This wad keeps getting better and better with every iteration! Keep it up, Dudukrazy.
P.S.: The "Vehicle" mode is probably the most original idea I've seen in a weapon mod. I give you my props for that little addition ( I sure will be anxiously awaiting what quality comes from this one when it goes out of beta, given its current state!

EDIT: One bug that needs fixing. When I use automap mode, if I change to a weapon that uses a different ammo type than the current one, the display does not properly update. So, for example:
If my initial weapon was the dual pistols with 355 ammo units (with automap on), I switch to the combat shotgun with 50 ammo units (with the automap still on) and the 355 is still displayed on the ammo portion of the HUD instead of the 50 that was supposed to appear.
EDIT 2: Possible major exploit, here. When the player switches back out of the combat vehicle, his health and armor get reverted back to 100 and zero resepectively regardless of previous status (these should be the previous health and armor values [before the character switched into the vehicle mode], instead).