- Awesome new deaths when the player, or a zombie, or an imp dies by the impact of an explosion. (Actors getting killed by direct impact of a rocket still gibs into pieces)
- New alt death animation for Chaingunguy
- Reintroduced Iron Sights for Shotgun. Use alt fire to aim down the sights; it gives a 1.8 zoom, and reduces the spread
- Cacodemons can perform an execution with it's melee attacks.
- New dismemberment deaths for zombies, shotgunguys and imps.
- Some monsters will perform executions on other monsters when they infight.
- Introduced the "Cruelty Bonus" achievement. You can be rewared with bonus health and armor by find ways to torture enemies. Such ways to gain this achievement is by curbstomping crawling enemies, seting them on fire, melting with plasma, kicking them in the face, and many other ways.
- A new death animation for zombies and imps when killed by BFG ball.
- Added flying kicks. Kick while jumping to perform a flying kick.
- Now you can't move while kicking.
- Better particles for bullet puffs.
- Introduced new voices for the DoomGuy. You can press J or K (default binds) to make him say one linners. Doom Guy is voiced by Chinese Tony Danza.
- Nerfed most enemy attacks due high dificulty on most user made megawads.
- A different XDeath animations when an actor is stomped by a Cyberdemon.
- Removed Glows from projectiles to improve performance (An add-on will be created to include these glows as an optional feature)
- New monster added: Juggernaut. He is the replacement for the SKulltag's Ectabus.
- Huge improvements over smoke and fire particles.
- Fixed missing dynamic lights from some monster projectiles.
- Better physic properties for Barrels: It can be pushed easier, it can be pushed against walls, and can be pushed through monster blocking lines
- Improved the Player's kicking animation.
- Cyberdemon will fire 4 shoots instead of 6
- New sounds for falling empty clips
- No more Splash Damage when killing a Cyberdemon or Mastermind. Instead, there is a large screen shake if you are near the explosion.
- Introduced ammo counters for all weapons.
- New awesome effects for all liquid textures.
- Brightmaps for sprites and textures (made by Z86)
- Glowing textures for flats like Lava, Nukage, Sky, Lights, etc. (thanks to Revilution)
- New sound for SSG
- Remade muzle flashes for all weapons.
- Improved BFG sprite (thanks to SladeExe)
- New plasma deaths for Mancubus and Demon (made by Mike12)
- Fixed the zombie body's angle when killed by the player's secondary fatality
- Nerfed the Belphegor. Reduced his projectile damage and he is more vulnerable to rocket attacks now.
- Improved the animation of many animated textures by making them faster.
- When a zombie is hit by the explosion of a rocket but not killed, he will be knocked down.
- Fixed a bug with zombie getting pushed to the wrong side when kicked from behind.
- Increased rocket launcher fire rate.
- Imps can be knocked back if they are kicked, just like zombies.
- New death animation for destroying a big tree.
- A nice new death animation when killing a zombie or imp at close range with a shotgun
- A crawling zombieman will start crawling right after he is spawned, and now will always try to run away from the player.
- Fixed bug with Lost Soul not attacking the player.
- Added improved versions of many textures.
- New voices for the friendly marines.
- Fixed shotgunguy's body spawning infinite gibs, and imp's body regaining its limbs when kicked.
- Many other tweaks and fixes that I forgot to list during the development.
- Chaingunguys were not droping their Miniguns when killed by a point-blank SSG Shot, or Smash Mode punch. Fixed.
- Trying to use an imp brutalized by minigun fire as meatshield would give the player a Sergeant meat shield. Fixed.
- Fixed a bug making the player punch right after selecting the fists with berserk in Smash mode.
- Improved shotgun sprites.
- Improved the fingers on the Shotgun pumping sprites.
- Re-introduced the Skulltag weapons Railgun and Grenade Launcher, but the only way to get these weapons, is to play maps that contains them, or via cheats. It means that in most cases, you can't have access to these weapons.
- Rockets will deal more target damage, and reduced area damage.
- Minigun's alt fire will no longer stop player from moving.
- Improved Lost Soul's AI.
- New smoke effects for exploded barrel that will reduce fps lag.
- Reduced the number of pellets fired by the Shotgun Zombie from 9 to 8.
- Bullet decals will be spawned on floors and ceiling.
- Fixed a bug causing game to crash when a player gets the random powerup sphere.
- FIxed some issues of friendly fire caused by the NPC Marines.
