The Return of the Triad [TC] - some guy bumped this again

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Re: The Return of the Triad [TC] - Back on track.

Post by neoworm »

el zee wrote:... and I couldn't get the sprites out of the aa files :(
...and thats a pity. I really want these sprites.
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Re: The Return of the Triad [TC] - Back on track.

Post by hammer oz »

Here you go el zee i just re uploaded so hopefully this time itll work :D
if it does you can also try to remake these levels if you want just with less bad guys in them your call :mrgreen: ...

As for the armor you could recolour the green armor so it looks like asbestos armour. There must be someway you can edit the armor properties so it provides the certain effects as the bulletproof and asbestos vests. :?:
For the missile weapons apart form the bazooka and the heat seeker there all extremely powerfull so i think you should limit on how much ammo or ammunition that is in the same weapon u pick up limited otherwise you could just run around with the flamewall throughout the entire game and for me thats quiet boring :cry:

and will missile weapons be limited to a certain amount like 2 for example or will you be able to carry them all?

this is just a suggestion you are free to do whatever you want with the mod :D
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Re: The Return of the Triad [TC] - Back on track.

Post by NeuralStunner »

hammer oz wrote:There must be someway you can edit the armor properties so it provides the certain effects as the bulletproof and asbestos vests. :?:
DamageFactors work on armors. So:
DamageFactor "Bullet", 0 (You'd need to set your common BulletPuff to use DamageType "Bullet".)
DamageFactor "Fire", 0 (Obviously, all missiles and flames must be DamageType "Fire".)
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Re: The Return of the Triad [TC] - Back on track.

Post by el zee »

Yeah the armor should be no problem, I'm still working on that stuff atm.

Just to clarify some things:

I've made it so the bullet weapons have infinite ammo.
However, the missile etc weapons you can carry as many as you like (with limited ammo like ROTT).
The reason is that it doesn't make it any easier, plus it would be too much trouble to set it up the way ROTT did it.

The enemies have slightly different stats, I made some guys harder and some easier to balance it out.
i.e. the Triad Enforcer has slightly less health, but that means I can put more of them in.
I also made the Overpatrol have more health, because I felt they were too weak :P

also the level design is not transparent to the original orthogonal ROTT style, more a homage if you will.
So it's not a complete TC of the original, but it's awesome none the less :)
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Re: The Return of the Triad [TC] - Back on track.

Post by sniperchance »

This is pretty awesome.

I've messed with porting ROTT weapons in the past, but so far you're doing a good job recreating just about every detail of the game. Hopefully it isn't too much effort to make it multiplayer compatible.
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Re: The Return of the Triad [TC] - Back on track.

Post by hammer oz »

has this project died or are you still working on it cus i havent hear any news on it for awhile :?:
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Re: The Return of the Triad [TC] - Back on track.

Post by el zee »

Heh I was just about to post an update! so here's a video:


and Screenies...

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Re: The Return of the Triad [TC] - Back on track.

Post by Dark-Assassin »

The FlameWall RL sounds are wrong. sorry.
The sound used for the fire spawning is really the fireing sound of the weapon. Also, the flames do not make a sound when spawned although you can have sound for the flames if you want.
Also, the FlameBomb RL's fire sound seems quiet.

If you have WinRott, use these cheats to find out the sounds of the powerful weapons.
\ecc - Enbale Cheats
\www - Woundless with weapons and Never Die
Press insert to switch to the next weapon. It goes beyond the bazooka.

I used to play this game heaps as soon as it came out and many years after so I know alot to do with whats right and what isn't. That is why I can pick out the weapon sounds as soon as they are played. Although the stock maps still puzzle me.
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Re: The Return of the Triad [TC] - Back on track.

Post by el zee »

dark-slayer-201 wrote:The FlameWall RL sounds are wrong. sorry.
The sound used for the fire spawning is really the fireing sound of the weapon. Also, the flames do not make a sound when spawned although you can have sound for the flames if you want.
Also, the FlameBomb RL's fire sound seems quiet.

If you have WinRott, use these cheats to find out the sounds of the powerful weapons.
\ecc - Enbale Cheats
\www - Woundless with weapons and Never Die
Press insert to switch to the next weapon. It goes beyond the bazooka.

I used to play this game heaps as soon as it came out and many years after so I know alot to do with whats right and what isn't. That is why I can pick out the weapon sounds as soon as they are played. Although the stock maps still puzzle me.
Yeah you're right about the flamewall, in ROTT[1.2] it seems to use both sounds (P_FWALL & P_FWFIRE) at the same time when shooting, I dunno if they meant it to be like that. :?:

It's kinda wierd that the missile makes no sound upon hitting the ground and launching a wall of flames.
I have mixed feelings about changing it, this isn't an exact copy of ROTT - some things are going to have to be slightly different.

The firebomb launching sounds fine(in game), in the video the firejets are obscuring the sound.
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Re: The Return of the Triad [TC] - Back on track.

Post by Xaser »

Ah, looking as killer as ever, I see!

You know, there's something about the mapping style that reminds me so much of Strife. That's a very good thing. :)
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Re: The Return of the Triad [TC] - Back on track.

Post by Gez »

el zee wrote:Yeah you're right about the flamewall, in ROTT[1.2] it seems to use both sounds (P_FWALL & P_FWFIRE) at the same time when shooting
It's possible that the weapon makes one sound, and the projectile makes the other.
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Re: The Return of the Triad [TC] - Back on track.

Post by SamVision »

Explosive weapon animations are totally wrong.
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Re: The Return of the Triad [TC] - Back on track.

Post by el zee »

SamVision wrote:Explosive weapon animations are totally wrong.
oh yep, I see what you mean, they move a bit when you fire them and the muzzle flash is too long.

I'll get round to doing that soon.
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Re: The Return of the Triad [TC] - Back on track.

Post by SamVision »

el zee wrote:
SamVision wrote:Explosive weapon animations are totally wrong.
oh yep, I see what you mean, they move a bit when you fire them and the muzzle flash is too long.

I'll get round to doing that soon.
Not what I was getting at. Watch a video of ROTT or play around with some of the weapons while playing ROTT. The recoil animation comes between the other two firing sprites, you made it become the first firing sprite.
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Re: The Return of the Triad [TC] - Back on track.

Post by ZDG »

That makes me remember that i have a copy of ROTT rotting (lol pun) somewhere in my house.

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