Someone wants to mention this on a show (g4tv, never heard of it) and they've asked for some more gameplay footage so I'll probably have a new video up soon.
Spoiler: Screenshots*You may be confused at what you're seeing, but it's a skin selector room complete with Roll who comments on your new look.
In other news, even more screenshots here: http://cutstuff.net/blog/?p=2098I’m releasing a demo for use in the LAN room of the Screwattack Gaming Convention. The demo is a fully playable version of the game containing 4 maps, 4 characters and over 10 different weapons to try out. As I won’t be attending the event (unfortunately), look out for testers MugenMidget and PressStart who will be distributing the demo and setting people up (hopefully playing it too!) with MM8BDM.
Wipe that tear away from your eye solider! And make TimeLord.wad already, it is your destinyDoomRater wrote:Also, every time I think I've done something to get put on equal terms someone comes out and does something extraordinary. You're all awesome, never stop growing.