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CPTJ H 0 ACS_Execute(993,0,0,0,0)
CPTJ H 0 A_Stop
CPTJ H 65 A_Scream
TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("boss/explode",CHAN_BODY,1,0,ATTN_NONE)
CPTJ GHGHGHGH 8 A_SpawnItemEx("BossBoom",random(0,60),random(0,60),random(20,80),0,0,0,random(0,360))
CPTJ GHGHGHGHGHG 4 A_SpawnItemEx("BossBoom",random(0,60),random(0,60),random(20,80),0,0,0,random(0,360))
CPTJ GHGHGHGHGHGHG 2 A_SpawnItemEx("BossBoom",random(0,60),random(0,60),random(20,80),0,0,0,random(0,360))
TNT1 A 200 A_GiveToTarget("ScoreItem",5000)
here it is. every bosses got those exploding scripts. so i think you'll need to delete those spawnitemex thingies, and add your own death animations, and do not delete that score giving script. or she'll became a bum. by the way, pretty hard. right? compile things at my computer is pure harder to me, though.
this thing is pretty massed up either.
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