ScoreDoom v1.99r3B

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Re: ScoreDoom v1.98r7d

Post by DavidB1000 »

Heh, 99 bugs in the code, recompile, 4000 bugs in the code. :)
No matter how good you are at testing, sometimes a bug slips through. :)
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Re: ScoreDoom v1.98r7d

Post by Enjay »

If I put both the add on monsters WAD and the artifacts WAD into my skins directory, the game refuses to start complaining about a DECORATE error that PlayerPawnSD is already defined.
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Re: ScoreDoom v1.98r7e

Post by BilboHicks »

Updated to 1.98 Release 7e
grab it and its 1.98r7eADDONPACK from

*If you downloaded 1.98r7d or 1.98r7c, they were buggy*. my apologies
*If you downloaded the 1.98r7cADDONPACK, that was buggy, too.*

Changes in 1.98r7e:
A bug fix for a bug which was introduced in 1.98r7d. Artifacts were not spawning properly in SP.
Also added a better random seeding for spawning monsters and artifacts per level in SP based on wad names and current level name.
The add on pack was updated to fix a DECORATE conflict problem, since I forgot to update SD-ARTIFACTS.WAD in 1.98r7c.

@Enjay, this is fixed now. Thank you for the feedback.
@DavidB1000. Yes rushing things to get done quickly can be nightmare.
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Re: ScoreDoom v1.98r7e

Post by BilboHicks »

*EDIT: Still wasn't entirely happy with my SP artifact randomization, so I updated scoredoom1.98r7e one last time! Also tightened up the suicide/infighting code* :P

I updated the Add-On pack again (problem with using only sd-artifacts) as well as the main game download (another minor fix), so its worth re-downloading both. sorry. That should be it. :blergh:
Last edited by BilboHicks on Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ScoreDoom v1.98r7e

Post by DavidB1000 »

Heh, don't worry about it, we all make mistakes. I'll give it a whirl later on.
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Re: ScoreDoom v1.98r7e

Post by BilboHicks »

I re-uploaded the v1.98r7e add-on-pack to tweak the Phantom (less wraiths and phantom cannot be raised anymore), as well as a couple of other monsters, due to some feedback.
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Re: ScoreDoom v1.98r7e

Post by NovaDragon »

Hey there!
I am glad that a new version was realeased and i must say i had alot of fun with this. Again and i know it was mentioned,
that lag bug when using a super shotgun (and eventually shotgun, bfg, ect.) still exists. The better the computer
the less noticable it is although it is there a little bit. Other than that though i still like this alot and keep up the great
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Re: ScoreDoom v1.98r7e

Post by Tormentor667 »

It is fun! :) Great job!
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Re: ScoreDoom v1.98r7e

Post by DavidB1000 »

Hey, Nova, that is really weird. I used to get it myself. Maybe your computer is either old, or maybe ScoreDoom is based on a very leaky version of Gzdoom. I have no idea, but it's weird.
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Re: ScoreDoom v1.98r7e

Post by NovaDragon »

Might be the version of Gzdoom because its always happened to me ever since i got it. The better the computer the more that its unnoticeable but I can tell that lag spike is still there. That's my only gripe about is since you can ssg a baron class then the next thing you know, your a bloody pulp on the ground.
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Re: ScoreDoom v1.98r7e

Post by BilboHicks »

@Torm: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. Also thanks for the beastiary and your mods which helped me learn decorate better and gave me some ideas for the mod.

@ Nova & David: Thanks again for the feedback. My PC is 5 years old, but it is a P4, 3Ghz with a 6800GT video card, and I have never encountered the slowdown you mentioned, which probably is not surprising, considering the specs of my machine. If you don't mind, I have some things you can try to help me pin this down.

Firstly, there is a line in the <yourusername>-zdoom.ini file which has 'scoredoomstats=true', try playing with this set to false (you can do this via the console as well), and see if you still get the lag. This will not display the scoredoom HUD during gameplay, though the scoring bonuses on the upper L.H.S. of the screen will remain. I have calculations in the HUD code, which gets called every tic, which is not the most efficient way of doing it, and could possibly be contributing to the lag.

Secondly, looking back, I gather this lag is more apparent after playing 5 levels or more continuously. If you save the game after it happens, and restart scoredoom completely and load at the same point, does it still keep happening? (If not, then this could be a possible workaround, until/if a proper fix comes out :) )

Thirdly, the version of gzdoom it was built on (1.0.29) I think was fine, but I decided to upload an older version of gzdoom which was built on gzdoom 1.0.27(?) for you to try out to see if you still get the lag. You can grab it here: ... einfo.html
If you don't get the lag for that version of scoredoom, its still possible that it's something in my code I added since that version, though I cant think what.

