@Soda: Thankses! I'll add it momentarily... don't want his great work to be ignored!
@Phi: Yes, Aleph One isn't quite as polished as ZDoom, but for Marathon it's the best there is. Ignore the choppiness and enjoy Durandal's maniacal missions, mate!
@Nuxius: Thank you immensely! Hehe, replies are in order...
a) Interesting... I just assumed it was non-iD thanks to its squareness. The map's not a bad base at all, and with a few odd additions (new front entrance for one) it's actually looking quite nice (by classic standards) so far. Still WIP though.
b) Ugh. I was bloody shocked at that! Erebus has always been my favorite and they butchered it. @_@
c) Er, I was commenting on the style but I guess I was speaking oddly.
Anyhow, thanks for the tip but the secret exit switch must have been "lost in translation"... the 'switch' looks like it's in the right position but the sector it's in has no tag, not to mention the switch linedef is in the middle of the sector so it wouldn't show even if it was lowered. Odd, it is... still, I'll use your idea as a base... do you remember specifically how it worked? Was the lift sector lowered directly (i.e. press 'use' on the sides) or was there another hidden switch-y thing?
d) Thanks regarding the Twilight exit... funny, I've never actually found it. Would it still be all right to get to Marshes from Mansion? Or would you all prefer the Twilight exit, like the original? It might make more sense to PSX-ers since it would lead to the right map. Club Doom fans might get pissed the other way around...
e) Don't worry... I'll make it memorable. I actually have a bit of a Marathon:Infinity inspired idea (surreal-ish), since we've sorta got on that subject. It's easy as pie to pull off and hasn't been used in regular Doom, so...
f) I'll keep it! That doggone switch made me die laughing (literally) the first time I saw it. Funny... I just played through Marshes again and it *is* pretty doggone fun, like Cutty said. Whoever said darkness was bad?
Hmm... continue tomorrow, I will. As for now,