[Project] Zero's Resources - NEW!: Quarantine 2 & More!

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Zero X. Diamond
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[Project] Zero's Resources - NEW!: Quarantine 2 & More!

Post by Zero X. Diamond »

NOTE: This is now and forever a multi-resource thread. I'm almost addicted to ripping at the moment, so I've got plenty of stuff heading in. In order to maintain maximum convenience for everyone, below will be a list of relevant posts within the thread to be updated with every new release.

ANOTHER NOTE: Most of these links have been fixed. If anyone has my System Shock, Perdition's Gate and Hell To Pay rips, upload them somewhere and I'll relink them.

System Shock (This post)
Terminator Rampage
Tunnels of Armageddon
Corridor 8: Galactic Wars
Perdition's Gate & Hell To Pay
Eye of the Beholder
Blood 2: The Chosen
Shadow Warrior Add-on Extravaganza!!
Forbes Corporate Warrior
Deathtrap Dungeon
Defiance (1997)
NEW! Quarantine 2: Road Warrior
NEW! DeathDrome
NEW! Eradicator (Textures)
NEW! Terminator: SKYNET (Textures & Static Sprites)
NEW! Duke Nukem Mobile

Also, it's not at all a requirement, but I'd really appreciate it if you let me know if you're going to use anything I've ripped in a project. Some of this stuff took a lot of work, and I'd love to see it get put to good use. Just drop a reply here or send me a PM or something, however you want to do it, but by all means I'd love to know about it.


Hey there. I'm ZXD, and I like ZDoom. Since this is neither the time nor the place for me to be making any lengthy introductions, I'll spare you my life story and cut right to the chase.

I've been browsing around here for a while now (much more recently than before), generally to check out graphics resources to possibly use in projects that never seem to get off the ground. A friend of mine who has been working with ZDoom stuff for some time now has been working on a project for a while now that has been requiring a lot of resources, something which I decided to give him a helping hand with since I'm a sucker for grabbing large amounts of sprites myself, even if I've never really done anything with them. In my search to help him get new monster graphics, I scoured all around my local stuff and wound up scouring through here. One of the threads that I came across in my searching was an old System Shock thread that featured the game's textures and little more. Somebody had asked if there would be any sprite rips, but the OP said it would probably be hard to do. I guess I took this as a challenge, because I immediately went out to get myself a copy of System Shock and try to take a crack at it with XWE. That was about a month ago.

I decided to try again today, but XWE is clearly not particularly compatible with SS1 and honestly would have been a poor choice for extracting the graphics anyways (due to the way they are stored in the RES files). So my quest began anew. I'll spare you the details since I'm sure it's of little importance... suffice it to say that after several hours of grunt work and several unnecessary program downloads later, I've managed to pull together an impressive collection of resources here consisting of roughly 4000 sprites, each saved as paletted PNG files with transparency. Some highlights of the collection are:

26 enemies
20 sprited doors
Multi directional corpse props

There are some things to note about this stuff. The sprites are stored in three separate folders in the zip, each named after the RES file they were extracted from. While they're not the raw contents of the data files (I deleted roughly 1000 sprites that were small, black squares), they are named and arranged as they were stored. Sorry if that's in any way an inconvenience, but there's just too damn many sprites here for me to go through and rename by hand. As for what folders contain what: OBJART contains inventory items and props as well as a few other things including what appear to be switches and stuff that appears to be remnants of a level editor; OBJART2 contains enemy standing, pain, death, and attack sprites, as well as some frames which I don't rightly know the use of, though I assume they're idle states; OBJART3 is more enemy sprites, including walking, more death, and more attacks, also including the door sprites and some wall patches.

So here's a little sampler of the content:
And here's a permanent link to the zip over at the DRD Team Share Space:

System Shock Sprites

Sorry if I rambled too much back there. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the sprites. All credit goes to Looking Glass Software and whatnot. That's all for now, but expect to see more from me in the future!

EDIT: Going through the files again, it seems that there are some slight graphical jitters on a handful of frames due to black being the transparency color. However, it's nothing major and can generally be fixed by hand with relative ease; I tried to automatically fix it by editing the game's palette lump to have cyan as the black color it rips as the background, but unfortunately unlike Necrodome (another resource that I am slowly ripping [I've seen it done here but most of the links are broken and the one that isn't has a similar black background issue]) this just turns the black areas on the sprites cyan as well... so it's really unavoidable, I guess. I think magic wand selection will work on most of them as a solution to this.

EDIT #2: Added MIDI soundtrack, sound effects and HUD weapons.

EDIT #3, 4 & 5: Thread made multi-rip, split, then re-merged back into one large thread.

EDIT #6: Asked to be told when this stuff is used.
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Last edited by Zero X. Diamond on Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:44 pm, edited 22 times in total.
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Re: [Sprite] System Shock Sprites

Post by neoworm »

Most of Necrodome issues with black color as transparent can be solved by replacing internal game palette which dont have color #0 black. I replaced it by DooM cyan and had no problem ripping any monster or decoration graphics. I dont know if it also can be applied to hud sprites since I wasnt able to rip them at all.

