[Resource] Obscure Games & Acknex Resources *REUPLOAD*

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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Gez »

Ceeb wrote:I've been sitting on a yo ho ho'd copy for ages
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Ethril »

CKeen wrote:What about Redline by Accolade? Some of the graphics are pretty nice.


And getting those car 3d models in doom would be awesome.
Damn, that looks like fun.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by neoworm »

Did anyone tried to rip textures from Albion?
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Zer0 »

The stuff for Albion is stored uncompressed? in the .XLD files and should be simple to rip, the only problem which comes up is that the graphics seem to be using more than one palette for the
graphics, so if you apply a palette to an image there will be missing colors, I'll look into correcting this.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Gez »

The XLD format used by Albion's archives appears to be very simple.

A six-byte signature: 58 4C 44 30 49 00 (XLD0I\0)
A two byte, little-endian number of contained entries (e.g., 2E 00 means it contains 46 entries)
Then for each entry, a 4-byte little endian value containing the size of the data (so if you have 46 entries, that directory will take up 184 bytes, and go from 0x08 to 0xBF).

It is then followed by the raw data. This format does not name each lump, and the offsets for each entry have to be computed from the size of the previous entries plus the size of the header and directory, but it's otherwise very simple.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Kinsie »

Zer0 wrote:Alien Trilogy 9MM and Shotgun ripped from PSX version using psxvram.

Weapons - http://www.mediafire.com/?1vwgvy90m6dcj45
psxvram - http://www.romhacking.net/utils/442/
Sorry, but can you please give some advice on how to use PSX-VRAM? I only seem to be able to view stuff in monochrome, and the Chinese documentation isn't helping matters.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Zer0 »

No problem, first make a savestate using the emulator then rename the save state extension to .GZ, open it and extract the file inside. This is the file you use with the program, just drag it into the PSX-VRAM window and the graphics are there in monochrome, WSAD keys are used to move around the image on the screen. Now press either 9 (4bpp) or 0 (9bpp), 9 being the most common for textures and 0 being more common for sprites, Then with the arrow keys you move around the cross-hair onto the palette which should just be a jumbled row of pixels somewhere around the image, sometimes you will be able to see the palette clearly other times not. Holding shift with the arrow keys will allow you to go through the palette 1 pixel at a time, the monochrome view can be useful to see the graphics as they should look, even though there are no colors. Finding the correct palette for the graphics can take some time, once you are done just printscreen the graphics, paste in paint, cut them out and save them.

Here's a more in-depth tutorial: http://www.sprites-inc.co.uk/forum/show ... php?t=6300 :thumb:
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by xHavokx »

Here's an interesting resource for you guys, the level editor to Eradicator:
Eradicator Editor

This includes the 2D editor, which allows you to place vertices, lines, polygons and objects. Also included are example levels and a text file with instructions on how to use it. You need the full game for this to be of any use, because everything else, such as placing textures, requires the main executable. The 3D editor is built into the game itself, and probably works like Build's does.

Of interest to me are the instructions which describe how to make a map and outline some of the features present. The game seems to use multiple palettes, one for each major level set. This explains why the palette supplied in XWE only works for a small amount of the textures. Hopefully this sheds a bit of light on the game.
Snarboo! OMFG your my hero!! I used to have this game so long ago and played it with my cousin like non stop! I couldnt find this level editor
Anywhere since those days, I found the game again on the net like 3 months ago and HAD to play it again to relive it, But it didnt have
the level editor, AND NOW i finally have it thank you so much!
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by wildweasel »

Geez - my apologies for having missed your post in the approval queue for more than three days!
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by DrDoctor »

Here's some stuff from Alien vs. Predator for the Atari Jaguar.

This includes
-All weapons
-Some level objects

Some notes:
-The egg sprites are missing a 5th frame, unfortunately due to how the egg behaves and that I can only use print screen to capture anything from Project Tempest (Jaguar emulator) it's incredibly difficult to get.
-The weapons have no pickup sprites, what you see in the archive are taken from the predator HUD and a computer interface screen.
-The Predator does have the shoulder cannon in game,but it never appears on screen therefore it has no sprites.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Duducrazy »

i'm not sure if it's just me, but the alien mouth sprite look more like a stereotypical RPG-style evil castle with an escalator.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Tragos »

DrDoctor, the only way you can be anymore awesome is to start doing Aliens Trilogy next! :D

Yeah the whole "Mouth perspective" is a bit strange, but it's still pretty cool. In 1994 this blew people's minds! The gun sprites leave much to be desired, the Pulse Rifle looks and sounds awful...
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Virtue »

everyones gone Aliens mad as of late! awesome! the more resources the better

EDIT: just saw the facehugged sprite. ive been looking for something like that for ages, cheers
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by gerolf »

DrDoctor wrote:Here's some stuff from Alien vs. Predator for the Atari Jaguar.

This includes
-All weapons
-Some level objects

Some notes:
-The egg sprites are missing a 5th frame, unfortunately due to how the egg behaves and that I can only use print screen to capture anything from Project Tempest (Jaguar emulator) it's incredibly difficult to get.
-The weapons have no pickup sprites, what you see in the archive are taken from the predator HUD and a computer interface screen.
-The Predator does have the shoulder cannon in game,but it never appears on screen therefore it has no sprites.
Could someone please re-upload this? Thanks.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Reactor »

Great resources! I especially like the blob monster! It'll serve perfectly as Trematoda in Tristania 2.

However, most of the enemies are too small to actually use them...is there a way to fix this?

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