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Yeah, yet another meta-mod of a popular mod. I've been adding to and tweaking Brutal Doom on and off since around v10 or so, and I've shared my own personal version elsewhere with good results so far. It originally started as a sound replacement for an older Brutal Doom and since then I've continually added tweaks and fixes here and there over a couple of years and it ended up being something a little more substantial than what one would expect for a customized Brutal Doom.
Previous Updates
+ All weapon sounds messed with, harassed and generally well molested
+ All pickups that didn't have their own pickup sounds before, now have them
+ Rifle and Shotgun have their pickup and ready sounds changed
+ Gave Doomguy a different grunting/jumping/humping voice (pitched and filtered version of Painkiller's protagonist's voice)
+ Appropriated DoomNukem's SSG sprites
+ Mixed and matched some Painkiller sounds, some Quake sounds, some etc etc, there's a bit of every damn game I have, mixed and pitched and sculpted and mutilated in a sound editor to get what you hear, here
+ Modified the Demon Rune drop, behaves like a larger health/armor bonus (10hp / 10ap per drop) along with the usual zerk effect
+ Myriad of various feel tweaks to various weapons, IDFA and mess around to see if you like them
+ Plasma's secondary has a wind-up time to reduce it's spammability, in addition to the usual cooldown; hide, charge, pop out and do a ton of damage
+ You carry 600 rounds of rifle ammo because fun
+ Assault rifle is more accurate in general, and does the same damage per bullet compared to the minigun, still more efficient when accuracy/ammo conservation is needed
+ Rocket Launcher has a grenade secondary
---- grenade flies slower and does far less direct damage than both the rockets and the SkullTag Launcher
---- grenade is more effective against crowds of soft enemies, due to improved splash
---- when it pops, there's one smaller splash that knocks those closest, the second bigger splash blows through to the ones behind them
---- grenade is weaker against sturdier enemies like Barons; rockets are still more effective against them
---- the ST Grenade Launcher's stats are un-messed with
+ Rocket Launcher has a new reloading sound
+ Grenades have new sounds
+ Added Quake 3 style secondary fire to the BFG
---- basically behaves like plasma rockets
---- has higher rate of fire than the RL
---- has lower damage and smaller splash than the RL, as such, it's slightly less optimal vs bosses
---- still very handy if you're low on rockets but have a BFG and lots of cells
+ Added obligatory sounds for the BFG secondary
+ Added flamethrowing secondary for the Mancubus Cannon
---- with new sounds for both primary, secondary, and fireball impact
+ Tweaked the Revenant gun's projectiles so it comes out in the right places on your screen
---- with new sounds for pickups, shooting, and mini-missile impacts
---- I like to call it the Revastator, a poor man's version of Duke's Devastator
+ Added unique idle sound to Mancubi
---- before, they used the regular zombie guy's idle sound which was kind of derp
+ Added unique attack sound to Spider Masterminds
---- before, they used the player's SSG sound which was kind of derp
---- now it sounds more like an automatic cannon
+ Revised armor suit pickup sounds
+ Improved dynamic light effects
---- fixed the player's muzzle light so it goes a bit in front of you, rather than making you a lightbulb
---- added light effects to the new secondary firemode projectiles
+ Added dynamic light effects for enemy hitscanner muzzle flashes
---- Check out that Commando shooting in the dark! I think it looks cool as shit.
