[WIP] The Shores of Zdoom

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Re: [WIP] The Shores of Zdoom

Post by Blue Shadow »

Nightfall wrote:I'd definitely offer my hand with mapping.. but I map with SLADE2 and it doesn't support UDMF. :(
Use Doom Builder 2.
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Re: [WIP] The Shores of Zdoom

Post by Nightfall »

Blue Shadow wrote:
Nightfall wrote:I'd definitely offer my hand with mapping.. but I map with SLADE2 and it doesn't support UDMF. :(
Use Doom Builder 2.
Can't. I'm on Linux which can't use Doom Builder. I do have a Windows install on dual-boot but it's incredibly slow and annoying. :/
I've been hacking Slade to make it support UDMF, while I've got results (I can make it load the things sans floating point coordinates and proper flags), I think it's still going to take a while.
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Re: [WIP] The Shores of Zdoom

Post by Gothic »

this is the 2nd great project which I hope to play :D
the 1st is Hpack
and the 3rd is mortal kombat doom
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Re: [WIP] The Shores of Zdoom

Post by ledillman »

Finally! good luck with this!, epsiode 2 its my favourite episode.
More screenshots pls!
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Re: [WIP] The Shores of Zdoom

Post by Gipper »

I suppose it's silly to ask about ZInferno (or whatever it'll be called) since TSoZD isn't out yet, but are there any plans to include the BFG at all in any of these games? As cool as the rifle was, I was disappointed that I couldn't BFG some of the big monsters in KDiZD and it doesn't look like you're including it in TSoZD either...
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Re: [WIP] The Shores of Zdoom

Post by esselfortium »

We're preserving the original progression that adds the plasma rifle in e2 and the BFG in e3.

How the super shotgun and other weapons are supposed to factor into that, um.. don't ask. >_>
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Re: [WIP] The Shores of Zdoom

Post by Ganymede »

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Re: [WIP] The Shores of Zdoom

Post by printz »

esselfortium wrote:We're preserving the original progression that adds the plasma rifle in e2 and the BFG in e3.
Indeed. I'm sick of E2 remakes or inspired mods that include the BFG, making the game too easy.

Even worse if they include spiderdemons.
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Re: [WIP] The Shores of Zdoom

Post by Salad Viking »

esselfortium wrote:We're preserving the original progression that adds the plasma rifle in e2 and the BFG in e3.
A suggestion (that I feel all mods should implement): have the BFG and plasma rifle use separate ammo. Otherwise, the moment you get the BFG, the plasma rifle becomes worthless.
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Re: [WIP] The Shores of Zdoom

Post by TorrentialFire »

The plasmarifle uses less ammo to dispatch weaker enemies, and is a must for any true doomer. It has never been useless, even after the player receives the BFG9K. :?
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Re: [WIP] The Shores of Zdoom

Post by Gez »

The BFG I use only for spiderdemons and cyberdemons. In tight situations, for archviles. Maybe for barons too if I'm being lazy.

Or for everything in slaughterfest maps where you have hundreds of enemies at once and the entire floor is covered with plasma packs.
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Re: [WIP] The Shores of Zdoom

Post by Hellser »

Episode 1 and 2 is pretty much designed to be played through with the shotgun. I find my self plentiful with ammo for the shotgun.

Also too, wasn't the BFG in Episode 2? Or was that Episode 3?
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Re: [WIP] The Shores of Zdoom

Post by Z86 »

TorrentialFire wrote:The plasmarifle uses less ammo to dispatch weaker enemies, and is a must for any true doomer. It has never been useless, even after the player receives the BFG9K. :?
Indeed, the plasmagun has it's uses even with the BFG around. If you count the average damage then you see that the BFG needs to do at least as much damage with IR-s as the main ball to be ammo effective vs the plasma gun, this means long range shooting is out. I usually use plasmagun to safely kill Cyberdemons at range when there's no room to maneuver to use the IR damage optimally.
Also too, wasn't the BFG in Episode 2? Or was that Episode 3?
EP3 only. It can be found in E3M3 secret lava & blood room or E3M4 in that small pit first and second time.
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Re: [WIP] The Shores of Zdoom

Post by Project Shadowcat »

A point-blank firing of the BFG against enough monsters (or even just a Baron of Hell or larger) tends to be a little more efficient damage-per-cell. What can take about 60 plasma shots to knock down a Baron will in most cases also be killed with a single BFG shot.

On topic, I don't want a BFG in this Episode 2 remake, or any spider monsters for that matter. Wouldn't feel right.
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Re: [WIP] The Shores of Zdoom

Post by Z86 »

Yes, i was talking about long range. At point blank BFG does well over 1000 (on larger targets it is more like 2000) average damage compared to a PG's 880 average for 40 cells, also the DPS is much higher (in fact even the RL has higher DPS than the PG if both the missile and the explosion hits), but at long range PG is more cell effective.
It is also the best painlocker, doing damage every 3 tics.

For example versus Arch-Viles it is arguably better than the BFG: you can kill them in less than 40 shots, missed shots don't matter as much as they do with BFG, and also you have a decently high chance of interrupting the AV attack.


KDiZD already broke the "monster-rule" of E1 with Cacos and Lost Souls (only present in E2 and onward), and i've seen an Arachnotron in one of the TSoZD screenshots IIRC. Actually i don't mind Arachnotrons being present as well as some other Doom2 monsters maybe (E2 always had this "cyber-hell" atmosphere, perfect for cybernetic monsters to appear)

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