- Changed the Cyberdemon's main attack to an explosive energy ball attack. It now deals a bit less damage, enough to survive if you are hit by it when you have health over 120, and some armor.
- New Feature: Curbstomps. When you remove the leg of a zombieman or shotgunguy, and he starts to crawl away, kick him to make a "mini-fatality" (No Berserk pack is required to do this)
- Polished Cacodemon, Zombieman, and Chaingunguy deaths.
- Polished brain and head pieces gibs.
- Fixed missing sprites for Minigun (Thanks to Popsoap)
- Polished some Blood particles
v15a hotfix
- Fixed a bug with flying blood not generating wall blood decals.
- Fixed a bug causing zombiemen to drop 2 rifles when is leg blows up.
- Fixed a bug with some gibs looping its flying animation forever, even after hiting the ground.
- Improved some sprites of one of the Imp's Rip and Tear Kills.
- Fixed a bug with rifle messing up when kicking while aiming down the sights.
- Fixed a bug causing the Chaingunguy to not drop his weapon after getting killed by fire attacks.
- Better Plasma Rifle sprite (made by SigFloyd)
- (Skulltag) Fixed Railgun spawn.
- New fatality for Pain Elemental. Remade Mancubus fatality.
- Added a new animation for the Mancubus's death when killed by Minigun/Chainsaw made by Eriance.
- Awesome new realistic and nasty wall decals
- Better water effects
- Reverted the rifle sprite back to the original one, but with a few changes. Added new sound effect for it.
- Increased kick damage and range
- Reduced the damage of all Imp's attacks
- Increased damage in Demon's attacks
- Fixed a bug that could make blood decals spawn behind monsters near other monster that was shoot/gibbed.
- Added more counter-measures to prevent 3rd person camera of not initializing during a fatality.
- Fixed weird AI with Wolfenstein SS
- Increased the damage of Flame Cannon and Revenant Rockets.
- New "soft" death for Archvile when killed by low damage weapons
- Fixed a bug causing archviles deal no more than 15 damage per attack
- Better effects for the captured lost soul when you throw them
- New death animation for the player: Arm disembowment
- Fixed a bug that could allow the SSG alt fire to be used even if the player had no ammo.
- Fixed a bug that could allow the player to harvest a flame cannon from the same Mancubus body infinite times
- New sprites for Rockets
- Fixed a bug that could make barrels disapear if a player uses the alt fire button to drop them in the ground
- Chaingunguys were not droping their Miniguns when killed by a point-blank SSG Shot, or Smash Mode punch. Fixed.
- Trying to use an imp brutalized by minigun fire as meatshield would give the player a Sergeant meat shield. Fixed.
- Fixed a bug making the player punch right after selecting the fists with berserk in Smash mode.
- Improved shotgun sprites.
- Changed Plasma Gun and Shotgun sound effects.
- Fixed MP40's infinite reloading bug.
- Flame Cannon can now be harvested from a Mancubus that was killed by a Headshot, or Chainsaw or Minigun. Thanks to Devastator for creating to sprite.
- MUCH improved the blood pool sprites for Software Rendering users.
- Improved deaths when killing enemies with SSG/Smash Mode Berserk Punches
- Improved stealth kill detections. Now if you punch a non-alerted zombie or imp from behind, it will always perform the stealth kill.
- Added many extra fatalities for almost all monsters, including the Revenant, Cacodemon, and Demon.
- Revenant Rocket Launcher is full working. Use a Chainsaw to rip the weapon from a dead body, or explode it's chest if you already gibed him with the Rocket Launcher or BFG.
- Flame Cannons can be ripped from the Mancubus corpse with the chainsaw (Only if the body was not burned with plasma)
- *** (Die Hard Bug Fixed) *** Fixed an old bug during fatalities that could make the camera script don't initialize during the execution animation
- *** (Die Hard Bug Fixed) *** Added a mini health regeneration that will never let the player's health fall to 1. So, the player has a minimum health of 2, to prevent deaths caused by blood on screen on effects.
- A new sprite for Chainsaw that looks like the original one, but much smoother.
- BFG got it's old splash damage radius from earlier versions restored, but this will only deal damage to player if it hits a wall or the ground or ceiling. Hiting enemies will only cause damage to the player if it's like 1 metter of distance from the monster. Plus, the weapon got a visual upgrade (Now you have a reason to call it the BIG Fucking Gun)
- Plasma splash damage will only harm the player when hitting a wall or floor/ceiling.
