[Resource] Obscure Games & Acknex Resources *REUPLOAD*

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[Resource] Obscure Games & Acknex Resources *REUPLOAD*

Post by Snarboo »

Welcome to the re-uploaded Obscure Games & Acknex Resources thread, formerly the Obscure FPS Resources thread! This thread is dedicated to collecting unique resources from obscure-ish games, and Acknex engine titles. It is also a hub for similar threads on the forums.

New rips are currently on hold, as most games worth ripping have been at this point. :p
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Last edited by Snarboo on Sat Jun 08, 2019 4:30 pm, edited 27 times in total.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by janiform »

This is a great plan.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Xim »

Snarboo wrote:I plan on ripping resources from a number of other old games such as Corridor 7 and even Island Peril. :p
Yes! Somebody HAS to make the Lube Gun for the Realm667 armoury now!
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Jimmy »

Do you take requests? If so, check this out:
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by NiGHTMARE »

Heh, love the E1M1 "homage" at 1:28 :).
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Enjay »

Cool idea. I'm a sucker for finding out about the resources from old games. One that I'd love to be able to pull apart, but have always failed with (XWE can open the files but can't interpret the graphics format, and nor can any other prog that I have tried) is Alien Trilogy.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by CaptainToenail »

Wow, those 'Persuit of Greed' stuff is instant gold for a Strife mod!

Also, the big head thing is hilarious, I just have to make that into a monster for the beastiery :lol:
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Enjay »

I've had a chance to look at the "In Pursuit of Greed" stuff now and there are some very cool things in there. :yup:
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by janiform »

The robot enemies of IPoG would be great for a Mech wad. There are also a lot of good fantasy-style sprites.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Snarboo »

As far as ripping content goes, I can't make any promises. It all depends on if the data files are readable by an extraction program such as XWE. With games like Island Peril, the weapons are easily ripped using Fraps. I'm not sure if I can rip any of the textures from it, however.

Each episode of IPoG uses a different set of enemies and textures despite all of them being in the data file. For example, episode two uses the medieval texture and enemy set. Some of the textures are also at a 90 degree angle and will need to be rotated. There were tons of items I did not rip, such as level specific objective items and random point items. I can rip these and post them here for the curious, however.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Enjay »

A game which I know is readable by some ripping program (either XWE or GFE I forget which) is NecroDome and it has some resources quite suitable for inclusion in a Doom mod or TC. Might be worth looking into.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Snarboo »

I just finished ripping all of the graphics from Corridor 7 CD and Operation Body Count. Unfortunately, I was not able to rip the sounds, which seem are an odd format.

Both games are fairly similar and were developed by Capstone. While neither is great, they are fairly playable. The CD release of Corridor 7 had new weapons and enemies not found in the floppy release. There were also new levels, but I couldn't rip those. For Operation Body Count, I ripped resources from both the CD release and the demo version. The CD version doesn't appear to be any different from the floppy release, but the demo version had some minor differences, such as different weapons. Interestingly, the demo version of OBC used the same data files as Corridor 7.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by janiform »

I've always really liked the sludge monster from Operation: Body Count. It seems so out of place.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Captain Awesome »

I think this is my first post, so hi! I lurk quite a bit, and I've posted at Doomworld as "BlitZ".

Anyways, I've always wondered if there was a way to get the data from Last Rites.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Snarboo »

I've actually looked into ripping data from the data files for Last Rites, but I didn't get anywhere. As far as I know, there isn't any program that can rip data from it. The most I can do is rip the hud weapons using Fraps. I'll consider it, though.

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