+ Added big booming sound to dying bosses
+ Added brightmaps to the Plasma Gun's pickup and weapon sprites
+ Added brightmaps for the rifle and its pickup sprite
+ Increased weapon switch speed
+ Further improved dynamic lighting for various fire effects
+ Modified the Rocket Launcher and Minigun pickup sprites to more closely resemble their held counterparts
+ Messed with loose shell and bullet box item sprites
---- loose shell pickups are now more consistent with what your gun ejects
---- you'll need to start a new level or else existing shells look comically huge
---- the bullet box ought to look more like a normal case of bullets instead of just saying "AMMO" on it
+ Reduced shell box amount to 12 instead of 20
+ Set bullet box amount to 80
+ Sergeants have a 50% chance to drop a shotgun, and another 60% chance to drop spare shells
---- There's also the possibility to drop nothing or both
---- Both drops give 2 shells each, having both at once gives the standard 4 shells
+ All Zombies lurch around when chasing and Demons do a short gallop
---- They're not as fast as before, but still faster than vanilla speed, somewhere in between
+ Revised Plasma Gun pickup sprite
+ Revised Rifle reload sound
+ Zombies and Sergeants can drop their respective loose ammo in addition to the chance of dropping weapons
+ Arachnotrons have a chance to drop partially spent cells
+ Normal and Berserk attacks have been differentiated and have different impact sounds
+ Berserk attacks now discriminate between wall, monster, and barrel
---- Punch wall, hear smashing sound, see cracks in wall
---- Punch dude, hear meaty crunching, see good times
---- Super Kicks can now knock over burning barrels in addition to normal kicks
---- Super Kicks can still nut-crunch Hell Nobles
---- Super Kicks can still decapitate dying enemies
+ Left and Right Side Kicks now have proper properties
---- For example, while you're zerking you can do Super Side Kicks, which does everything you expect it to do
+ Exploding heads have their own sound instead of the vanilla gibbing sound
+ BFG secondary fire fixed to be more effective against the Spider Mastermind
---- Before, it would just fly right through the head area
+ Tactical Rolling and DoomGuy Talk is restored
---- One Liners are now more responsive than before
+ v19test sprites restored
+ Kept original Plasma Gun sprites with scatter shot secondary
+ Mancubus gun's secondary mode spends slightly less ammo
+ Revenant and Mancubus gun's max ammo increased to 60/120, pickup amount to 12
+ Kicked over barrels now have their own sound effect
---- Tweaked burning sound from decorations to loop properly
+ Thrown barrels now have proper properties akin to other explosives
+ Fixed self-damage bug when kicking heads while being too close and Berserking
+ Fixed being unable to grab dying guys as meatshields
---- Use RIP AND TEAR mode to grab a meatshield
---- Use SMASH mode to smash dying guys normally
+ Changed Cyberdemon and Mastermind roar sounds to be more menacing
+ Revised BFG secondary fire sound and fire rate
+ Tweaked Chainsaw's sound levels to be less irritating
+ Added brightmap for the Revenant weapon's NO TARGET indicator for the primary fire mode
+ Revenant weapon's primary fire now properly homes in on enemies when a valid target is in view
---- Seeker mode is slower and does standard damage
---- Dumbfire mode is faster and does a little more damage
---- Turn that strafing Cacodemon into a No-problemo-demon
+ Revised Revenant weapon's firing sounds and seeker impact sound
+ Gave all the fatalities some much needed TLC
---- Sounds and animations for these have been tweaked to be more satisfying
+ Lowered the volume of all miscellaneous blood and gore sounds outside of fatalities and head popping
+ Minigun muzzle flashes have been given some variation between them
+ Added workaround fix for fatality animation mismatches that might occur
+ Added a bit of recoil to the Rifle's primary
+ Added Y-billboarding for certain decorations that shouldn't be always facing up/down at you
+ Fixed being unable to kick corpses
+ Slightly overhauled the way the player can kick/explode smaller corpses
---- Flying corpses will go splat when they land
---- Berserker Kicked corpses will get smashed
+ Added a bit of variance with the Rifle's muzzle flashes
+ Revised the Rifle's firing sound to be a little more percussive
+ Commandos tweaked to be a little less irritating to the ear
+ Muzzle lighting effects tweaked for some variance
+ Changed Assautle Rifle's secondary mode to semi-auto
+ Fixed potential glitch with meatshields where the second shot goes back to the rifle animation
+ Fixed Lost Souls lacking a death sound
+ Fixed Imp fireballs not making an impact sound when hitting the player
+ Fixed accidentally killing Captured Marines when punching/kicking them with Berserk
+ Added missing Mancubus Gun sprite in the Alternate Weapon Sprites pack
+ Buffed Plasma Gun secondary's damage
+ Reduced Plasma Gun secondary's ammo cost to 10
+ Added De-charge feature to Plasma Gun
---- Press Reload while holding a charge to cancel
+ Polished up the No Reloads addon in the Addons pack
+ Added Original Player Grunts to the Addons pack
+ Tweaked the way the Minigun alerts enemies
---- Spin ups do not immediately alert
---- Secondary spinning will alert within a certain range
---- When you're shooting, it alerts as normal like any other gun
+ Arachnotron XDeath explosions have a muffled boom instead of silence
+ Cell and Cell Pack pickup sounds have been differentiated a bit
+ Hurt Me Regular difficulty is similar to Ultra Violence, but with less player damage
---- Just in case you find things a little too brutal, but still want to keep full monster spawns
Recent Updates
+ Added missing sprites for the shotgun in the Alternate Weapon Sprites pack
+ Added slight nudging to the shotgun's reloading animation (from the alternate weapon sprites pack)
+ Removed self damage from kicking severed heads around
+ Added 7 + 1 reloading functionality to the Shotgun
---- Topping off is a bit quicker as a result, as long as you have a shell already chambered
+ Added shootable corpses to the Addons pack
+ Added classic Chainsaw attack to the Addons pack
+ Added smaller blood decals to the Addons pack
+ Fixed player damage from friendly grenades
+ Added magazine capacity display to ZDoom's Alt-HUD
+ Added Persistent Blood & Gore to the Addons pack
+ Tweaked smashed corpses so they can be further smashed into nothing
+ Tweaked dying Knights and Barons not having a head exploding animation when head-shot with a Minigun
+ Polished up the Shotgun's reloading mechanics
+ Fixed fatality attacks sometimes not triggering fatalities when they should
---- This also results in you no longer being able to "sack-tap" Hell Nobles. It's kicks only now.