- New fire particles for torches, burning barrels, and other fire sources.
- New sprites for candles and candelabras.
- Polished the Fuck Yourself hand sprite.
- New flares.
- Many player death animations were polished.
- Now Revenants can perform fatalities on players. (by Gothic)
- Polished the sprites for zombieman and imp fatalities.
- New futuristic-looking sprites for Rifle and Shotgun (by Mike12)
- New Plasma Deaths to some monsters (by Mike12)
- *** (Die Hard Bug Fixed) *** Invulnerability Sphere will not loose it's effects after performing a fatality (Thanks to jpalomo for finding the solution.)
- Added new animations for players when jumping/falling from heights, or selecting the fists.
- Players will not keep looping the spawn animations when holding a barrel, or have health under 25.
- 3D models for water splashes that makes it look more realistic.
- Nerfed plasma headshots.
- Added a bit more blood to the Xdeath gibs, so it won't look too much clean like before.
- *** (Die Hard Bug Fixed) *** Fixed a bug with weapons reloading infinitely
- New fatality can be performed on ArchViles.
- Added an alt-fire mode while carring the barrels that will just drop them. Nice to set up traps.
- Fixed a bug with the Mancubus and Arachnotron deaths when getting killed by a Demon.
- New gfx effects when blood splatters in the screen.
- Imps will not jump at the players if they are just too close.
- Fixed misaligned flares for projectiles.
- Greatly improved some sound effects.
- Cyberdemons and Masterminds will now deal radius damage after they explode.
- Improved the looks of the Hellknight/Baron green fireball.
- Compressed some .wav files into .oggs and reduced the filesize by 3mb
- Removed the titlepic and music.
- Improved the sprites used for the flying blood when hitting enemies with firearms, and driping blood from the ceiling and hanging bodies is looking more realistic and nastier.
- Hanging bodies will leave large blood pools under them.
- Included a new weapon: The Mancubus Flame Cannon. But to get this weapon, since it is attached to the mancubus arm, you don't need to just kill him, you must hit him so hard, that the arm gets amputated, so you can grab it. So, a Rocket Launcher or BFG is required for this job. It uses it's own ammo, and to get more, you need to amputate more mancubus arms to refill it's ammo.
- Fixed forever the bug of blood splats showing up in the sky when shooting enemies that are too close of it.
- Included 3D models for the bullet tracers. They are looking so much more real now. (Thanks to Revilution for creating this model). But these models only shows up in OpenGL. If you are playing in software, you will still see the old sprites.
- Remade the Xdeath gibs. It looks more "clean" now, because there is less blood, and now all gibing pieces have rotating animations. This reduces the hardware requirement, and makes the act of exploding enemies with the Rocket Launcher much more satisfactory than it ever was.
- Polished some death sprites.
- Made Shotgunners deal more damage, and Chaingunners and Zombiemen have better accuracy.
- Included new animations for Zombiemen and Shotgunners reloading states.
- Many gib pieces such as limbs and legs can be kicked away. Now you can play soccer with zombie heads just like in Blood.
- New death animations added for all enemies when killing them with the Flame Cannon.
- New alternate fatalities on Shotgunner and Chaingunner.
- Added new death animations when killing zombies and imps with the minigun in a Fallout 1-2 style. First, you will remove their arms, then explode their heads, then explode their chest, while they are still alive. Thanks to Mike12 for creating these sprites.
- Removed the alt grenade attack from the Cyberdemon, and the BFG from the Mastermind. In compensation, they are much more vicious. The Cyberdemon will fire 6 rockets instead 3, and now, he can predicate player movement, and the Mastermind fires large explosive shells instead normal bullets.
- General reduction of smoke and blood effects. Now the game will run much smoother in old computers.
- Fixed a bug in Skulltag causing enemy zombies and friendly marines to desync during the fire animation when playing online. (This bug was causing the server understand that the monster is staying in a position and shooting against players, while clients could see the monster roaming around, but unable to shot it)
- Gore decorations (like dead marines, gibed corpses, etc.) now have large blood pools around them, and if they are close a wall, it wil generate blood decals at nearby walls at game start, giving the level a gorier and bloodier aspect. (I suggest turning your cl_maxdecals to 99999, so, the decals spawned by decorative gib piles don't vanish after some time)
- After killing any enemy, a large blood pool will form under it, and unlike the small ones, this one will last forever. (This feature and the above are the reasons for calling this version the "Bloodier and Gorier".)
