DOOM Rising 3.1 + Classic Patch [DOWNLOAD READY]
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- Posts: 17
- Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 1:12 pm
DOOM Rising 3.1 + Classic Patch [DOWNLOAD READY]
v3.1 RELEASE. Score/Stats system added (V.3, see features for details), a couple of MAJOR balance fixes and an optional "CLASSIC" Patch to play without any Heretic/Hexen like enemies. Download, and full changelog below >>>
v3.1: Added optional "Classic" patch to play without any Heretic/Hexen like enemies.
All of them classified on different classes, with different chances of appearing based on their strenght or their nasty or not so nasty tactics. The monster sprites and base decorate are from different sources, more noticeable is the 667 Bestiary, Heretic, Hexen, Duke Nukem and Blood. Of Course, it's not a nonsense mix... just the monsters wich look like belonging to the DOOM universe/context are included, it's not AoD.
Most of the monster sizes, life, damage, attacks and sometimes entire decorate have been modified to make sense into the place the monster has inside it's class branch. So, while there's a lot of new monsters with different attacks, it will still be DOOM and will still be "balanced" (once you become accustomed to it, it depends on the WAD you are playing to, Hell Revealed will really be Hell now).
v3 only
A simple but welcome addition to the slaughter. In your upper right corner you'll see from up to down: (the following stats are applied to the whole game or wad, not just the level)
PLAYERNAME: Well... it's your playername.
CRED: Credits. This is your total score. Each monster gives you a certain ammount of credits based on it's power, you'll see the credits you earn appear on the log (upper left corner) and get added to your total. If you gib/XDeath an enemy the credits earned will be doubled, also, if you kill a friendly npc you'll lose points (a lot) and like the monsters, if you gib them, you'll lose double credits.
KILL: The total number of kills.
ZOMB: Number of zombies you killed.
HELL: Number of hellspawn you killed.
BOSS: Number of bosses you killed.
CASU: Number of casualties/allied kills (not counted on total kills).
v3: UAC Sentry Bot added, killing a friendly npc decreases your score.
As in DOOM3, sometimes (don't count on it, it doesn't happen that much) you'll find surviving marines wich like you will fight against the hell hordes, of course, like in DOOM3, they'll not live to long, DOOM is a lone wolf experience and it should remain like that. Also, you may find people who are still alive, but don't save hope, their minds are shattered by the tortures of hell, they'll not listen to anyone, they just run... and run....
- DOOM3 WEAPONS in DOOM2 style:
v3: Shotgun and Supershotgun kickback increased, Fullscreen hud ammo counter slightly upgraded.
DOOM 3 arsenal +RoE Super Shotgun (Soul cube isn't included cause it sucks). Weapong shellcasting and reloading paradise a la DOOM2 style.
v3: Each item has it's own pickup sound
All the weapons, base monsters and some of the new monster sounds have been replaced with sounds from DOOM3, QUAKE4 (arachnotron and some new monster sounds), and QUAKE3 (some new monsters).
New gore effects (yes, nash gore **), improved fireballs, footsteps, breakable objects/props (DOOM enchanced), some enviroment sounds, visible player crouching and weapons, etc. FPS candy.
If the DOOM Rising wads are the last to load in your load order you'll hear new tunes for the DOOM1 and DOOM2 tittle, inter and message screens. Music comes from DOOM3 (main music theme), Classic DOOM3 mod for DOOM3, and Dark side of Phobos (message music).
You can play DOOM Rising in all the DOOM games and all maps and megawads, only if those don't change the base monsters or weapons. I STRONGLY recommend you to play with OBLIGE if you are tired of the widely known megawads out there. OBLIGE generates good looking random maps wich are fun to play! If you use OBLIGE, i made a patch to get rid of the mood breaking OBLIGE banners in maps. See below.
- DOWNLOAD V3.1 + Classic Patch
(Classic Patch is optional. To use it, it must be loaded after the regular DOOM Rising wads)
3.0 to 3.1 changelog:
- Added optional "Classic" patch (DOOM Rising -classic.wad) to play without any Hexen/Heretic like enemies.
- Health potions now give 2 HP instead of 5.
- Shotgun ammo drops slightly reduced.
- Maulotaur erased from both Classic and Regular versions.
- UAC Sentry Bot now has 100 HP instead of 150.
- Destroying a Friendly Sentry Bot now decreases your score -100.
