[WIP] Snarboo's Stuff

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[WIP] Snarboo's Stuff

Post by Snarboo »

I've currently been on a huge Doom kick again after playing a bunch of Painkiller. As a result, I have decided to start working on my projects again. This thread will be a central hub for everything I do from now on.

Onto the project themselves:

Heretical - This is my Heretic weapons mod. I haven't worked on it in ages, but it's very close to completion and Kinsie's Heretic Enhanced beta inspired me to work on it again. Almost all the weapons have been implemented, barring the phoenix rod replacement, which will be an ice staff. Weapons probably still need further testing, and I would like to replace the existing Ethereal Axe graphics with something better. Neoworm said he would be interested in creating new sprites, but he seems busy at the moment, so I'm not going to bother him.

Commandos! Get Bent - The weapons portion of my failed attempt at a Commandos! ULTRAWAD(tm), which was the only thing I worked on. The weapons are very oldschool, much like the first Commandos! That means that none of the weapons will ever reload or have real ejecting brass (outside of a hack I've discovered using a weapon's flash states), but all of them will be highly polished, centered and more interesting than your standard Dehacked mod. In fact, most of the weapons feel right at home with Doom's, barring some of the more interesting weapons.

Current plans include replacing every existing weapon and at least two weapons for every ammo type. Almost every weapon has been replaced so far, barring the BFG.

Psychosis - So named because it's cobbled together from random resources from older, abandoned projects I've made over the years. It's going to be pretty realistic but rather random as far as the arsenal is concerned. I wanted to take basic features such as reloading to the next level, which means that just about every weapon in the mod has multiple reload animations based on whether or not the weapon is empty or has a round in the chamber. You can even top off certain weapon's magazines with an extra round, just like in real life!

However, because of the complexity involved, work has been slow and time consuming. In fact, I only have two weapons completed as a result. I'm not sure if I will ever finish it, but I will upload the beta for interested third parties.

Current plans include adding a set of double, sawed-off uzis from my old attempt at remaking a Xaser mod. The player must pick up both uzis seperately, and with some custominventory trickery, I can actually do this without making the single and double uzis seperate pickups like in older EDGE and ZDoom mods. The uzis magazines cannot be topped off with an extra round because uzis fire from an open bolt. I would go into detail about how open bolt weapons work, but I don't want to blather on all day about guns. :)

The second post of this thread will be where I upload newer versions of the mods listed in this post.

As a general note, everything in these wads is free for you to use. I would prefer it if you credit me, but it's not required.
Last edited by Snarboo on Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] Snarboo's Stuff

Post by Snarboo »

Alright, here it is:

Snarboo's Stuff - Updated 9/14

This is a sendspace link, which means I'll probably have to reupload this file every few months or so.
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Re: [WIP] Snarboo's Stuff

Post by Remmirath »

There's pretty good stuff in here...i hope that you'll resume on HoA, because i found it a pretty interesting project, as well as Heretical... :)

EDIT: oops, typo... :oops:
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Re: [WIP] Snarboo's Stuff

Post by Snarboo »

§-Morpheus-§ wrote:i hope that you'll resume on HoA, because i found it a pretty interesting objects, as well as Heretical... :)
Thanks! I definitely want to finish Heretical, at least the weapons, anyway. I'm still undecided on custom enemies and power ups, although I think I did have a few ideas for power ups. I'm so close to finishing it already, so it would be silly not to. :)

As for HoA, I'm still considering doing a level pack for it once the weapons are finished. I have an idea for a series of levels based on the Doom Bible, where you return to Phobos as a special operative tasked with gathering intel that was lost during the demon invasion in Doom. Naturally, hell breaks loose once again. >:D
Last edited by Snarboo on Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WIP] Snarboo's Stuff

Post by Phobus »

Why would you return to me for anything? ;)
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Re: [WIP] Snarboo's Stuff

Post by Enjay »

Is there an echo in here? ;)
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Re: [WIP] Snarboo's Stuff

Post by Phobus »

Now how the hell did that happen? Ah well, I'll delete the first one and make you, Enjay, look like a fool! :P
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Re: [WIP] Snarboo's Stuff

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Oh gno! Moderator powar abuse!!!!!1111one ;)
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Re: [WIP] Snarboo's Stuff

Post by Snarboo »

ROFL, I meant Phobos. Darn you and your similar name.
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Re: [WIP] Snarboo's Stuff

Post by Enjay »

As for the actual mods (um, the wads, not the moderator :lol: ) there is some pretty cool stuff in there. The Heretic weapons look cool and kind of nasty too. Almost like they should be wielded by Corvus' evil twin. :twisted: And I'm loving the 4 barrel shotgun. :biggrin:
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Re: [WIP] Snarboo's Stuff

Post by Phobus »

@Enjay: I pwn j00 n00b! :P

@Snarboo: Yeah, I couldn't spell Phobos either, a long time ago... hence the name being Phobus instead. I never go back on a name :P
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Re: [WIP] Snarboo's Stuff

Post by Sniper Joe »


What ever happened to lets get medieval? And did you ever find your apple juice? :P
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Re: [WIP] Snarboo's Stuff

Post by Snarboo »

Sniper Joe wrote:What ever happened to lets get medieval?
It's on permanent hiatus. There might be a time when I work on it again, though.
And did you ever find your apple juice? :P
No. :(

Enjay wrote:And I'm loving the 4 barrel shotgun. :D
Of all the weapons I've made, that has to be my favorite, purely for the overkill factor. I also like the skullgun a lot, which was based on a dream I had. It had a large plasma cannon in its jaw as a secondary fire in the dream, but I decided against it for the mod.
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Re: [WIP] Snarboo's Stuff

Post by Snarboo »

Work has been coming along nicely on my Commandos! mod. Here's a list of changes since the last release:
-Added ejecting brass to the SMG and Pistol using RealBrass(tm) technology. It's cheesy as hell! :D
-Adjusted the damage model for the impulse laser. It should now work like the other weapons in terms of damage.
-Added the BFG replacement, the BFG 2704. It doesn't have a new pickup graphic or new sounds. I'm not quite satisfied with it, so it's probably going to go through some further changes.
-Added a pickup graphic for the Flak Cannon.
-Fist no longer alerts monsters.
-Flak Cannon pushes monsters around less.

That's all I can remember. Check the second post in a while for the new update.

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