Despite the extra calculations in the scoredoom HUD code, the damage code has not change significantly at all from gzdoom's damage code, except for a few more conditionals and writing damage scoring info to the console/HUD similar to pickup messages every time damage is given out. Nothing there which looks out of the ordinary, except the super shotgun blast full-on, does generate at least 20 console damage messages in one game tic! Perhaps its something to do with how all this is affecting zdoom's console buffer code for lower spec PCs? (I'm thinking this is *probably* it)
Looking at how I'm handling these messages vs say how pickup messages are handled, I have the damage messages set to a higher priority than pickup messages (not necessary). Though I don't think that's important, since if I did set the damage messages to lower priority, all 20 damage messages will all still be the same priority relative to each other and it looks like zdoom's console code will behave exactly the same, but I suppose its worth a try to see if lowering the priority will help performance.
Anyways, let me know what you found from the above, as this will help me decide what to do for a fix, should I get time to release one. I'm hoping it will be something minor. Thanks.
Last edited by BilboHicks on Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ScoreDoom v1.98r7e

Post by DavidB1000 »

Well, seeing as I now have a computer that can run any game that's come out before Tuesday of October 24th, 2010, :), I don't think I'll be able to help as much. I will go give it a test run through five or so maps with and without the hud in the way.
Also, has anyone ever noticed while running Alien Vendeta with Gzdoom/Scoredoom that there's a huge difference in brightness between Zdoom and Gzdoom? Like, the first area needs brightness adjusted in the menu on my computer to halfway to max or I think I'm blind.

Whoops, I was used to them being set to true. That problem's fixed. :)
I don't know really if that would be an issue. It really does seem like a memory leak. How about telling us to set the maxiumum frame rate? If the GZdoom you're using isn't that old, it should have that option. Vidsync I think.
Whoa, Level 2 Rusty Rage bombed out as soon as I opened the yellow door. I better go do that again. The Hell, every time I open the door, it bombs to desktop without an error. I got through using no clip and freeze, so it might have something to do with a monster spotting you. I'll go keep trying to narrow it down.
Hmm, it's definitally a monster spotting you causing a crash. I'll start a new game.
Hmm, I got through it this time, but I'll let you know if opening a door, or shooting a gun causes Scoredoom to bomb completely.

Okay, I tested about five levels, and yes, I still got lag. :( This is madness.
But to be honest, I don't think disabling the hud will do it. :)
Last edited by DavidB1000 on Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ScoreDoom v1.98r7e

Post by BilboHicks »

Yep, I agree that it probably isn't the HUD code, since there isn't a ton of extra work being done there.

I sort of hear you about it being a potential memory leak as well, possibly with my code or with that version of gzdoom, but I'm not so sure. I did a quick test to see if the memory for a level (level 5 doom 2) is significantly greater when after playing to it on UV, as opposed to when you warp to it. I saw a difference of about 2Meg (~81.5 Meg vs 79.5 Meg). For straight gzdoom1.0.29 it is about 500K (but that's playing on HMP). This doesnt seem unreasonable to me, since playing through previous levels probably would cache more objects in memory. To be fair, I didn't do a proper play-through, just dkill a few monsters on each level and used the console to kill monsters and noclip to the exit each time :P. I probably should check this more thoroughly, but I'm not convinced enough its a memory leak.

For both versions I noticed initially restarting the level can increase the memory usage by about 500k->1.5meg, but it seems to max out at around that, even after repeated restarts.

Come to think of it, typically with the sdmonsters & sdartifacts wads loaded, the memory for the game can easily be around 100Meg, even over 150 Megs, which for much older PCs could be a real issue, with other apps running. (Novadragon, you may want to see if the lag goes w.o. having the custom content wads loaded)
Last edited by BilboHicks on Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:27 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: ScoreDoom v1.98r7e

Post by DavidB1000 »

That problem with the Yellow door went away fast. :) But yeah, it was weird. I still think it was a awakening noise.
Also, I'm not exactly a big fan of all this fancy metal demon thingies. :) I like them, but way too many monster infighting bonuses. :)
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Re: ScoreDoom v1.98r7e

Post by BilboHicks »

Yeah I tried the first yellow door on AV level 2, worked ok for me, though on UV I notice there is a Shadow Imp after that door, one of the monsters I recently updated in my sdmonsters mod, hmmmn, I don't see how this is causing the game to crash, but interesting.

Thanks for the help & info David, much appreciated.

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