- Now, all small monsters can be used as Meat Shields: The Zombiemen, the Shotgunguys, and the Imps. To use a monster as a Meat Shield, first you need a Berserk Pack. Then, when one of the aforementioned monsters gets grievously wounded (unable to attack, unable to move/crawling, and bleeding to death), punch him in the chest. Also, now the Meat Shield still can absorb damage when you are firing, but only damage that comes from the left flank. Also, Meatshields now can be destroyed if they absorb too much damage.
- Two new fatalities included: Now, fatalities can be performed against Arachnotrons, and other players in a Deathmatch game.
- Fixed a bug with Archvile dealing only 10 damage per attack. Now it can deal up to 80.
- Now the players can salute each other in Multiplayer pressing Z or X (each of one is a different animation). Also, if you press Z or X during a fatality execution, you will make a "victory pose" right after the fatality is concluded, while the camera still is in 3rd person.)
- Lots of new special effects for monster projectiles. A new animation for the Baron of Hell when he uses his special triple ball attack.
- Reduced smoke from weapons, and many projectiles and effects, to improve framerate in old computers.
- Reduced Minigun's recoil. It will work better now, both in singleplayer and multiplayer.
- When using Minigun's Alt-Fire, accuracy will be increased by 40%.
- Seems like the bug causing captured Marines to be executed by monsters before the player could see them returned in 0.10b, but now it's fixed again
- Fixed bugs regarding SSG infinite ammo.
- Now the SSG alt fire is more stable to use. Holding the alt fire button won't fire both barrels in a row. You must release the alt fire after shooting the first barrel in order to shoot the second. (Suggested by Vaecrius)
- Imps are not randomly killing themselves with their fireballs anymore.
- I think I am in the right course to fix the blood pools on water. I have not completely fixed it, but there is much less blood on water now than before.
- Shooting a Baron of Hell/Hell Knight won't leave green blood splats behind it anymore.
- Removed the red lines on pain effect.
- Changed sprite for Rifle Pick-up (Thanks to SamVision)
- Some fatalities are performed faster.
- Reduced the amounts of blood in some fatalities so the player can now see what is happening
- Better blood texture for blood pools (By Dick Socrates)
-The deaths with Super Shotgun at point-blank range are no more the same as Xdeath ones. Now the killed monster will turn into red sauce like in Vanilla Doom, but lots of blood and meat pieces will be sprayed behind it. Much like the Xdeaths in Painkiller. Also, if there is a wall behind it, the whole wall will get painted in red. I'm sure that it will make everyone fell that killing enemies with SSG at point-blank range much more satisfactory.
-And now, there are stealth kills. You can perform a stealth kill by attacking an imp/zombie with melee attacks from behind breaking it's neck if he still don't noticed you. You don't need Berserk pack to perform it.
-Imps can be used as meat shields. When you get a imp injured with his guts out, if you are under the Berserk effect, punch his body (not his head, or it will kill him), and you will able to use him as a shield. I plan adding this feature to new monsters in the future.
- Fixed the old "Emo Monsters" bug, that caused many enemies to commit suicide when firing at a high target, by shooting their own heads.
- Replaced the alternate Zombieman Fatality, plus, added alternate fatalities for Imp and ShotgunGuy.
- Improved smoke and explosion particles.
- Now, Rocket Launcher will reload every 6 shoots.
- Shotgun reload can be stoped by kicking.
- All bugs concerning the Fatalities have been fixed. I have tested all of them, with different ammounts of health, and all of them are working properly, and 3rd person camera stuck bug doesnt happens anymore. The only problem is, when you perform a fatality on health under 30, sometimes there is a small delay for the fatality to start, This seems to be unfixable at this momment, but even late, it never fails.
- Changed the Spectre's appearence: Now, he looks like a stealth monster, but not totally invisible; you can still see his eyes when he is not attacking/getting hit.
- Reduced the volume of splash and torch fire sounds.
- Revenants' alt combo attack will not cause splash damage anymore. (It was overpower, and often causing them to commit suicide)
- New boss balance: Cyberdemons can be killed by 18 direct rocket hits in it's breast/head, and Spider Mastermind can be killed by 16 rockets at it's brain, but shooting a Spider Mastermind's chasis is useless now, it will deal insignificant damage with any weapon (exept BFG).
- Fixed a bug that could make ceiling bloodspots get stuck in middle air if spawned under a moving ceiling.
- Added more animation sequences for the fatality on Mancubus.
- Polished many weapons, including the secret MP40.