By the way nice resource pack.
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Re: [Sprite] System Shock Sprites

Post by Zero X. Diamond »

Yeah, I read that post you made and that's exactly how I'm working my rip. Thanks for that info, and also thanks for giving my pack the thumbs up. Figured I might as well make my first post a contribution!
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Re: [Sprite] System Shock Sprites

Post by Enjay »

Nice resource, thank you. I'm looking forward to your Necrodome stuff too. I ripped what I could but the black background scuppered me and I gave up as it was too messy. Never thought about changing the game palette. Clever.
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Re: [Sprite] System Shock Sprites

Post by Captain Awesome »

Awesome! Can't wait to delve through this stuff, thanks! :D

Since you kind of like figuring out things like this, maybe you could try to get the sprites/sounds from Killing Time for the PC? It has a lot of potential good resources... :D
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Re: [Sprite] System Shock Sprites

Post by Zero X. Diamond »

Captain Awesome wrote:Awesome! Can't wait to delve through this stuff, thanks! :D

Since you kind of like figuring out things like this, maybe you could try to get the sprites/sounds from Killing Time for the PC? It has a lot of potential good resources... :D
Unfortunately for you, I'm not one of those ripping geniuses who can figure out the way that file structures work and whatever... I'm just really good at finding programs that already exist for doing the job, as was the case for this. The only information I can really gather upon grabbing a copy of Killing Time is that all the data is crammed into the REZ file, which is clearly not the same as a Lithtech REZ since it doesn't open in my software for that.

If somebody knows one of those guys though, let me know; in finding that copy of Killing Time I found another game that I am now dying to rip thanks to its having some really great looking graphics that would fit very well into a Doom setting. For those curious or anyone who might be able to help me out, it's called "Last Rites" and it was released by Ocean in 1997. The data appears to be stored in a strange way in that it looks like sets of graphics are all archived together in individual files external to the game engine, all being either .BIT, .LIF, or .SIF files.
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Re: [Sprite] System Shock Sprites

Post by wildweasel »

I'd seen some screenshots of Last Rites on Mobygames a while ago and thought it looked pretty good as a resource. Unfortunately, I'm not much good at deciphering file formats like this either.
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Re: [Sprite] System Shock Sprites

Post by Zero X. Diamond »

I'm gonna try and talk to a guy I kinda know and see if he can't take a look. He's designed extractors on a whim before for things they didn't exist for prior, such as Isle of the Dead. It's still something of a longshot, but it'd be nice to get the stuff out of that game because it looks absolutely gorgeous.

Back on the topic of System Shock, I've added some more stuff to the download in the first post. Now included are the game's soundtrack converted to standard MIDI, the game's sound effects, and the HUD weapon sprites, meager as they may be. I also have the capability to rip the game's interface and what have you, but I figured that's the kind of thing that I ought to gauge interest for before going out of my way to do it. Oh, and the various audio logs of the ship's computer, e-mails, and SHODAN's relentless taunting of the player, but those are also of limited use outside of the original game... but again, I'll toss those in as well if anyone's interested.
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Re: [Sprite] System Shock Sprites

Post by wildweasel »

Some of SHODAN's taunts might be useful as sound bytes, cell phone alert messages, or something...but that's about the only use I could think of for them.
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Re: [Sprite] System Shock Sprites

Post by Snarboo »

What do you know, I attempted to rip the graphics from Last Rites myself a few years ago! I never really got anywhere other than finding out which files were most likely used for resources. Hopefully you can make some headway.

Have you considered posting at a forum for programs like Dragon Unpacker or MultiEx Commander? IIRC there's a subforum dedicated just to figuring out file formats for one of those programs and they might be willing to assist you.
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Re: [Sprite] System Shock Sprites

Post by Zero X. Diamond »

I actually hadn't considered that, though I had actually looked at the programs themselves to see if they were compatible (which, of course, they were not). That's probably a good idea because I've found a good deal of other games which I can't rip (or in one case can't FULLY rip due to what looks like compressed files within compressed files) and it'd be great to be able to do all of these. I'll definitely look into it soon.
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Re: [Sprite] System Shock Sprites

Post by Captain Awesome »

Funny you mention Last Rites, because I couldn't think of the name of that one. :lol:

As far as I can tell, there were tools released to rip from Killing Time, I seem to recall them being called "Burger Tools". I can't find them anywhere.
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Re: [Sprite] System Shock Sprites

Post by Zero X. Diamond »

Well, if it really was called Burger Tools, I can't find any trace of them either. On a more fortunate note, I may have made a breakthrough with Last Rites thanks to that guy I mentioned earlier. He set me off on an interesting path by offering me the notion that the sprites and what have you were likely compressed within the EXE itself and to try and find a resource extractor for it. Managed to find a handy program called STUNS (STupid UNcompreSsor) that can take a guess at whether data in the file is compressed lumps or not and extract it. I got 20,000+ data files of Deflate type compression that were all less than 64kb (mostly less than 1kb) but I also got a lot of fairly large files from LZO compression. The only downside is that I cannot for the life of me figure out what kinds of files they are at the moment. But it's a start!

Also, I'm starting to rip some more stuff from other sources and I'm not sure on the etiquette here: should I rename this thread and make it a general purpose resource thread or should I make another one or what? I'd think the first would probably be the better choice, but then what tag do I use if it's more than one kind of resource being posted? [Resource]?
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Re: [Sprite] System Shock Sprites

Post by Snarboo »

Zero X. Diamond wrote:Also, I'm starting to rip some more stuff from other sources and I'm not sure on the etiquette here: should I rename this thread and make it a general purpose resource thread or should I make another one or what? I'd think the first would probably be the better choice, but then what tag do I use if it's more than one kind of resource being posted? [Resource]?
It's up to you. I would rename it so it's more informative, but that's me.

Awesome to see progress made on Last Rites! I would have never thought that the files were compressed by or in the executable.
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Re: [Sprite] System Shock Resources

Post by Zero X. Diamond »

I just realized upon rereading the rules that the changes to the thread that I'd made in making it a universal rip thread appear to be against a couple of rules, so I've renamed this thread and removed the unrelated content. I'll be reposting that in a separate thread shortly. Also, just for future reference, what do you call a thread with multiple types of resources from one source? Is it [Project]? That's what it looks like by the rules, but that seems... I dunno, unfitting. But none of the acceptable tags seem to particularly fit either.

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