WWHC-Diaz + (NEW!) The VR Missions (help wanted!)

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Re: WWHC-Diaz + (NEW!) The VR Missions (help wanted!)

Post by Cardboard Marty »

I don't think Weasel is working on weapons at the moment. If anything, he's just tweaking existing weapons and balancing. I personally believe that any suggestions or ideas should be directed toward improving the existing weapons or for the VR Missions levels.
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Re: WWHC-Diaz + (NEW!) The VR Missions (help wanted!)

Post by wildweasel »

Okay guys, check out the new version.

http://armory.drdteam.org/wwmods/inprog ... c-diaz.rar

The usual ridiculously minor bugfixes apply here (so minor, I forgot what they were). Check the player setup menu for a little surprise.
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Re: WWHC-Diaz + (NEW!) The VR Missions (help wanted!)

Post by lizardcommando »

Cool, you have custom classes in the mod. :)

So what are the differences between them? I couldn't really tell aside from the obvious voice changes and sprites.
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Re: WWHC-Diaz + (NEW!) The VR Missions (help wanted!)

Post by wildweasel »

The classes currently only have aesthetic differences (and Hernandez's viewheight is two units higher than Diaz's) - I eventually intend to give Diaz and Hernandez different starting pistols (depending on Marty's input of course) and perhaps some alterations to the players' physics as well, providing it doesn't break existing maps too much. Unfortunately, as of yet I have no viable way to spawn separate sets of weapons per class, or else I would end up merging this mod and the (upcoming, as of yet not formally announced) Hernandez mod.

[edit] Oh, I must also add: Hernandez's sprites aren't quite finished yet. Marty's still working on his death frames. Until then, however, I've put in a temporary death animation for him (which is unintentionally both hilarious and a little gross).
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Re: WWHC-Diaz + (NEW!) The VR Missions (help wanted!)

Post by DoomRater »

I had thought about this for the design of GGR, but the solution I had was to use a custominventory item that automatically gave you the appropriate weapon for what it was supposed to be, ammo if you already had the weapon, and fail to pickup if you were full on both.
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Re: WWHC-Diaz + (NEW!) The VR Missions (help wanted!)

Post by wildweasel »

I totally forgot to mention this: I've decided that, since I hardly update the Doom Armory as it is, I'm going to start posting updates on my projects at the Doom Armory's news section instead of in this thread. If something's important enough, I'll cross-post it at the ZD forums, but those interested in keeping tabs on my project can look at http://armory.drdteam.org/ and feel free to comment. It'll be easier to keep things sorted out in the long run.
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Re: WWHC-Diaz + (NEW!) The VR Missions (help wanted!)

Post by Tamashii »

wildweasel, i play around with your code alot, and was wondering how would you code the player to toss 3 grenades? yet not toss 3 when there's 2 or less? here's the code i modified privately on your diaz mod.


ACTOR HandGrenade : Weapon
Weapon.SelectionOrder 50
Weapon.AmmoType Gren
Weapon.AmmoGive 3
Weapon.AmmoUse 1
Inventory.Icon GRNDC0
Scale 0.25
GRNG A 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo(2)
GRNG A 1 A_WeaponReady
TNT1 A 1 A_WeaponReady
GRNG A 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo("EmptyDeselect")
TNT1 A 6
TNT1 A 1 A_Lower
Goto Deselect+6
TNT1 A 1 A_Lower
Goto Deselect+7
TNT1 A 6 SetPlayerProperty(0,1,2)
GRNG A 1 A_Raise
Goto Select+5
GRNG A 2 A_PlaySound("grenade/arm")
TNT1 A 0
TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("Grenade",0,1,0,0)
GRNG E 1 A_PlaySound("grenade/toss")
TNT1 A 10
Goto Ready
GRNG A 2 A_PlaySound("grenade/arm")
TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Gren",3)
TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("Grenade",random(-5,5),1,random(-5,5),random(-5,5))
TNT1 A 2
TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("Grenade",random(-5,5),1,random(-5,5),random(-5,5))
TNT1 A 2
TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("Grenade",random(-5,5),1,random(-5,5),random(-5,5))
GRNG E 1 A_PlaySound("grenade/toss")
TNT1 A 10
Goto Deselect
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Re: WWHC-Diaz + (NEW!) The VR Missions (help wanted!)