- Polished all headshot animations. Now, headshots are looking way more satisfactiable.
- Randomized the HeadOnStick with different heads.
- Now you can shoot the skulls in the pole with skulls, but unlike Beautiful Doom that has a fix sequence, you can shoot any skull.
- Added body psychs (sort of it). Kick/punch a dead zombieman corpse to animate it.
- Remade the sprites holding the Lost Soul using the Blood Skullstaff sprites. Also, if you change weapons while holding a it, Doomguy will smash the Lost Soul with his hand.
- Imps are more agressive. Now they will jump to attack players with more brutality when they are in the melee range. Imps can also now perform fatalities on players/Marines when hitting the whole melee combo attack.
- Replaced Invisibility Sphere by rescuable Marines. To rescue a marine, just punch/kick him, and he will join you. Warning: When enemies spots you, they will imediatly attemp to execute any nearby captured marine before you can rescue him.
I have tryed everything to make this item more useful, but I failed. I think this is a better addition to gameplay than a dumb item that makes enemies spread their projectile attacks increasing the chance of hitting you if you are sidestrafing them. Also, the spheres were placed in spots that now will create some interesting situations, almost cutscenes, like in E1m7 on UV, you look through the window, and see a bunch of shootgunners executing a Marine. Or Like in E2M5, there is a captured marine that triggers an ambush if you try to get him, like if the hellspawn let the poor bastard live just to use him to get you.
- Fixed the old bug causing players to get damaged by blood.
- Blood will splat and flow over the screen when shooting enemies so close.
- Shotgun won't auto-reload anymore.
- Added screen damage effects when player gets hit by different damage types.
- Fixed the bug with Megaspheres and Soulspheres not adding to player's health.
- Player can store the captured Lost Soul for later use when switching weapons again.
- Problems with game crashing after loading, and map-placed Berserks not showing up after loading a game seems to be solved (I hope!).
- Kicks have changed. Now, they work more as a tactical attack, dealing less damage, but pushing enemies away. Zombiemen and Shotgunners are knocked down (but not killed) by kicks, and stay a short time completely out of action.
- Rifle won't have to reload at game start.
- Fixed the Old status bar for good.
- Fatalities for Baron of Hell and Hell Knight.
- While on Berserk, Barrels can be grabbed and tossed at enemies.
- Friendly marines won't hurt you.
- Polished Chaingunguy's fatality.
- Rifle will be semi-automatic again. It's just pointless to have a full-auto starting weapon. It's Doom, not MW2. The good thing about it, is if you press the trigger real fast, you can fire faster than before.
- Increasing the time that head hitboxes lasts. I was sometimes shooting at zombie heads, and not hiting them, but now it is fixed for good.
V09b emergency bugfix:
- Fixed a HUD bug.
- Made regeneration when health is under 25 as a separated module.
- Fixed some bugs regarding the plasma gun.
- Fixed some missing sprites.
- MOAR TONS of bugfixes. (Thanks for everyone repporting it)
- Dead bodies and severed limbs can be shoot.
- Fatalities can be performed on Mancubus.
- Polished lots of animations, and some new ones added.
- Plasma carbonization deaths for all enemies.
- Fixed ammo and HUD bugs.
- Lots of water/blood/slime splashes when you fire a rocket into a liquid surface.
- Can kick while reloading the SSG.
- Trees can be set on fire with plasma or destroyed with bullets.
- Fixed barrel explosions.
- New sound effects for item pickups.
- Kicks are improved by Berserk.
- Blood on the ceiling.
- The two frist "Monster Fatalities". Now the Hell Knight and Baron of Hell will perform a fatality onto you if they kill ya with a Melee attack. I plan adding this to all melee monsters on future versions.
- Recoloured the Marine's gloves for all weapons. Now he will have dark gray gloves without fingers instead the old weird winter brown ones.
- Reverted the Rocket Launcher's Fire Rate and damage to original.
- Added the same ludicrous ammounts of blood of the early first versions. (Like, if you fire a shotgun into a Demon, it will be like a small waterfall of blood).
- Polished lots of death sprites that were looking MSPaintish (Highly noticeable on Chaingunner , Shotgunner, and Imp.)
- Fixed lamps vanishing when fired on.
- Added corspe variations for the starting dead bodies.
- Added a fatality variation to the zombieman's fatality. (There will be 50% of performing the original one, and 50% of the new one)
- The most significant bugfix so far. Kicking now works, fixed bugs with Plasma Gun not firing sometimes even if it has ammo and many others.