- Killing a Friendly Marine now decreases your score -500.
- Killing a Friendly Survivor now decreases your score -1000.
2.0 to 3.0 changelog:
- Fullscreen HUD ammo counter slightly upgrated.
- Score/stats system added (Fullscreen HUD only).
- Credits earned per kill are shown on the log.
- Killing a friendly npc will display a message on the center of the screen and decrease you score/cred.
- Keys are shown next to health and armor (Fullscreen HUD only).
- Friendly UAC Sentry Bot added using DOOM3 sounds and George Hamlin's UACBOT sprites.
- Almost all items now have it's own pickup sound from DOOM3.
- New teleport sound (DOOM3mp).
- Shotgun and Supershotgun kickback increased.
- Increased drops of Pistol and Shotgun ammo.
- Armor Helmets now give 5 armor points instead of 1.
- Health Potions now give 5 hp instead of 1.
- Berserk powerup now lasts 30 seconds instead of 20.
- A LOT of monster balance changes.
- Fixed bug preventing the player from using grenades.
- Added missing BRIGHT keywords to some monster states.
- Fixed "unknown script 998" bug.
1.07b to 2.0 changelog:
- DOOM3 SSG (2.5 styled as the rest of the weapons) added to complete the arsenal with fully functional reload and shellcasting using SNIPER 109 sprites.
- Regular Shotgun sounds corrected.
- Added custom PLAYPAL (Slight modifications).
- Huge update to the monster code. Monster properties revised one by one to be more fair with the player and to balance the overall gameplay experience.
- References to useless data into the code removed.
1.0 to 1.07b changelog:
- Hellkinght roster monsters properties modified to be more consistent
- BruiserDemon's ground flames attack removed
- Some minor fixes to the BloodZombie
- Zombie roster spawning chances modified to allow more variation
- Enjay's Cacomental added to the Cacodemon roster
- Hexen's Firedemon (Afrit) added to the imp roster (4th tier)
- Lava smoke effect replaced with the DOOM enhanced one
- FormerBerserker by Virtue added to the boss roster (2nd Tier)
- Hades Elemental now summons Watchers as his only attack
- Overlord now summons Watchers instead of Hades Spheres
- Idle monster sounds silenced (Chainsaw Zombie was really annoying)
- Spawning chance of melee zombies slightly raised
- Spawning chance of Chainsaw Zombie decreased
- Fat Zombie (Melee) added using Blood's BloatedButcher sprites
- Fixed Speed and Scale values of some monsters
- Only GZDOOM compatible!!! use the last SVN version.
- Doom Rising is divided in 3 wads wich are dependant on each other, they must be loaded in order and allways after your megawad or map files if you are using one. This is the I use Zdoom loader.
- If you play OBLIGE maps load THIS wad after the OBLIGE map wad to get rid of the OBLIGE banners.
- You can get OBLIGE RMG here!
Now Play!!
Doom Enhanced: Kinsie
Nashgore: Nash
DOOM3 Weapons: KronoS
DOOM3 SSG Sprites: SNIPER 109
Blood Sprites: Monolith
Duke Nukem Sprites: 3D Realms
Hexen and Heretic Stuff: Raven Software
FormerBerserker: Virtue
LavaDemon: Virtue
Cacomental: Enjay
UAC Sentry Bot sprites: George Hamlin
DOOM3, QUAKE4 and QUAKE3 Sounds: Id Software, Raven Software
Music by: Id Software, Overclocked Remix and Sonic Clang
Realm 667 Monsters, you can see the credits for each one of them here.
There's a ton of stuff in here, so I will not point all of it now, but you should know that I'm not claiming authory over the sprites or the awesome decorate codes of some of the things in here. It's a mod made for fun and not for self godiffication (I don't know if that exists, just let me be), it's a kind of "deeper" classic doom experiece, if that is possible... it's fun to me and I hope it will be fun for you.
All the rights over the material and trademarks cited and used here are property of their respective authors.
v3.1: Added optional "Classic" patch to play without any Heretic/Hexen like enemies.
All of them classified on different classes, with different chances of appearing based on their strenght or their nasty or not so nasty tactics. The monster sprites and base decorate are from different sources, more noticeable is the 667 Bestiary, Heretic, Hexen, Duke Nukem and Blood. Of Course, it's not a nonsense mix... just the monsters wich look like belonging to the DOOM universe/context are included, it's not AoD.
