EDIT: New download link up for those who don't want to wait for idgames to update.
Bouncy wrote:Would you happen to be interested in having a trailer for this?

I happen to be in the mood for making trailers for noteworthy mods, recently.
I would be so glad to contribute one for Cold as Hell. I loved it back when it first showed up, bugs aside.
Yes, a trailer would be awesome. Thanks for offering.
Phucket wrote:Just out of curiosity, is there going to be a sequel? That's basically the impression I got from the ending.
Yes, that is the plan. I'm planning to take a bit of a break until the new year, then start preliminary work on a follow-up. I'd like to avoid saying too much at this point, since all that exists is basic concept work (
mostly all in my mind), but the idea is to pick up the story several decades after the events depicted at the end of CAH and tie up some of the loose ends from the ending from a new perspective.
Also, the final version is sitting in incoming on idgames waiting to be put into newstuff to replace the version that's there now. I did the final bake on the ladder and faucet myself, and put in Nash's table texture. I'll upload a Rapidshare version too, I suppose.
Thanks for the congrats on the award, and thanks to everyone that helped out.