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The Projects forums are only for projects. If you are asking questions about a project, either find that project's thread, or start a thread in the General section instead.
@Lexus - No, didn't get anything, try again with "tormentor667 AT arcor DOT de" and if it is really that good-looking, you will be added
@cccp_leha - I knew that you might be unhappy with the removal of this, but I think, you still like me Nevertheless, the second round will not just one more week for evetryone to work on one map, everyone will have to work on EVERY map but more on that later
Sorry, but don*t you guys think that this Anti Vavoom stuff is some kind of childish? I mean, it is free and everyone who wants to use it or not can do so, but each sourceport depends on the other ones due to the fact of the addition of new features. Everyone gains something from another port and it would be a bit intolerant if we damn on one sourceport because we like the other one. You know?! Nevertheless, back to topic, so just 6 & 7 are missing...
The Ultimate DooMer wrote:Playing 20 or so newstuff maps in one day...
Hahaha, sounds like a big week! Are any of those maps any good? Considering some people decided to wait for #200.
Some good ones, check it out and see.
Regarding Z1M9, is it just your bit that needs improving or Bio's as well? His seems mostly done, although I do have one or two plans for it. (in your bit I've managed to improve the mountains by scaling the floor, but that's it so far)
Torm: Can you host the file... i was under the impression that you were next. Sometimes Logic completely escapes me .
TDA: Stop being a dumb ass! How would you like it if I joined the anti "somethingthatyoulikealot" alliance!? Stop being so narrow minded! Just because you don't like something doesn't mean that the world revolves around you!
Everybody else: Can I use ZdoomGL for map02? . (J/K).