Most of the monster sizes, life, damage, attacks and sometimes entire decorate have been modified to make sense into the place the monster has inside it's class branch. So, while there's a lot of new monsters with different attacks, it will still be DOOM and will still be "balanced" (once you become accustomed to it, it depends on the WAD you are playing to, Hell Revealed will really be Hell now).
v3 only
A simple but welcome addition to the slaughter. In your upper right corner you'll see from up to down: (the following stats are applied to the whole game or wad, not just the level)
PLAYERNAME: Well... it's your playername.
CRED: Credits. This is your total score. Each monster gives you a certain ammount of credits based on it's power, you'll see the credits you earn appear on the log (upper left corner) and get added to your total. If you gib/XDeath an enemy the credits earned will be doubled, also, if you kill a friendly npc you'll lose points (a lot) and like the monsters, if you gib them, you'll lose double credits.
KILL: The total number of kills.
ZOMB: Number of zombies you killed.
HELL: Number of hellspawn you killed.
BOSS: Number of bosses you killed.
CASU: Number of casualties/allied kills (not counted on total kills).
v3: UAC Sentry Bot added, killing a friendly npc decreases your score.
As in DOOM3, sometimes (don't count on it, it doesn't happen that much) you'll find surviving marines wich like you will fight against the hell hordes, of course, like in DOOM3, they'll not live to long, DOOM is a lone wolf experience and it should remain like that. Also, you may find people who are still alive, but don't save hope, their minds are shattered by the tortures of hell, they'll not listen to anyone, they just run... and run....
- DOOM3 WEAPONS in DOOM2 style:
v3: Shotgun and Supershotgun kickback increased, Fullscreen hud ammo counter slightly upgraded.
DOOM 3 arsenal +RoE Super Shotgun (Soul cube isn't included cause it sucks). Weapong shellcasting and reloading paradise a la DOOM2 style.
v3: Each item has it's own pickup sound
All the weapons, base monsters and some of the new monster sounds have been replaced with sounds from DOOM3, QUAKE4 (arachnotron and some new monster sounds), and QUAKE3 (some new monsters).
New gore effects (yes, nash gore **), improved fireballs, footsteps, breakable objects/props (DOOM enchanced), some enviroment sounds, visible player crouching and weapons, etc. FPS candy.
If the DOOM Rising wads are the last to load in your load order you'll hear new tunes for the DOOM1 and DOOM2 tittle, inter and message screens. Music comes from DOOM3 (main music theme), Classic DOOM3 mod for DOOM3, and Dark side of Phobos (message music).
You can play DOOM Rising in all the DOOM games and all maps and megawads, only if those don't change the base monsters or weapons. I STRONGLY recommend you to play with OBLIGE if you are tired of the widely known megawads out there. OBLIGE generates good looking random maps wich are fun to play! If you use OBLIGE, i made a patch to get rid of the mood breaking OBLIGE banners in maps. See below.
- DOWNLOAD V3.1 + Classic Patch
(Classic Patch is optional. To use it, it must be loaded after the regular DOOM Rising wads)
3.0 to 3.1 changelog:
- Added optional "Classic" patch (DOOM Rising -classic.wad) to play without any Hexen/Heretic like enemies.
- Health potions now give 2 HP instead of 5.
- Shotgun ammo drops slightly reduced.
- Maulotaur erased from both Classic and Regular versions.
- UAC Sentry Bot now has 100 HP instead of 150.
- Destroying a Friendly Sentry Bot now decreases your score -100.
- Killing a Friendly Marine now decreases your score -500.
- Killing a Friendly Survivor now decreases your score -1000.
2.0 to 3.0 changelog:
- Fullscreen HUD ammo counter slightly upgrated.
- Score/stats system added (Fullscreen HUD only).
- Credits earned per kill are shown on the log.
- Killing a friendly npc will display a message on the center of the screen and decrease you score/cred.
- Keys are shown next to health and armor (Fullscreen HUD only).
- Friendly UAC Sentry Bot added using DOOM3 sounds and George Hamlin's UACBOT sprites.
- Almost all items now have it's own pickup sound from DOOM3.
- New teleport sound (DOOM3mp).
- Shotgun and Supershotgun kickback increased.
- Increased drops of Pistol and Shotgun ammo.
- Armor Helmets now give 5 armor points instead of 1.
