Ive fixed my phantom, the white souls now have Vile_Chase, that was my mistake, they had A_Wander, which means they wernt actually looking for corpses to revive. Now they sort of chase u more though, like the arch-vile.
EDIT: But this seems to cause a bigger problem, if the wraiths are beneath you when you die, gzdoom or zdoom crashes, im assuming this might be something to do with them trying to revive you, yet i have no way of figuring out how to fix this except, by making the wraiths not chase you, and if they don't chase you they don't revive, wow lol. Anyone knows a way to fix this/stop it from crashing and allowing them, id be glad to hear it :S
Tell me if this is better, if its not ill keep working on it...
Plus heres another side monster I created its more for fun this thing, cause it seems to do some crazy stunts. Other than that its just a simple recolour...
Name: Trickster Demon
Difficulty: Medium/Hard
Melee: No
Distance: Projectile
Type: Demon
Summon: TricksterDemon
This monster has some wild attacks, dont be so afraid when its shooting tons of projectiles at you cause some of therm don't hurt u at all lol. When it takes pain it is known to do all sorts of things, from making a ton of copies of itself which cant hurt you but they look excatly like him, or mabye sort teleporting around spastically shooting you with every chance he gets. Finally he can pull some other tricks on you but lets not spoil the fun lol.
EDIT: Cause it stil had Vile_Chase it was trying to revive which made it change between normal archvile reviving, and trickster demon. It is now fixed. Thanks to ZDUser for noticing this

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