp_leha Risen   
E1M7    --------  Tormentor Nightmare
E1M8    NMN        --------  Tormentor
E1M9    BioHazard NMN          --------
@cccp_leha - I want to see progress on E1M1!

@anyone - Who worked on E1M4 on week 1 now? NMN?

@BioHazard - E1M9 must be done for now ;) I want to see something!
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Post by Nmn »

Tormentor667 wrote: @anyone - Who worked on E1M4 on week 1 now? NMN?
Yes, it was me :)
I'll put it up this evening.... evening here I meant 20 or so GMT + 1
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Post by Tormentor667 »

Okay, I begun working on E1M7 and well... it's very hard to get through this map and spice some things up... but I think I will do a good job on this one :)

BTW: I used Nightmares mappart and incorporated it into E1M7 (with some modifications for sue) but you will see soon ;)
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

Glad it could be of use :).

BTW can't wait to see what everyone else has come up with...
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Post by Risen »

Tormentor667 wrote:Okay, I begun working on E1M7 and well... it's very hard to get through this map and spice some things up... but I think I will do a good job on this one :)
Bio and I were talking. We decided that the switches to shut off the force field (where the red key used to be) should be consolidated into one switch that toggles the field off and on. Please do this and remove the second switch.

I removed the red key entirely (just changed it, really) so if you want to add a new section, it is not in use anymore.

Don't hurt my wonderful map! ;)

(I'm sure you'll do fine!)
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Post by Tormentor667 »

Well, progress is very slow on E1M7 because due to the complexity it is very hard to add some more detail to several areas without changing the basic layout (as I really don't want to "hurt Risen's map" :) ), but I think I can improve some areasy very well ;)

With Nightmares area, I added a new part to the map and I will adjust this by adding once more the red key and a few new crossover-connections :)
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Post by ellmo »

I have an important call to everyone on team. We should have consequent exits in this project. That's not a must if anyone asks, but they will add really much realism and atmosphere.

What do i mean by consequent exits? Like someone has a Tram, that begins ZE1M4 - :wink: - and someone in ZE1M3 should have a tram, that finishes his map. If we all hed exits/starts like this, the project would gain much better reviews (considering the fact that I'm pretty sure It'll be among legendary ones, I want it even better).

That's not very difficult and time-taking I hope. So I ask all of you on the team to consolidate - and link the maps into one consequent world, by using consequet exits... Is that okay with you?

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