- General sprite improvement. Most gib parts are remade, new death animations, better weapons, better explosions, and lots of other stuff.
- Now you can perform 3 new fatalities: On Chaingunners, Demons, and Lost Souls.
- Player will start to bleed, unable to run, and see red flashes in the screen health gets bellow 35 until he can get himself healed.
- Many new particles.
- The Aiming System Alt-Fire for Shotgun was replaced by the Dragonbreath's Incendiary Shells. These shells can fire the pellets + a flame wave that acts like a short flamethrower. Dragonbreath's Incendiary Shells can be obtained by killing shotgunners, but they are hard to find. One shot with it in a Baron of Hell's head can kill him instantly.
- New Taunting system. Check the key configs for it.
- BFG is much more powerfull, but takes more time to fire and ammo.
- Hellknights can be killed with one single accurate SSG shot in the head.
- Stunting new effects for explosions, Railgun, Plasma Gun, and BFG 9000.
- A Cyberdemon is easier to kill if you fire rockets at his head.
- On one of it's alt death animations, the Demon will have his head exploded, instead having his leg cutted off. (The current animation's sprites looks a way better!)
- Rifle is an automatic weapon.
- Fixed a compatibility issue, and now Brutal Doom is fully playable on Deathmatch games.
- More stuff that I forgot to mention. Just check it out
FATALITIES are included! Find a berserk and RIP AND TEAR!!!
- Added a new bind that allows you to perform a "Quick Kick". Doesn't matters wich weapon you are holding, you can always do it. Very effective against Demons, or sending Cacos away.
- Fists are faster, and the alt fire was replaced by a low but very powerfull hook. You can still kick enemies with the Quick Kick bind anyway.
- Added a Help lump that can be acessed via F1. I know that most people doesn't likes to read the .txt files that comes inside the .zips, now they can have instructions of how to use the new features.
- Some bug fixes.
- New Gameplay Footage trailler added.
- You can chop enemy heads off with the chainsaw.
- SSG deals a way more damage when firing from close range, and can gib zombies.
- You no longer need to set autoaim to OFF to make the headshots. All weapons have +NOAUTOAIM flags now.
- Firing at a Mastermind's chasis won't spill blood.
- Added weak points for Masterminds and Cyberdemons.
- Rifle won't gib enemies anymore.
- Fixed some smoke things.
- Added glows for grenades.
- Fixed a bug that could make Cyberdemons and Masterminds unable to move or attack when placed in low ceilings.
- Rocket Launcher sprites upgraded.
- Restored the old SSG reloading sounds.
- The Bloodpool's Zoffset as removed because it was causing a weird visual bug where bloodpools where drawing over the other sprites. If you experience problems with "shining bloodpools" read the troubleshoting section
- Fixed tons of bugs, including bugged SSG muzzle flash, and game freezing when somebody get's gibbed underwater.
- Added Flares for projectiles.
- Weapons ballance.
- Massively reduced smoke from explosions. All smoke effects reworked and sprites replaced.
- More Death animations for Demons, Arachnotrons, and the Marine.
- Reworked some death states that was looking too MSPaintish.
- Changed the sprites for the Rifle and Shotgun Alt Mode.
- Cyberdemon doesn't shoots rockets from his penis anymore
- Fixed a bug that would unable player to use the fists.
- Fixed a bug that would lag (and ocasionaly freeze the computer) when an enemy get's killed in a crusher (like the Mastermind on Map07).
- Bloodier as first version.
- Limited ricochet and water splash sounds.
- Fixed the weird bleeding trees.
- Shotgun fires faster when aiming down the sights
Fixed the instaexplosion thing on the barrels, that was making D2 MAP23 be impossible.
-Fixed a bug that could make barrels explode if a player walks over them.
-Fixed a bug that was making Hellknights become stealth monsters.
-Limited the water splashing sounds to prevent "ear-rape".
-Fixed a bug that could make headshoots on imps impossible sometimes.
-Removed burning sounds from the torches (because said that was annoying).
-Added new gibs, and reduced the blood splayed on X-deaths. (More gibs, less blood)
-New weapons added: Grenade Launcher and Railgun.
-Plasma is purely EPIC! (There is also an alt-fire for the Plasma Rifle)
-Added special attacks for the enemies. Watch out for surprises.
-Removed the smoke from firing guns for now.
-More gibs!
-A few more things I forgot to mention.