- Health Potions now give 5 hp instead of 1.
- Berserk powerup now lasts 30 seconds instead of 20.
- A LOT of monster balance changes.
- Fixed bug preventing the player from using grenades.
- Added missing BRIGHT keywords to some monster states.
- Fixed "unknown script 998" bug.
1.07b to 2.0 changelog:
- DOOM3 SSG (2.5 styled as the rest of the weapons) added to complete the arsenal with fully functional reload and shellcasting using SNIPER 109 sprites.
- Regular Shotgun sounds corrected.
- Added custom PLAYPAL (Slight modifications).
- Huge update to the monster code. Monster properties revised one by one to be more fair with the player and to balance the overall gameplay experience.
- References to useless data into the code removed.
1.0 to 1.07b changelog:
- Hellkinght roster monsters properties modified to be more consistent
- BruiserDemon's ground flames attack removed
- Some minor fixes to the BloodZombie
- Zombie roster spawning chances modified to allow more variation
- Enjay's Cacomental added to the Cacodemon roster
- Hexen's Firedemon (Afrit) added to the imp roster (4th tier)
- Lava smoke effect replaced with the DOOM enhanced one
- FormerBerserker by Virtue added to the boss roster (2nd Tier)
- Hades Elemental now summons Watchers as his only attack
- Overlord now summons Watchers instead of Hades Spheres
- Idle monster sounds silenced (Chainsaw Zombie was really annoying)
- Spawning chance of melee zombies slightly raised
- Spawning chance of Chainsaw Zombie decreased
- Fat Zombie (Melee) added using Blood's BloatedButcher sprites
- Fixed Speed and Scale values of some monsters
- Only GZDOOM compatible!!! use the last SVN version.
- Doom Rising is divided in 3 wads wich are dependant on each other, they must be loaded in order and allways after your megawad or map files if you are using one. This is the I use Zdoom loader.
- If you play OBLIGE maps load THIS wad after the OBLIGE map wad to get rid of the OBLIGE banners.
- You can get OBLIGE RMG here!
Now Play!!
Doom Enhanced: Kinsie
Nashgore: Nash
DOOM3 Weapons: KronoS
DOOM3 SSG Sprites: SNIPER 109
Blood Sprites: Monolith
Duke Nukem Sprites: 3D Realms
Hexen and Heretic Stuff: Raven Software
FormerBerserker: Virtue
LavaDemon: Virtue
Cacomental: Enjay
UAC Sentry Bot sprites: George Hamlin
DOOM3, QUAKE4 and QUAKE3 Sounds: Id Software, Raven Software
Music by: Id Software, Overclocked Remix and Sonic Clang
Realm 667 Monsters, you can see the credits for each one of them here.
There's a ton of stuff in here, so I will not point all of it now, but you should know that I'm not claiming authory over the sprites or the awesome decorate codes of some of the things in here. It's a mod made for fun and not for self godiffication (I don't know if that exists, just let me be), it's a kind of "deeper" classic doom experiece, if that is possible... it's fun to me and I hope it will be fun for you.
All the rights over the material and trademarks cited and used here are property of their respective authors.
Last edited by DANZA on Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:54 pm, edited 20 times in total.
- Posts: 918
- Joined: Sat Jan 02, 2010 12:01 pm
- Location: in SlumpEd
Woot, another AEOD-like.
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- Preferred Pronouns: He/Him
- Operating System Version (Optional): A lot of them
- Graphics Processor: Not Listed
In response to your credits policy, I really think you should go back and do an "audit" of your resources just so proper credit is given to those that created them, especially if you did not ask permission from the authors. It's a pain, yes, but it's preferable to having an author tell you to remove his stuff.
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- Joined: Mon Oct 27, 2003 12:07 am
- Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
in b4 "oh noes its nashgore again"
- Posts: 7656
- Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:14 am
- Location: Some cold place
Because another AEoD clone was completely necessary.ZDG wrote:Woot, another AEOD-like.
(Warning: Above statement may contain sarcasm)
- Posts: 3975
- Joined: Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:16 am
667 Shuffle
ScoreDoom addon
I'm sure there's more, anyway, this kind of thing has been done to death it doesn't help that you added Nashgore & the Doom 3 weapons which are also overused in mods.
It would be nice to see a mapset that features some custom monsters that add to the experience, rather than just these compilations.
