The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWolf)

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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thead. (aka ECWol

Post by Enjay »

Blzut3 wrote:Blake Stone
That's what I would really like to see. Wolfenstein has been brought up to modern(ish) standards via a few different methods already* but there hasn't been a truly satisfying Blake Stone port or TC yet IMO.

*Not trying to imply that I don't want to see ECWolfenstein - because I do want to see it. :yup:
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thead. (aka ECWol

Post by mallo »

Oh boy!
I can't wait for release.

And quick question - if this supports DECORATE and Doom lump-based files would i turn game on with DECORATE things designed for Zdoom, type in console (oh, console is a must!) something like "summon womancubus" and it will appear? Or just game will not read it? It would be great. No, more than great!
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thead. (aka ECWol

Post by Blzut3 »

mallo wrote:And quick question - if this supports DECORATE and Doom lump-based files would i turn game on with DECORATE things designed for Zdoom, type in console (oh, console is a must!) something like "summon womancubus" and it will appear? Or just game will not read it? It would be great. No, more than great!
There no console yet as it's not needed for an initial release. ZDoom mods won't load unless they were designed to take into account ECWolf's parser differences (the differences are along the lines of making JavaScript work between web browsers) not to mention the much lower number of features.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thead. (aka ECWol

Post by mallo »


Anyways, i were working on Wolf-Fantasy Project (until i got problems with portal) and i would be able to finish it! Hooray!

EDIT: God Dammnit, when it will be released? I wanna play it!!! (And having to copy dozens of files beacuse of no download button and building code isn't nice.)
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thead. (aka ECWol

Post by mallo »

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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thead. (aka ECWol

Post by wildweasel »

mallo wrote:Bump?
Not wise.

For the record, I can say that this is still being worked on in Blzut3's characteristically clandestine fashion, that is to say, the private beta testers are still picking out bugs (quite nasty ones at times), and I really don't blame the guy for not releasing public betas yet.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thead. (aka ECWol

Post by mallo »

Oh, finally found it.
Yep, they're half-tiles + this map is made from txt file:
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thead. (aka ECWol

Post by Blzut3 »

What about that really old screen shot? :P

Anyways, just last night the final beta was distributed. At this point it mostly a matter of finishing some features needed for the tech demo, then release candidates will be sent to the testers. Only a few more weeks. :)
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thead. (aka ECWol

Post by mallo »

Nothing, i'm just showing half-tiles. Plus screenshots are cool.

Uhhh, so in a few weeks you will distribute 1.0? Can't waiiiiit!!! :wub:
I will not be on computer (at least not at any that can run games) for next... 2 weeks? Something around that. So it will be very nice: I'm back home and dum-dum-dum!!! ECWolf!
Ohhhh, i'm probably too excited, but possibilty to make mods without all those C++ problems... It's a dream and do not wake me up.

Oh, i love modding. :D
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by Gez »

About the secret level fart sound: rather than replacing the actors per level, it'd be better to introduce a feature to replace sounds per level.

Or, once you get an ACS VM, use a script like this:

Code: Select all

script "A_DeathScream" (void)	// Death scream
	bool secretlevel = false;
	if (Level == 19 || Level == 20 || (Level == 10 && !GAME_SOD))
		secretlevel = true;

	if (secretlevel && (rnd_table[Random(0,255)] == 0))
		// FormGen didn't have enough humor to have deathfarts.
		// So this could check for a level above 200 and then
		// use GUARDSCREAM6 instead. Which is the gunbat's death.
		ActivatorSound("DEATHSCREAM6", 127);
	} else SetResultValue(false);
with DECORATE code kinda like that:

Code: Select all

		WBRN J 5 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("PlaceItemType", 0, ITEM_CLIP)
		WBRN K 0 A_JumpIf(CallACS("A_DeathScream"), 2)
		WBRN K 0 A_Scream
		WBRN K 5
		WBRN L 5 
		WBRN M 5 A_GiveToTarget("Points", 100)
		WBRN N -1 // A_NoBlocking
The simplest, closest to the original idea, method would be to add a "SecretDeathSound" actor property and have the DeathScream function use that one, if defined, when on a secret level.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by Blzut3 »

Using ACS won't work since I won't have the ACS VM in anywhere near in time. Makes it more of a gross hack anyways. Also what do you mean by your comment "check for a level above 200?"

I have thought about the secretdeathsound route as well. I guess I should sleep on it, maybe it will seem like the better idea tomorrow. Right now my thoughts are that a replaceactor property at the map level might be more useful overall, but not having the extra actors around is tempting.

I guess I should mention another thing I'm debating over is how to handle the Spear of Destiny mission packs. I originally wanted to detect their presence and then present them as episodes in Spear of Destiny, but the new weapon sprites prevent that. (Particularly since the new game progression is class->episode->skill so I can't have the episode restrict the class selection.) So with that decided I can either present them as two separate games or merge the two. I think I should definitely give the mission packs their own set of actors since some of the statics may be able to use a different set of visual flags. But that would mean copies of every actor or using the sprite "----" throughout.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by Gez »

Blzut3 wrote:Also what do you mean by your comment "check for a level above 200?"
That's kinda specific to my mod of AFADoomer's TC.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by Gez »

There's one more thing about making different actors for the FormGen mission packs: the ghosts in The Ultimate Challenge and different from those in Return To Danger. RTD's ghosts are ghoulish, but TUC has radioactive clouds.

Also the chaingun has different pickup sounds in Wolf, Spear, and Lost. I handled that with weapon givers personally.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by Blzut3 »

Thanks for notifying me about the ghosts. Didn't notice that when scanning through the sprites in both missions.

Regarding the sounds, I don't think the adlib sound is any different between Wolf3D and Spear. The difference between the two is that Spear has a digital sound. Since Wolf3D doesn't have it, ECWolf falls back on adlib. Regarding the mission pack chaingun, that's no problem since ECWolf implements those weapons separately.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by Blzut3 »

And for those of you who were not in IRC at the time. The release date is Sepetember 18th.

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