DuduKrazy's Guns III [IT'S OVER!]

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Re: [WIP]DuduKrazy's Guns III

Post by Duducrazy »


- Most weapons have been remade.

- Dropped the Battle Rifle in favor of the M1-X Mark II Pulse Rifle.

- Remade the Helmet HUD.


A possible new weapon to be added: A modified Duke3D Shrinker. Basically, it will be a demon weapon mixed with some human tecnology.
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Re: [WIP]DuduKrazy's Guns III

Post by wolf00 »

so & lowang sticky bomb are not interesting ? :(
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Re: [WIP]DuduKrazy's Guns III

Post by Duducrazy »


- New Weapon Added: Unmaker MK. VI

Uses the aforementioned modified Duke3D Shrinker. Has two fire modes: Primary fire shoots some red ghosts thingies that chases any enemy on sight. Secondary mode fires the Octabrain projectile which sends enemies flying back while doing less damage than the primary fire mode. The weapon is almost as rare as the MP-10 SMGs. They can only be found by killing the Cyberdemons. Has it's own ammo which can only be found by killing the Arch-Viles.

EDIT: New beta version is out. Go to the first page for the download link!
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Re: [WIP]DuduKrazy's Guns III

Post by DoomRater »

-kunai, when thrown and picked up give 2 kunai on easiest and hardest. Add +ignoreskill to their pickup type to circumvent this.
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Re: [WIP]DuduKrazy's Guns III

Post by Duducrazy »

DoomRater wrote:-kunai, when thrown and picked up give 2 kunai on easiest and hardest. Add +ignoreskill to their pickup type to circumvent this.
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Re: [WIP]DuduKrazy's Guns III

Post by Orangewaggs »

this is just my honest opinion but the previous double barrel shotgun looked better although i do like how the character rams the shells in the gun like that
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Re: [WIP]DuduKrazy's Guns III

Post by Enjay »

This is looking V cool. I love the flying car class. :biggrin:

Dunno if it's been mentioned or not but the NinjaDoomguy is also a quick-change artist. He seems to have the ability to change his boots between kicks every now and again - sometimes a spacemarine boot and sometimes Duke Nukem's boot.
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Re: [WIP]DuduKrazy's Guns III

Post by Enjay »

Also, would you consider changing items such as shell casings to have a mass of less than 10? The reason is that if anyone has a splash WAD loaded, it will make small items like these make the smaller splash on liquids and, even more, if they have my footfall WAD loaded, it will stop the shells (etc) making the sounds of feet hitting the floor every time they drop onto a flat.
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Re: [WIP]DuduKrazy's Guns III

Post by Enjay »

I was playing with the mod earlier today and found some problems. I thought they might be with GZdoom, but Graf has identified them as being with the mod. You may find this thread useful

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Re: [WIP]DuduKrazy's Guns III

Post by Duducrazy »

Enjay wrote:I was playing with the mod earlier today and found some problems. I thought they might be with GZdoom, but Graf has identified them as being with the mod. You may find this thread useful

i'm having the same problem and i think it has nothing to do with the mod. i played the map without the mod loaded and i still see the sky showing through those places you mentioned in the DRD Team forums. I experienced the same problem on other maps that have slopes. like "The Community Is Falling 3" and even your own map, "Marine Assault"

as for the Teleport Fog, i never saw this happen before. for safety reasons, i'll remove that custom fog and keep the original one.
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Re: [WIP]DuduKrazy's Guns III

Post by Enjay »

You'll notice from the pics I posted that the areas where the walls disappeared were all the sides of slopes. That is what happens when you have defined glowing flats. are you sure you aren't autoloading a mod that does that somehow?

Also, if you like, you can use a teleport fog that I have made - also based on the Duke Nukem sprites, but with a little extra too. It's not that fancy and, frankly, I have no idea how it looks in software mode but you can try it if you like. I know that it doesn't cause any problems because I have been using it for months.

Just load up the zip to try it.


I haven't really finalised it so it might need a bit of tweaking but it's 99% there.
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Re: [WIP]DuduKrazy's Guns III

Post by Duducrazy »

i have a modified GZdoom glow wad. i'll try loading the map and the mod without the glow wad and see what happens.

EDIT: Confirmed! The modified glow wad is causing the slopes problem. So, obviously, i'll remove it from the wad! Too bad i have to do this because the glowing walls kinda enhances the atmosphere of not only the original maps, but also of the other wads. It makes me remind of PSX Doom.
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Re: [WIP]DuduKrazy's Guns III

Post by Enjay »

Yeah, it's a real shame. I like the glowing flats too and actually spent quite some time defining a whole bunch of them. However, I believe that fixing the problem with slopes is not straight forward.
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Re: [WIP]DuduKrazy's Guns III

Post by Graf Zahl »

No. Otherwise I would have done it long ago. Splitting up the polygons to properly apply the glow ends up in a total mess.
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Re: [WIP]DuduKrazy's Guns III

Post by Eisenfaust1986 »

This wad keeps getting better and better with every iteration! Keep it up, Dudukrazy.

P.S.: The "Vehicle" mode is probably the most original idea I've seen in a weapon mod. I give you my props for that little addition ( I sure will be anxiously awaiting what quality comes from this one when it goes out of beta, given its current state! :cheers: )

EDIT: One bug that needs fixing. When I use automap mode, if I change to a weapon that uses a different ammo type than the current one, the display does not properly update. So, for example:

If my initial weapon was the dual pistols with 355 ammo units (with automap on), I switch to the combat shotgun with 50 ammo units (with the automap still on) and the 355 is still displayed on the ammo portion of the HUD instead of the 50 that was supposed to appear.

EDIT 2: Possible major exploit, here. When the player switches back out of the combat vehicle, his health and armor get reverted back to 100 and zero resepectively regardless of previous status (these should be the previous health and armor values [before the character switched into the vehicle mode], instead).
Last edited by Eisenfaust1986 on Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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