667 Shuffle
ScoreDoom addon
I'm sure there's more, anyway, this kind of thing has been done to death it doesn't help that you added Nashgore & the Doom 3 weapons which are also overused in mods.
It would be nice to see a mapset that features some custom monsters that add to the experience, rather than just these compilations.
- Posts: 17
- Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 1:12 pm
Naa, AoD is a complete different thing IMO, is a lot of fun, a universal free for all and stuff. Two new weapon wads are not the same just for being two new weapon wads, and two mods using random spawning code are not the same because they use such code, it's more about content, style and purpose. I play AoD sometimes, but also I just wanted to play DOOM with extra stuff related to it, so in DOOM Rising you won't find Duke Nukem's pigcops, Redneck Rampage grunts or fire magic wands by example. It keeps the Zombies and Alien/demons scheme, there are some Marines helping you sometimes like in DOOM3, and the scared people (both of them appear just a few times, so don't wait for them)... the only thing wich might seem anti-DOOM at first sight may be the cultists, but aside the fact that they just appear like only 2 or 3 times in a megawad, they are supposed to be people turned to hell devotion so... it's no big deal...TheDarkArchon wrote: Because another AEoD clone was completely necessary.
And about the credits, don't worry I'll fill that part
PSD: I will be very thankfull if one of you (the people who downloaded DOOM Rising) makes a gameplay video and uploads it to youtube... my HD literaly burned... I don't know how it's still working (in fact, I do, just drama) but it surely can't handle FRAPS or more than one action at the same time... so it would be great..
- Posts: 5113
- Joined: Fri May 20, 2005 11:16 am
- Location: Labrynna
AEOD is no different from this. they're both randomizer mods that use other resources.
- Posts: 17
- Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 1:12 pm
From a technical standpoint it is, from a player standpoint, is other monster set, other weapon set, sounds, etc. It's not my fault AoD uses almost all of the sprites out there, we still have the right to do a specific set if we choose to. As a player i did the mod I wanted to play and that would be all the science behind it , it's just here for those willing to play with it .BlazingPhoenix wrote:AEOD is no different from this. they're both randomizer mods that use other resources.
- Posts: 5113
- Joined: Fri May 20, 2005 11:16 am
- Location: Labrynna
No, you don't seem to get it. Players would think it's the same thing as well. We've had several of these randomizer mods already and they're getting old extremely fast.
- Posts: 17
- Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 1:12 pm
Yeah boy, i got your point, but what should I do? regret myself for uploading it? no way, besides, I did this mod just for the fun of playing it like a year ago, just the past week I reinstalled DOOM and added some new stuff and yesterday I decided to share. There might be a lot of the "same" stuff out there already but i wasn't aware of it when I did it, and certainly I don't care about it now, I'm not trying to compete or showing a new technological advance, just sharing. The mod got 40 downloads since I made the post before going to rest, seems fair to me, cause there's no further objective than being downloaded by people willing to play with it, nothing else.BlazingPhoenix wrote:No, you don't seem to get it. Players would think it's the same thing as well. We've had several of these randomizer mods already and they're getting old extremely fast.
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- Location: Ireland
You forgot Snarboo's modCaptainToenail wrote:AEoD
667 Shuffle
ScoreDoom addon
I'm sure there's more, anyway, this kind of thing has been done to death it doesn't help that you added Nashgore & the Doom 3 weapons which are also overused in mods.
It would be nice to see a mapset that features some custom monsters that add to the experience, rather than just these compilations.
TBH I hadn't realized there were that many - Shuffle would probably have stayed on my hard drive otherwise. Oh, well, no turning back now...
- Posts: 658
- Joined: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:17 pm
Personally, I think this is a pretty fun wad. But it feels weird not having a super shotgun. Maybe the RoE super shotgun can be put in?
- Posts: 918
- Joined: Sat Jan 02, 2010 12:01 pm
- Location: in SlumpEd
And minescalliano wrote:
You forgot Snarboo's mod
TBH I hadn't realized there were that many - Shuffle would probably have stayed on my hard drive otherwise. Oh, well, no turning back now...
Anyway, i'll see how this goes.
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- Joined: Tue May 05, 2009 9:24 pm
- Location: New Orleans, LA
You know, for about a solid minute, I stared at this topic title and wondered if someone had recreated the Dead Rising mall and tossed in some nifty timed scripting and stuff and cobbled together a decent little mod out of it.