+ Refined how the various Hell Knight deaths work
+ Fixed smashed remains being unshootable in the Shootable Corpses addon
+ Picking smaller enemies apart with the Minigun is now quicker / more responsive
+ Added No Recoil to the Addons pack
---- Plus a variant with no reloading as well
+ Added Varied Ally Arsenal to the Addons pack
---- Be warned that it can be very glitchy due to how the new Ally Marine system works
---- Implementing all the new features for every Marine variant is very much a work in progress, but you can try it now if you really want it
+ Reduced recoil on the Rifle's ADS fire
---- Addons that affect the Rife have also been updated with this
+ Deselecting Fists is now quicker
+ Getting straight-up headshots on Hell Nobles with the Shotgun is no longer as rare as before
+ Crippled Arachnotrons now have their own active sound
---- They can also be Berserker-punted for extra hilarity
+ Burning Imps have their own sound
---- They can be killed early by shooting/exploding them
---- Gibbing them while close will give a small Cruelty Bonus
+ Fixed bug where if you pressed Reload on certain weapons, it would cause you to change Melee modes upon switching to Fists
+ Fixed bug that made you change Melee modes when crushing grabbed Lost Souls
+ Fixed fatalities not stopping the player's sliding momentum
+ Deselecting larger weapons is now quicker
+ Plasma Gun's reload is now quicker
+ Refined RL grenade behavior
---- For example, grenades now immediately detonate when striking flesh, but bounces off barrels and lamps
---- No more gory pinball between groups of weaker enemies, cool as it was
+ Screen shaking from rockets and grenades have been toned down and don't last as long
+ Destroying smashed remains leaves a larger blood spot
+ Smashed remains can now be more easily destroyed with explosives
+ Fixed bug where kicking down smaller enemies might make them fly in the wrong direction
+ Added Old Mancubus Fireball behavior to the Addons pack
+ Refined Minigun behavior
---- Changing modes and firing is more responsive
---- Deselecting now pays attention to what state the Minigun is in
+ Added Brutal Nazis to the Addons pack
---- Load this before Shootable Corpses, if you use that as well
---- Shootable Corpses has been updated to support Brutal Nazis
+ Tweaked bleeding decorations in the Persistent Blood & Gore addon to not leave behind ever increasing blood spots
---- Load this after Shootable Corpses, if you use that as well
+ Added a Zandronum-friendly version of Brutal Doom SE
---- If you're used to the GZDoom version, things will feel a bit off, due to the quirks and limitations of Zandro
+ Fixed crash when dying in the Zandronum version of SE
+ Made a separate set of mutators that work for Brutal Zandro SE
+ Tweaked the headshot hit boxes of bleeding-out/dying Zombies to be more easily hit
+ Dying Zombies immediately stop their suffering/wailing sound and play their death sound at the moment of death
---- Kicking their heads in ought to shut them up immediately, since they have no head
+ Revised SSG primary fire sound
+ Tweaked Shotgun to allow ADS mode when pumping
---- Press secondary fire after the spent shell appears to quickly go back into ADS
---- It's now possible to pseudo-slam-fire when firing from the hip, and then quickly going into ADS and firing again, resulting in two somewhat quicker consecutive shots. It takes some practice with the timing to pull off reliably.
+ Added optimizations for enemies that the player can't see
+ Added optimizations for dripping corpse decorations
+ Relevant mutators for both versions have also been updated
+ Fixed bug with being able to punch during fatality animations
+ Fixed bug with Barons repeating their taunting animation after being angered by Zombies
---- Shootable Corpses addon has also been updated
+ Fixed bug with smaller enemies not getting knocked down from grenade explosions
+ Added Cruelty Bonus Messages to the Addons Pack
---- This restores notifications when being awarded with Cruelty Bonuses
+ Gave the player character a proper landing sound instead of "UNF!"
