Maps of Chaos - Overkill RC1 out!

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Maps of Chaos - Overkill RC1 out!

Post by Armaetus »

This is a project that originally stemmed from a file I named "Doom Co-op" which started off way back in 2006 or 2007 with increased monster count more or less plus a few sound and minor graphics visuals but I eventually moved into actually adding new sections to both original sets of maps (except episode 4 of Doom) on top of making it suitable for single and co-op multiplayer.

The final major update will be the "Overkill Edition", which will throw as much as game can without killing your framerate. Don't expect this to be available for a while.

On a side note, playing this with vanilla Doom or Doom 2 is not recommended as there are some linedefs that utilize Boom style line actions so if one must play "pure", use a limit removing port such as Boom/prBoom as the bare minimum.

These are replacement levels only and is not an IWAD, so these cannot be used as an IWAD to circumvent the need for an IWAD to use PWADs.

Check here for updates!

Download the trifecta of hell here!

MoC Standard - v1.02 Final. No longer updated or supported.
MoC Hardcore - "Hell on Earth" edition, Updated 3/3/13. Fixed E1M4 blue door.
MoC Overkill RC 1 - Teaser video. The toughest of all and meant for those wanting a major challenge. RC 1 added 11/5/13, last edited 1/18/15.

Optional downloads:
Random Deaths & Decoration - Great alternative to Brutal Doom but maintains classic vanilla gameplay. Alters only monsters and some gore, so use whatever weapons mod that doesn't mess with monster and corpse/gore/tree actors.
Project Doomed - Edit of Silentzorah's tunes to sound closer to the original soundtrack.
Project Final Doomed - Same as above but for Final Doom and those using Evilution or Plutonia IWADs to fire up this level set.
Optional Music - For Ultimate Doom. Updated 3/2/13. Changed some songs around from D2 version.
Optional music - For Doom 2. Updated 3/2/13
Rock It! 2.5 - For both Doom & Doom 2. Completely new music to use. Uploaded 7/17/13
Brutal Mix Up For Both Doom & Doom 2. Combines tunes from Rock It and Brutal Music WADs. Uploaded 7/31/13.

MoC Evilution 3 level demo - Evilution only. Added 11/28/12. Project abandoned, only demo released.

Optional third party downloads:
Doom Music Inversion - Changes high notes to low and vice versa. For both Doom games and works on Vanilla DOOM.EXE.

Derivative projects by others:
MoC Hardcore, Conan Edition - Comment link

ModDB page under the Brutal Doom addons page!

Pre-DVV Videos:

Last edited by Armaetus on Mon Jun 08, 2015 9:32 pm, edited 42 times in total.
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Re: Brutalized Doom & Doom 2

Post by -Ghost- »

I noticed a little stuttering like that while playing Evolution on various parts, most recently on Map 10 right after the door you open with the yellow card leading to an ambush with 2 mancubi and a bunch of other monsters. I'm running BD with your edited version, so I'll play around with the regular version to see if maybe it's an edit you did or just BD itself.
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Re: Brutalized Doom & Doom 2

Post by Armaetus »

I didn't alter Evilution or Plutonia levels, and yea MAP10 has a lot of monsters and I've experienced slight slowdown in some parts initially.
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Re: Brutalized Doom & Doom 2

Post by Matt »

Bug: First lift in Map02 doesn't work more than once. Just saw a bot go in, get himself killed, now the lift is back up and I can't go down.
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Re: Brutalized Doom & Doom 2

Post by Armaetus »

Vaecrius wrote:Bug: First lift in Map02 doesn't work more than once. Just saw a bot go in, get himself killed, now the lift is back up and I can't go down.
Noted and fixed for RC2 and for standard Brutalized. Looks like I used W1 instead of WR for the linedef.
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Re: Brutalized Doom & Doom 2

Post by doomquake777 »

Loving This!!! I will be playing your version of Doom and Doom 2 from now on. I did locate a small mistake. On E3M1 the back of the exit door isn't correct. Keep up the good work If you remade Final Doom I would play those as well
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Re: Brutalized Doom & Doom 2

Post by Armaetus »

I didn't even know I even messed with the alignments there, fixing it for both versions. I also appreciate the bug and glitch finding that I didn't notice. :)
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Re: Brutalized Doom & Doom 2

Post by doomquake777 »

No Problem! I am currently on E3M4 and haven't encountered any other issues.
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Re: Brutalized Doom & Doom 2

Post by Matt »

Just finished Map04 with this + HD (unreleased update with a baron that can actually be killed).

Awesome stuff.

...not a huge fan of the E1M1 rear ambushes although it does make the squad wipeout in the backstory actually plausible. x_x

One little quasi-bug: one of the helmets in the blue key room is just barely on the blue key platform... from the looks of it I assume it should be on the floor instead?

EDIT: I seem somehow to have forgotten to mention how much I like the little transitional areas before you reach the familiar starting points on the maps. Some could use a bit more detail but being able to see the "outside" of the facility really brings a new sense of place that I've never had before playing the regular levels...
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Re: Brutalized Doom & Doom 2

Post by Armaetus »

I tried to mimic a few of the outdoor areas seen on the map, such as E1M7.
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Re: Brutalized Doom & Doom 2

Post by -Ghost- »

Yeah I really like how you actually enter into the buildings for most of the maps instead of starting inside them, it's a nice little touch.
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Re: Brutalized Doom & Doom 2

Post by doomquake777 »

On E3M4 in the room with the 2 pillars that have a skull switch on each side (8 total)
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Re: Brutalized Doom & Doom 2

Post by Armaetus »

I never noticed that, I'll patch that up now.

I'll toss up 1.02 and RC2 up after sufficient time passes for folks to play through and report any mistakes I may have made.
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Re: Brutalized Doom & Doom 2

Post by Abba Zabba »

Where can I find the version of Brutal Doom your using in the video demonstrating your brutalized MAP01? Is it a development version of 0.16?

Looks really nice, if you could toss a link I'd greatly appreciate it.
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Re: Brutalized Doom & Doom 2

Post by Jake Crusher »

Lava Grunt wrote:Where can I find the version of Brutal Doom your using in the video demonstrating your brutalized MAP01? Is it a development version of 0.16?

Looks really nice, if you could toss a link I'd greatly appreciate it.
You can find it by using Skulltag's IDE. Recently I've seen some servers playing with brutaldoom016test. wad's (01, 02, 03...). Before playing, IDE will download wad first, and then you can play... although, I guess only on Skulltag (did not try ZDoom/GZDoom yet)...

Mr. Chris, found one nasty thing. To be precise - a yellow door on E2M4, from the side with yellow keycard hall (with crusher). If player waits for it to close, and then tries to open it again - it won't open. At all. Only from the other side...

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