[WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! [Revived]

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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by qwerqsar »

Dancso wrote: I noticed that all monsters will hear your attacks, because the doors don't actually block sound.. it's a bit bad to have em all come over to one room, so you might want to keep that in mind. I'm not sure if sound blocking can be done on the linedefs along the doors, but it would be my first idea to check.
I must agree. It is terribel to fight the incoming hordes of monsters at one point. Or at least make them deaf.
The maps look good, as a begginning proyect, so I just suscribed meself to the thread. Love the idea!
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by NeuralStunner »

qwerqsar wrote:I must agree. It is terribel to fight the incoming hordes of monsters at one point. Or at least make them deaf.
As has been said elsewhere, "deaf" is a misnomer: What it actually does is keep sound-alerted monsters from actually waking until the Player enters the monster's LOS. (It's better described by its ZDoom name, "Ambush".) Regardless, I agree that it would be a good way to go.

Methinks that lines which become solid walls could be flagged "Block Everything", just in case. If that doesn't include sound, add "Block Sound" too. :)
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Enjay »

I'm sure that Nash is aware of most of these issues anyway. ATM the project is still at a very early stage and pretty much has nothing other than the basic logic of making a dungeon and placing items worked out (impressive enough in itself). I'm sure that the details will come later.
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Jimmy »

This is an awesome concept. :P It'll be interesting to see how this evolves - Hexen meets Blocks of Doom II? Heh.

Incidentally, who did the compass? And is it free to use? (Edit: Oh, carlcyber. :P)
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Nash »

Just a little explanation on how the doors came to be (why they are things instead of regular door sectors)...

You see, a linedef can only be +used from the front side, and this is a problem because depending on the cell you are standing in, some lines are facing front, others back. I think I posted a Feature Suggestion to make player use lines triggerable from both sides, but that only solves one problem...

Next is aesthethics. The cells are made up of 128 x 128 sectors. For doors, this is ridiculously huge and ugly. :P I *could* use animated textures but the space that occupies the door sector will always be too big to look good, IMO.

So I settled for model doors. With model doors, I can model them to look like however I want. The downside to this though is they don't block LOS calculations, and may disappear if the sector they are contained in is out of the player's sight. I will try to prevent the latter by making sure the doors themselves aren't too big. Or maybe model them to look like a porticullis.

As for the LOS issue... I have some ideas. Currently, I was thinking of just having the monsters have a random chance of being spawned deaf, so that the entire map doesn't go after you. I might also reduce their FOV so that they don't see you from too far away.

Now for some updates... the engine now spawns map starts and exits. I was inclined to code in something that will make sure the starts and exits don't spawn too close, but I decided not to - Diablo occasionally spawned exits which are close to starts. :P To rebalance the challenge, I will make the map randomly require you to find the key to open the exit. The key itself will randomly spawn on a monster, or somewhere in plain sight in the dungeon...

(Gosh, there's so much randomness going on now, isn't there :P)
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Chronos »

Nash i think it's much easier to deal with monster's hordes.It easy to just set +NOALERT flag to weapon so not every single monster will come to you.That's the easiest way and for alpha it's nice.
Of course for beta you should deal with hearing range of monsters.And yes some chests with treasure and keys would be great thing to add.
And i while trying to figure how to make different monsters spawn(and respawn like in most of RPG).And how to make those monsters be differently powered.
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Skutarth »

Prefab rooms would make this epic. Why aren't there many random map generators that use prefab rooms to construct the levels?
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Hetdegon »

Skutarth wrote:Prefab rooms would make this epic. Why aren't there many random map generators that use prefab rooms to construct the levels?
I think Oblige does this to a degree.
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Nash »

"Prefab rooms" in my engine's case is still limited to the geometry that my generator uses - blocks of 128 x 128 sectors.

The only difference these prefab rooms will have from the randomly generated rooms is that their contents will be always be the same. For the other rooms, contents like decoration, blood stains, torches, etc are scattered randomly all over the room.
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Nash »

Is there a way to save the "seed" of the random number generator?

Sometimes, the map will generate some bad maps... I'd attempt to fix it, then run the game again and again until I'm pretty sure the bug is fixed. Sometimes I'd get lucky and I'd get the same bad situation as before in the first try - which obviously means the bug isn't fixed. But sometimes I don't get so lucky... then many hours later when I run the game, suddenly the bug happens again.

If I found a bad map and I could consistantly recreate the exact same map on the next run, it's much MUCH easier to fix bugs...
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon!

Post by DavidPH »

Nash wrote:Well if there was some way to generate UDMF maps through scripting (if anyone remembers a thread I created a while back - this was exactly the reason) then preparing the map could be totally easy.

I almost settled for WadC but I couldn't bothere figuring out the runtimes it needed, plus it didn't do UDMF.
If you're still interested in an external program for generating your maps, you could try the compiler I wrote. http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=25016 (I have done a bit of work on it since then.) It has RNG functions and I could easily add command line options for printing and setting seeds.
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Nash »

Yes, I did stumble upon your thread back then. I don't have tools I need to compile your program though.

Anyway, carlcyber has already written a very specific tool for me that generates the UDMF map I need based on the parameters I specify. It's not flexible (it only generates blocks of 128 x 128) but it serves its purpose well for what I need; it correctly sets the line IDs and sector tags. :P

Thanks for your offer though.

Anyway, some progress. Not much though. It's spawning torches along corridors now. It's easy randomize the type of torch spawned per corridor, so some corridors will have wall torches, others have ceiling lamps maybe. Since I've only defined one type of torch, here's a screenshot of a corridor with wall torches. :P

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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by qwerqsar »

Getting better and better! :D I want to betatest it as soon as it comes out :P
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Hetdegon »

Ooh, that's some pretty dungeon ambiance there, I like how it looks. Randomly generated does not equal fugly :P
I am wondering, the compass up there just guides you or will use some fancy stuff like enemy "radar" in the future? It intrigues me (and it's been proven possible). Might work as equipment effect like ESP in nethack and other means of monster detection.
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Re: [WIP] Randomly Generated Dungeon! (Testers needed!)

Post by Dancso »

I really like those torches!
A small idea for even more depth: Make some of the torches unlit. Maybe they got put out by either something or time itself. :)

Keep it up!

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