Star Wars: Chibi Rebellion 6.1

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Star Wars: Chibi Rebellion 6.1

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Current Version 6.1
Last tested w/ ZDoom 2.6.999 r3796

Gameplay notes:
An impressive and rather comprehensive review by kmxexii: ... r597z.html

5.8 maps lists:

Star Wars: Chibi Rebellion 5.0 "Official"
Known 5.0 bugs:
Map57 is missing
You'll lose the Dawnsorrow on the Imperial Detention Center start map

Flickr gallery of screenshots: ... 472508491/

ZDoom Wiki page for important gameplay information:

Scripts not included in the archive, not required for playing, merely here for backup purposes.
Last edited by LilWhiteMouse on Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:01 am, edited 72 times in total.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0

Post by Tormentor667 »

Heh... looks sweet :)
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0

Post by wildweasel »

I look forward to this. I'd probably still be playing the old Chibi Rebellion if I still had it lying around.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0

Post by Unknown_Assassin »

I haven't played the old Chibi Rebellion, but I'm interested in playing the upcoming version. :)
LilWhiteMouse wrote:After that is the tedious job of going into the maps (all 55 of them) and replacing the old actors with the new ones.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

If you had played either 1.0 or 2.0 (don't think I ever released 2.1), you'd know that the maps are all small, so it's not that many actors per map.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0

Post by hnsolo77 »

freakin' sweet

im definitely looking forward to this
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0

Post by Shadelight »

Love the chibi at-at. I've always wondered what that would look like chibified..
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Just a status update to let people know I haven't abandoned this yet.

I've almost completed the first pass through all the maps, replacing the old actors with the completely new ones. I still need to go back through and make changes as needed to accommodate the replacements. Keys/locks all need to be changed, and I need to fix the maps that required you to kill actor(s) X to continue.

I have one enemy left to sprite, the generic bounty hunter, though someday I need to go back and redo the royal guard. I'll keep the sprites I rendered for now, but they came out like crap by my standards so I need go back and make a new model at some point. One exception will be the Imperial cargo loader boss. For the time being I've replaced it with another AT-ST until I figure out how I want to handle the loader.

All the actors have DECORATE, but it's all bare bones. Only the snowtrooper, stormtrooper, and AT-AT (not included in v3.0) are actually done. This won't take any time to do though.

Weapons in v3.0 will also be bare bones. I'll use the DF pistol, rifle, and concussion cannon with one idle and attack frame each. The thermal detonator will get moved to the secondary attack button.

I'll keep the original CR skinned Doom hud for v3.0. 3.1 will have a new hud with ripped DF sprites.

AFAIK, when that's all done v3.0 will be complete and I'll then post a copy.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0

Post by Enjay »

I knew this was around the corner, but I hadn't seen all those sprites. They look great. The vehicles especially are very cool (I told you I'm a Hoth freak). Image
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0

Post by ReX »

I'm a little confused. Is the project going to use models or sprites? Sounds like it's going to be sprites. Why not make the project for GZDooM and use models instead of sprites?

Btw, those models look amazing.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0

Post by Ryan Cordell »

Because you could effectively fuck up the ZDoom side if you don't also supply the sprites for 'em.

That, or some people prefer ZDoom much more over GZDoom. (I know I do, I even switched HL onto Software mode since I like it more.)
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

ReX wrote:I'm a little confused. Is the project going to use models or sprites? Sounds like it's going to be sprites. Why not make the project for GZDooM and use models instead of sprites?
Like almost all my projects, I use models to render sprites from, and I only develop for ZDoom.

[EDIT] Maps are all but done, just some last minute clean up and tweaking. DECORATE is mostly done save the bounty hunter, just balancing ATM. Hopefully I'll have an upload by tomorrow night.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0

Post by LilWhiteMouse »
you'll also need this file:

This is not v3.0, rather I'm calling it 2.9. Everything is done except for fixing bugs. I've already fixed a lot, but given the nature of the project there are undoubtedly a lot more. It'd just be easier with multiple people looking for problems.

For those not familiar, start a new game and hit use when you've read your mission. Proceed through the hub to complete your goal, rinse, and repeat.

There are some known issues:

- Medical kits can be picked up at full health.
- Sometimes the game doesn't register the player hitting 'use' in the beginning, just tap a movement key and try again.
- Boss health bars don't work properly yet.
- On one of the space stations, Stormtroopers can't fire over the railings. I'll fix this in v3.1 when I enhance some of the maps.
- There is no back up weapon. You run out of ammo, just cheat for now.

If anyone is willing to play test, report anything you think is wrong (missing keys, doors that won't open, Doom sprites & actors, etc..). Be sure to look at the automap names, so I don't have to guess *which* Imperial Outpost map you mean.
Last edited by LilWhiteMouse on Sat Mar 15, 2008 6:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by Enjay »

I could be doing something wrong but... I can't start a mission because whenever I load the mod it just starts on map01 of Doom2. I'm just loading the zip directly from the command line. Should that be OK?

Anyway, IDCLEVing around a few maps has let me see a few levels and it's been cool so far. However, without starting a mission properly, I'm sure that progression will be messed up somehow.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

That's because someone forgot to include the pilot level.

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