[1.9a] Insanity's Requiem Mk.2 | Updated Credits.

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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.7 coming "soonish"

Post by wildweasel »

How about giving this to the target:

Code: Select all

ACTOR ShitMyPlayerSays : CustomInventory
      TNT1 A 0 A_Jump(222, 2)
      TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("IrritatingOneLiner", CHAN_VOICE)
      TNT1 A 0
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.7 coming "soonish"

Post by TiberiumSoul »

That could work and it would allow me to keep manual taunting aswell
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.7 coming "soonish"

Post by BlueInferno »

For some reason when I picked up the small shield in doom 2 map01 I am no longer taking damage from anything. Same thing In memento mori. That happened again in map 04, The bug did not seem to show up immediately on my play through from the start.

Awesome mod by the way! 8-)
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.7 coming "soonish"

Post by TiberiumSoul »

This is no bug dude shields are exactly that 100% damage absorbing stack shields on top of one another for a max on 10,000 armor points health is this way also it used to max at 666 ap and 666 hp
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.7 coming "soonish"

Post by -Ghost- »

Played a bit of this today. I actually enjoy your mods for the most part, you do a good blend of satisfying weapons and effects. This mod feels a bit "busy" though, since everything is very loud and constant. I'd definitely tone down the health pickup sounds since if you get a bunch of them together it's really loud and distracting. Can you make it so you just hear them if you're almost on top of them or something? They already glow and float/move, so they're not that hard to find visually. The menu also isn't giving me an indicator of what's selected (making it hard to pick a difficulty with the keyboard), though that may be my GzDoom version or something so I'll check that.

I also feel like the HUD needs some work so you can actually tell what's going on. It's a nice looking HUD, but it retains the original problem of not actually having numbers. The bars can be okay for ammo if they really need to be that, but the HP/armor could use numbers since you pick up a lot of health and armor items in this. I think I noticed myself bleeding even while shot with a shield on, so you may want to take a look at Project MSX to try and go for a shield effect when hit, rather than just blood; when combined with just bars for armor it makes it hard to tell what's going on quickly. Lastly the zombie/imp sounds are a bit loud, and it's a little weird having them both make the same sounds. Nice use of the Killing Floor specimen noises, though.
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.7 coming "soonish"

Post by TiberiumSoul »

there probably wont be an update on this for some time as im taking a break from this mod to work on my strife mod Legacy of Strife but ill make a to-do list for this when i start on it again. ill also say this:

Along with the release of v1.8 I also issue a challenge.

The Challenge in question?:

Beat the High Score

iWAD : Doom2

pWAD(s) : ts_ir_gzd_b1.8.pk3, iu-part5.wad

Map(s) Completed : MAP01 - MAP30 + MAP31/MAP32

Final Time : 2:47:25

Final Score : 897,579,390


1. You Have to use Insanity's Requiem

2. No Cheats. Period.

3. Thau shalt complete all maps secret maps however, are optional

4. Thou shalt not NUTS.wad. Seriously don't its not fair for other players who can't even run it.

5. No Monster multipliers IE Rapefactor, 10x, etc.

6. If a map has custom enemies let me know and I'll make a score definitions patch for the map. this means that map sets like Stronghold, ZDCMP2, etc.
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.7 coming "soonish"

Post by Ribo Zurai »

TiberiumSoul wrote: 4. Thou shalt not NUTS.wad. Seriously don't its not fair for other players who can't even run it.
I don't think even a quantic computer could do that.
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.7 coming "soonish"

Post by TiberiumSoul »

Correct as you are it's still a necessary precaution
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.7 coming "soonish"

Post by Bitterman »

I just finished playing this mod, and it's awfully imbalanced. I don't want sound like I'm bashing, but it is true.

-The difficulty. Difficulties 1-4 are too easy, while 5-6 are too hard. Enemies turn into bullet sponges.
-DoomNukem's hud screen graphic was downgraded, it looks bland and without detail like the original.
-The sounds are annoying. Some of the gun sounds are pretty good, but some are really loud and others are quiet. The chaingun's spinup sound just sounds bad in my opinion. The soul sounds are way too loud, and can be heard from far away. I'd suggest removing them, as they only bother the player.
-The gore is overkill. You can paint entire walls red with the blood of a single enemy, which in this case is not a good thing.
-The effects are nice, but they're rather unrefined (yeah, I don't know how to put it), such as the bullet chip decal effects, which are too big.

The weapons are quite straight forward and nothing too special.
-Chainsaw is decent.
-Fists are bad, plus the up sound is sorta' dumb.
-Pistol is not very fun, the alt fire is much more useful than the primary fire.
-Shotgun is good, very useful against enemies.
-Super Shotgun is almost the same as the regular shotgun.
-The Machine Gun is decent, easily replaced when you get the Chaingun.
-Chaingun is the way better version of the Machine Gun.
I didn't get to play with the other guns too much, but I don't have anything special to say anyways.

What I liked:
-The Shotgun.
-The Start screen. It's easily the best part of the mod.

I'm not sure if this helped, but I just felt like saying something. This mod does really have the potential to be awesome, but right now it's unrefined and not very fun unfortunately.
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.7 coming "soonish"

Post by TiberiumSoul »

Maybe i should scale down the blood and bullet decals as for the SSG what do you recommend I do?

As for skills 5 and 6 they won't be changing they're meant to be really unfair

The fist I can't really do anything about since it's either go back to Xaser's Fist from zharkhov goes to the store or swap out for something entirely different IE another gun to replace the pistol while the current pistol replaces the fist
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.7 coming "soonish"

Post by Bitterman »

TiberiumSoul wrote:Maybe i should scale down the blood and bullet decals as for the SSG what do you recommend I do?
I don't know, just try to tone it down somehow.
As for skills 5 and 6 they won't be changing they're meant to be really unfair
Unfortunately, unfair doesn't actually mean fun. Make it a challenge instead, where it is difficult, but is actually possible to progress.
The fist I can't really do anything about since it's either go back to Xaser's Fist from zharkhov goes to the store or swap out for something entirely different IE another gun to replace the pistol while the current pistol replaces the fist
I see, but the fist isn't very important though.

Anyways, thanks for listening to my feedback, I appreciate it!
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.7 coming "soonish"

Post by TiberiumSoul »

I've added a BFG slot weapon and made the fist a null weapon...
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.8 Beat the High Score!

Post by TiberiumSoul »

Its taken me long enough but 1.8 is finally here...

Now, most of you here are going to expect at least a small changelog so here goes:

Added a bit more eye candy to the archons (they spawn a lens flare) when they die

Nerfed the fire rate on the Dahl DA27-SC so you'll find it doesn't behave they way it does in the new trailer

V1.8 introduces a new character: Ascher Talos
+ And a new Weapon: The Maliwan AT-30 Target Pistol (Ascher Exclusive unless you want to cheat for it)
(Did i forget to mention this mod uses manufacturer names from Borderlands? silly me :P)

Nerfed the A.M.T.R. into oblivion so that instead of it doing some 2000+ damage it maxes out at 300 which means: no more one shot kills on higher ranked enemies

Added a new GZDoom Titlemap Graphic

but still here we go guys:

Trailer # 2

Download: Insanity's Requiem v1.8

*edit trailer fixed
Last edited by TiberiumSoul on Fri Nov 22, 2013 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.8 Beat the High Score!

Post by Abba Zabba »

Trailer 2 is broken. Happens sometimes when the v= isn't all copied.
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.8 Beat the High Score!

Post by JimmyJ »

The alt fire for Hector Grimm's pistol doesn't seem to use any ammunition.

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