Icarus: Alien Vanguard ZDoom Port!

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Icarus: Alien Vanguard ZDoom Port!

Post by Astroman9991 »

A ZDoom port of Icarus: Alien Vanguard, originally by Team TNT.

By WiiStation360Games/Astroman9991

As a member of the Earth Defense Force, you discover that Icarus, the force's headquarters and ship, has been overrun by monsters from god-knows-where. The crew have either been slaughtered or zombified, and the aliens are pouring in reinforcements easily, somehow. Liberate the ship and destroy whatever is allowing them to transport reinforcements. You will have to fight through the ship, on planets and moons where the invaders have developed strongholds, and through simulations to test your mettle and allow you to proceed.

Currently, version 1.0 has a handful of new weapons and enemies, such as the Ghost Imp and the Sten-gun! In future patches, additional content may be included as well.

Yes, there's a working currency system! I'd like to thank MarineRings for that trick.
On Icarus, I.C.F credits are available. They are large gold coins, and can be used to purchase items at vendors. Vendors will be ran by robots (in the form of grey marines), and will sell weapons, ammo and more, providing you have the cash. You can carry up to 100 coins, and up to 200 when you collect a backpack! You can find money scattered around, and even on dead zombie riflemen. They cannot be accessed during Deathmatch. Maybe there's something to save up for at the final level...

(Note: the Sten-gun does NOT work on ZDoom; this will hopefully be patched)


LIGHT DOWNLOAD (this has a few patches already, and does not use the remixed music - the coins are smaller and the Sten Gun works on ZDoom): http://www.mediafire.com/download/va8d2 ... rdLite.zip

BROKEN DOWNLOAD (has the remixed music, but considerably big): http://www.mediafire.com/?t3b3lzlfqt1witv
Last edited by Astroman9991 on Mon Sep 30, 2013 12:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Icarus: Alien Vanguard ZDoom Port!

Post by niculinux »

Thanks!! I palyed this long time ago, in the '90!!!
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Re: Icarus: Alien Vanguard ZDoom Port!

Post by Enjay »

Can I suggest making the music a separate download? 87MB of music in a 100MB WAD may be a bit annoying for some people.


Code: Select all

Invalid data encountered for texture ZDoom Icarus Alien Vanguard.WAD:DECORATE
Invalid data encountered for texture ZDoom Icarus Alien Vanguard.WAD:SNDINFO
Invalid data encountered for texture ZDoom Icarus Alien Vanguard.WAD:KEYCONF
Invalid data encountered for texture ZDoom Icarus Alien Vanguard.WAD:ACMACH
Invalid data encountered for texture ZDoom Icarus Alien Vanguard.WAD:ACMACHR

Code: Select all

Tried to register class 'Zombieman' more than once.
Tried to register class 'HealthBonus' more than once.
Tried to register class 'ArmorBonus' more than once.

Code: Select all

Spawn ID 4 refers to hidden class type 'Zombieman'
Editor number 3004 refers to hidden class type 'Zombieman'
Spawn ID 22 refers to hidden class type 'ArmorBonus'
Editor number 2015 refers to hidden class type 'ArmorBonus'
Spawn ID 152 refers to hidden class type 'HealthBonus'
Editor number 2014 refers to hidden class type 'HealthBonus'
Warning: Zombieman and Zombieman both have doomednum 3004.
Warning: HealthBonus and HealthBonus both have doomednum 2014.
Warning: ArmorBonus and ArmorBonus both have doomednum 2015.
And, IMO, the coin should be scaled down to be smaller.
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Re: Icarus: Alien Vanguard ZDoom Port!

Post by Steve1664 »

I was never able to get this running properly. Thanks for allowing me to finally play this with your hard work!
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Re: Icarus: Alien Vanguard ZDoom Port!

Post by niculinux »

Enjay wrote:And, IMO, the coin should be scaled down to be smaller.


With freedoom seems to work fine.

Edit: small glitch with plasma rifle, when firing:


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Re: Icarus: Alien Vanguard ZDoom Port!

Post by Xaser »

"A ZDoom port of Icarus: Alien Vanguard"

But Icarus already works in ZDoom. Why does it need a port? D:

Really, though, I can't see what any of this adds to the original wad at all, and why on earth is everything Freedoom resources? I am a mega confuse.
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Re: Icarus: Alien Vanguard ZDoom Port!