Post by DoomRater »

The only thing missing is the sanity check, which should be done before anything else in the AltFire section. Add a TNT1 A 1 A_JumpIfInventory("Gren",3,1) and afterwards a Goto Ready just under AltFire to achieve this.
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Re: WWHC-Diaz + (NEW!) The VR Missions (help wanted!)

Post by wildweasel »

How about making sure the alternate fire is using the proper amount of ammo first:

Code: Select all

Weapon.AmmoUse2 3
Then use A_JumpIfNoAmmo in the Altfire states and redirect it to a state that doesn't do anything:

Code: Select all

GRNG A 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo("AltEmpty")
Goto Ready
And lastly, make sure that only ONE of your A_FireCustomMissile lines is set to use ammo (preferably the first of the three). Haven't tested the changes myself, though, so you might have to tweak it a bit to get it to work.
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Re: WWHC-Diaz + (NEW!) The VR Missions (help wanted!)

Post by Tamashii »

thanks for the helpful replies. i'll experiment with it after dinner.
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Re: WWHC-Diaz + (NEW!) The VR Missions (help wanted!)

Post by Tamashii »

i try this and a few other combinations. the logic makes sense in my head, but when i alt-fire in doom, it just switches to pistol. not sure what i'm doing wrong here. any pointers? thanks.

Code: Select all

      GRNG A 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo("AltEmpty") 
      GRNG A 2 A_PlaySound("grenade/arm")
      GRNG BCD 0
      TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Gren",3)
      TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("Grenade",random(-5,5),1,random(-5,5),random(-5,5))
      TNT1 A 2
      TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("Grenade",random(-5,5),1,random(-5,5),random(-5,5))
      TNT1 A 2
      TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("Grenade",random(-5,5),1,random(-5,5),random(-5,5))
      GRNG E 1 A_PlaySound("grenade/toss")
      TNT1 A 10
      GRNG DCB 2
      Goto Ready
      GRNG A 1
      Goto Ready
on the top,

Code: Select all

ACTOR HandGrenade : Weapon
	Weapon.SelectionOrder 50
	Weapon.AmmoType Gren
	Weapon.AmmoGive 3 
	Weapon.AmmoUse1 1
        Weapon.AmmoUse2 3 

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Re: WWHC-Diaz + (NEW!) The VR Missions (help wanted!)

Post by Snarboo »

Hey Weasel, is there anyway you could upload your latest release of Diaz to a filesharing site? I'm getting terrible download speeds from the Armory.
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Re: WWHC-Diaz + (NEW!) The VR Missions (help wanted!)

Post by Kappes Buur »

wildweasel wrote:I totally forgot to mention this: I've decided that, since I hardly update the Doom Armory as it is, I'm going to start posting updates on my projects at the Doom Armory's news section instead of in this thread. If something's important enough, I'll cross-post it at the ZD forums, but those interested in keeping tabs on my project can look at http://armory.drdteam.org/ and feel free to comment. It'll be easier to keep things sorted out in the long run.
If I may make two requests,
could you also upload the updates on one of the file sharing servers. DRDTEAM's download speed is usually ca 5KB/s,
include an update version in the file name.

That would be most helpful.

otherwise :cheers: :thumb:

EDIT: ah, I see Snarboo has the same problem
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Re: WWHC-Diaz + (NEW!) The VR Missions (help wanted!)

Post by wildweasel »

Uploading to (and even downloading from) these file-sharing sites these days is getting to be pretty painful. If somebody can recommend me one that's better than Rapidshare or Sendspace, I'll give it a try.
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Re: WWHC-Diaz + (NEW!) The VR Missions (help wanted!)

Post by lizardcommando »

I don't think you need to sign up or anything for MegaUpload. It's quick and easy to use. The only thing that sucks is that an ad pops up before you download anything.

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