That image is a link. I've put together a 5-map alpha to share for the holidays. What better way to celebrate Christmas than by celebrating Hacxmas?

For the curious and easily-distracted, here's a quick gameplay video showing off one of the heavily-revamped maps n' new things:
We'll be making another big push for contributors soon, so keep your eyes peeled if you're interested in lending a hand. Until then, grab the alpha and start Hacxing away!
Big thanks to Cage for the spiffy art, as always.

Spoiler: Old post, for reference n' things
- HACX 2.0 -
--The ultimate iteration of Hacx--
- Visit the official development forums! -
- - -
It's a bit overdue, but it's time to officially announce that Hacx 2.0 is in development. For those not in the know, the aim of the project is to "finish" Hacx by filling in the remaining maps, story gaps, and resources. Banjo made a good effort and were on their way to creating a damned awesome game, but the final product was rushed in the end and unfortunately missed the mark it set out to reach. Sounds like a job for a few crazy fans, doesn't it?
Hacx 2.0 is slated to be a full 33 (yes, 33)-level adventure, containing brand-new maps and enemies, lots of improvements on existing maps and resources, and further expansion on the (formerly quite sparse) Hacx storyline. It is being developed for both ZDoom and Eternity, and will take advantage of common features between the two ports (Boom+MBF features, DECORATE/EDF, 3DMidtex, and possibly UDMF in the future).
The team thus far has been a rather small group (primarily Blzut3 and myself with Nostromo for support), but we're finally opening up the project for everyone to contribute. We're looking for all sorts of editing talent in tons of areas, so if you're itching to help, there's plenty of room.
Here's a very general list of what is to be done:We are currently looking for the following:
- Fill in missing content. Hacx was planned to be a 32-level, globe-spanning game, and the design docs detailed several aspects of the game (including three crucial enemies) which never made it into the final product. 2.0 aims to achieve that vision with new maps, enemies, textures, storyline, and more.
- Improve existing content. To be frank, many of the game's art assets simply aren't up to snuff, and could do with some touching up. Ditto for maps: some need a few touch-ups while at least two of them are to be replaced entirely. Still, much of it is like an unpolished gem -- with a bit of scrubbing, it'll shine.
- Add exclusive multiplayer content. Hacx's maps were, and will be, a bit on the large side for deathmatch, so why not fix that by providing some dedicated DM maps? Just about ten or so would do the wad some multiplayer justice.
Regarding other areas: Coding and music are covered, and while it would be nice to have a sound guy, it's not strictly necessary. We are not looking for anyone with DECORATE experience at this time -- there's always room on the testing team, however!
- Mappers -- Hacx 2.0 is slated to have a full roster of 33 (yes, 33) maps. We're seeking talented mappers to create new Hacx maps and help improve on existing ones. Additionally, those skilled at multiplayer mapping are welcome to create Hacx DM maps for inclusion as well.
- Artists -- In addition to improving some of the game's existing art (textures, enemy sprites, etc.), there are at least three new enemies planned, including the demented final boss creature, which need the love and care of a sprite artist or two. We're also seeking someone willing to create (320x200) "story panel" graphics for the mid-level intermission scenes which illustrate the updated storyline.
- Testers -- As progress goes on, the more feedback recieved, the better the project will be. While development is open and anyone is able to (and encouraged to) play the mod and leave comments, a couple of dedicated map testers would be a valuable asset to the team.
For those interested: Nostromo's got an official Hacx development forum up, and while it's a bit bare at the moment, it does contain some preliminary (but outdated) info and level descriptions. I'm in the process of updating all this stuff, so bear with me while I bring everything up to speed. I need to get a working build of the 2.0 SVN IWAD up as well (DB configs, too), but there are a few map bugs that are preventing me from doing so (though I'm tempted to just say "screw it, it's an alpha" for now). At any rate, check there periodically for the latest info and sign up if you're interested in contributing.
Feel free to post any questions n' comments n' things regarding the mod. And if you're interested, sign up and get Hacxing!