Post by Astroman9991 »

@niculinux The plasma rifle is a sprite swap, firing red projectiles. Hence why it's glitchy for you. I'll try and release the light version and remove the sprite-swap for it.
@Xaser New content, better scripting, remixed music, enhanced game-play...the original worked in ZDoom because it was for Doom II, silly. :P
@Steve1664 Thanks, matey!

UPDATE: Okay, a light version has been released, with a few minor patches included.
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Re: Icarus: Alien Vanguard ZDoom Port!

Post by Patriot1776 »

Haven't played yet, but was wondering if there has been anything done within the levels to improve the lighting, make it more realistic looking? That can be done without drastic alterations to the original architecture of the levels.
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Re: Icarus: Alien Vanguard ZDoom Port!

Post by Steve1664 »

You know what I'd really like to see though? A ZDoom compatible port of Icarus' follow-up, Deadalus - THAT's the one I never was able to get working because it was so script-intensive. I remember playing through Icarus just fine, but I'm not complaining about another playthrough because it was quite good.
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Re: Icarus: Alien Vanguard ZDoom Port!

Post by Average »

I thought Daedalus was ZDoom only? It's been a while since I played it so I could be wrong... :)
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Re: Icarus: Alien Vanguard ZDoom Port!

Post by Viscra Maelstrom »

Steve1664 wrote:You know what I'd really like to see though? A ZDoom compatible port of Icarus' follow-up, Deadalus
"REQUIRES: ZDoom version 2.0.60 or higher"
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Re: Icarus: Alien Vanguard ZDoom Port!

Post by Patriot1776 »

After playing through the first two maps so far, this is still a work in progress. I like the addition of light ZDoom features, but more needs to be done to overhaul the sector lighting to bring it up to modern standards. Anyway, found a couple of major glitches on MAP02:

Because of the elevated platform in the start room, where the Berserk Pack is located, is now hidden, when you use the teleporter accessible from sector 38 to get to it, you are then officially trapped because in hiding that exact platform, no switch was provided to allow the player to lower the platform down from the ceiling of the surrounding room to continue the level.

More serious glitch:

Sectors 469 and 381, the area with the three scrolling status messages. Linedef 1644, the linedef used to open up the status message screens to a trap and also allow the opening of doorway to sector 396 stairway, lost its sector tags to the status message screens, and been changed from 'Floor Lower To Nearest Floor' for its action instead to 'Floor Raise'. These two changes, along with the loss of the sector tags, left the map impossible to complete since now the only way to gain access to the red key is now broken.

I've fixed both of these in my personal copy so I can now get out of the now hidden elevated room the berserk platform was turned into, and also fixed the message screen trap as well. Will probably play level 3 sometime today.
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Re: Icarus: Alien Vanguard ZDoom Port!

Post by Astroman9991 »

@Patriot I'll try and patch these in the next update. Although, I played through the second level and I managed to get the red key and escape without cheating to get it, so I'm not sure how things went topsy-turvy on your end. Whilst I have potential plans for adding more content (e.g. weapons and enemies), I wouldn't consider it as a work in progress WAD; I don't have plans for editing lighting further or use even more complicated scripts, I don't really have the enthusiasm for that. As long as it plays like Doom (without glitches ruining everything), I'm fine with that.
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Re: Icarus: Alien Vanguard ZDoom Port!

Post by Steve1664 »

Whoops! Sorry about the whole Deadalus thing. Maybe I should give it another try and see if I can't get it working properly; all I can remember is having to IDCLEV out of the intro because it got stuck. Carry on.
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Re: Icarus: Alien Vanguard ZDoom Port!

Post by Patriot1776 »

New glitch, map07 on my end, the sickbay: Inside the blue-key room killing all Mancubi does not cause the walls to open to access switch to raise stairs to blue key. What manner did you use to convert these maps to HeXen format?

Okay, I get what your saying on not updating the level lighting too much, but least, how about dropping down the light level a great bit in rooms with no apparent sector light source, and sticking lamps in those rooms right next to the walls? Improvements like that do not change any of the effective level geometry whatsover and improve room and level believeability. If you want, I can take screencaps from Map02 to illustrate what I'm talking about, screencaps of a lighting change that was nicely well done, and then a room that makes you scratch your head after seeing that.

EDIT: That's odd, in DB2, sector 66 of Map07 is tagged 666. Lemme try replaying the level a few times...

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