---- It's pretty placeholder-y, taken from Duke3D's landing sound
+ Added Alt-Fire attack to the Chainsaw
---- It's fully featured, with combos, a jump attack, and can be powered up with Berserk, which makes the swipes able to rip through multiple enemies except bosses
+ Added Chainsaw No AltFire to the Addons pack for those that want to keep the Chainsaw as it was
---- You can open it up and copy over its contents into BDSE if you want it permanently
+ Fixed bug with Barons disappearing with the Shootable Corpses addon
+ Fixed standard kicking with the Chainsaw behaving inconsistently compared to kicking with other weapons
+ Fixed bug with Cacodemons not splashing you with blue blood when slashing them with the saw AltFire
---- Red still takes precedence over blue, since one still has to overwrite the other or else you could go from red to blue without doing anything if you have both blood types on you
+ Increased Bullet Ammo capacity to 400 / 800
+ Added missing brightmaps to the Improved Doom Brightmaps pack
---- Load this before BDSE, or make it auto-load
+ Added Alternate Weapon Sounds MinigunNoRecoil to the Addons Pack
---- Load this after No Recoil / No Reload
+ Added 300 / 600 Bullet Capacity to the Addons Pack, which lowers your carry amount back to that value
+ Toned down the damage of the Saw combo's final thrust attack
---- Instead, it knocks down weaker enemies in a small area around you
+ Slightly improved the Saw secondary's corpse cutting ability
* Also, in case anyone out there believe I'm committing some sort of theft with this mod, please note that none of my handles appear anywhere within the work. The credits file is fully intact, with additions for the new resources in SE. I claim absolutely nothing. I'm merely the one responsible for putting this edition together and nothing more.
Last edited by SigFloyd on Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:37 am, edited 101 times in total.
I know i will sound like a broken record. I tested your version and i really dig most of the changes, if you somehow could find a way to restore v19test corpse gibbing i would be in awe, that's literally the only thing i would like to see in one of this modified v19 versions floating around here.
Removing the corpse shooting seems to have improved the performance greatly though, and you can still hit them with explosives. Being able to shoot corpses with bullets was annoying and often got in the way.
Very nice changes. Is there possible make Zandronum versio too?
Things what i dislike
- Pump shotgun reloading sound doesn't fit in game.
- Far explosion sound kinda missing.
- When shooting Rifle with iron sight, magically weapon have recoil.
- Player Revenant Launcher seeking missile switch target.
- Shotgun Zombie weird drop change. Bit lucky thing.
- Plasma Rifle second fire long shooting time make it bit impractical.
- Mancubus projectile doesn't have splash damage.
The shotgun changes seem a bit unnecessary. I mean, it seems more like a downgrade to the shotgun as a whole with no real benefits, less ammo, less chance of getting a shotgun, no buff to the actual gun or damage.
Everything else seems pretty nice, though the old plasma shotgun already had a good bit of recharge before you could use it again, extending it seems silly.
Brutal Doom SE is easily my favorite modification of Brutal Doom, improves a ton, much more enjoyable than regular old Brutal Doom.
Cryomundus wrote:The shotgun changes seem a bit unnecessary. I mean, it seems more like a downgrade to the shotgun as a whole with no real benefits, less ammo, less chance of getting a shotgun, no buff to the actual gun or damage.
Max Dickings wrote:Quick question, whats the rifle/minigun fire sound called? Says it should be "riflef," but my replacement file isn't working.
The name of the sound file itself is "dssssit", the SNDINFO refers to it as "riflef". The rifle's secondary burst sound effect is "semiauto". Yeah, it's a misnomer now, but that's what plays for the secondary fire sound. As to the file names of the Minigun's firing sound, there's two sounds. It's "DSMINSLW" for the primary loop, and a combination of that and "minifast" for the secondary.
TheMightyHeracross wrote:Screenshots, please.
There really isn't much in the way of actual visual additions, since almost all of the changes have to do with the sound and animation sequences. There are some different item sprites, though, but they're more subtle in that they merely reflect more details of the guns you hold.
Vict wrote:Removing the corpse shooting seems to have improved the performance greatly though, and you can still hit them with explosives. Being able to shoot corpses with bullets was annoying and often got in the way.
It could always be released as an addon and besides, not all corpses are gibbing when you shoot them with explosives (zombies in particular fly across the room and sometimes fly through walls). But considering everybody somehow hated the corpse gibbing (few bugs that i almost never encountered) i will have to learn some decorate and probably do that myself i guess.
As for Brutal Doom v19 SE i will say this, it's awesome, but i can't kick zombie and imp corpses (you could do that in normal V19 and Enhanced Edition). Also im not a fan of Assault Rifle alternate fire, it's impractical and has way too much recoil.
There really isn't much in the way of actual visual additions, since almost all of the changes have to do with the sound and animation sequences. There are some different item sprites, though, but they're more subtle in that they merely reflect more details of the guns you hold.
Fair enough.
..This is really good! I had a lot of fun playing this, keep it up!
Only weird thing is that the rifle's semi-auto on hip fire, and 3 round burst on ADS, but that's not too bad.