I started this project (about 5 years ago) - with 5hfifty, and kinda gave up in about 2008.
But now its going again, and in full swing, I've done heaps over the past couple of weeks, the latest ZDoom and Doombuilder 2 make stuff way easier than before.
Everything from the original ROTT such as:
Bad guys & GUNS from ROTT - heh obviously
Traps - fire traps and spikey things etc - some new ones
ZDoomish maps - some parts are really ROTT, all squarey, but i was going for that style ok?!
crazy ass things like floating platforms, trampolines, keys that you can get off tables then shoot the table, just like rott.
plus much more, there's a HUGE list of things.
so here are a few screenshots:
Spoiler:you can view more HERE