Zblood v4 [abandoned?]

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Re: Zblood v4

Post by Skunk »

Who needs faces? Why not just STBAR the actual Blood hud?
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Re: Zblood v4

Post by Kyon »

this mod is awsome! truly! well done door and maxim
Last edited by Kyon on Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Zblood v4

Post by Kyon »

doomjedi wrote:
Kyon wrote:do bloated butchers still vomit??

by doorhenge is a genius, i dont know why you and maxim genus stopped working with zwitchaven
Let "Maxim Genis" answer this one :)
So...what will I say...?

About Blood - I'm a graphic artist, and this mod didn't need nor ask me for more graphic contribution beyond the HUD faces I've contributed for it (as Blood didn't have HUD face animation of it's own). Most of other graphics were from Blood anyway.

About zWhichaven: Doorhenge, Psyren and others abandoned this project of mine, zdoom community didn't show much interest....so what can I do but going back to my wolf3d modding projects?
I still think Witchaven can be an amazing game when done well (with good mapping and coding features) - when resurrected on zDoom. Though many enemies have only front frames or missing frames, which make problems for multiplayer.
Maybe just too little percent of people here played or know about Whitchaven, which is less popular and playable than other Build Engine classics.
I love the hud faces, this what makes it a blood doom tc insted of just blood skunk! thats why it has the face :/ because they can add extra features that blood missed

uhm... also i got suggetion for the game again sorry but
could you please give caleb a random variety of pain, death, burn sounds?
the same pain sound is annoying, and theres no death sound
maybe do random sounds from both games
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Re: Zblood v4

Post by Skunk »

Hey Kyon, die in a fire. I'm not saying the faces are bad but if you want it to be Blood go with the original status bar. ZBlood is NOT a TC. You dumb shit.
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Re: Zblood v4

Post by Kyon »

Skunk wrote:Hey Kyon, die in a fire. I'm not saying the faces are bad but if you want it to be Blood go with the original status bar. ZBlood is NOT a TC. You dumb shit.
ah shut the fuck up you little asshole!
go crawl into a hole and die,
yeah it is a TC, its blood recreated in doom
what would be the fucking point of recreating blood exactly?
its got some new features in it aswell, including hud faces, which is good, and also it is made in DOOM you asshole
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Re: Zblood v4

Post by wildweasel »

Congratulations, Kyon, you've just been reported.
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Re: Zblood v4

Post by Project Shadowcat »

I say let them have at each other.
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Re: Zblood v4

Post by randi »

If you two want to yell at each other, do it elsewhere, or I may just temp-ban both of you.
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Re: Zblood v4

Post by Skunk »

Four reasons:
1. ZDoom has some features that tromp over Build, like ACS. GZDoom more so.
2. Blood doesn't run properly in XP or DOSbox. This way people can play the game.
3. Resources available so people can make their own mods based on this new version
4. Just because they can. Why put Blood into Quake with Transfusion?

Hey Randy, that civil enough for you?
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Re: Zblood v4

Post by Zippy »

Skunk wrote:2. Blood doesn't run properly in XP or DOSbox.
Actually, I've never had a problem running it in DOSbox.
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Re: Zblood v4

Post by Ichor »

And I haven't had a problem running it on XP.
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Re: Zblood v4

Post by Skunk »

Okay then, let me rephrase assholes: It doesn't run for everyone in XP or Dosbox. And I know I'm not alone in that so :P
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Re: Zblood v4

Post by Ryan Cordell »

Skunk wrote:Four reasons:
1. ZDoom has some features that tromp over Build, like ACS. GZDoom more so.
I dunno really, map format or otherwise. CON and ACS/Decorate are quite enemies. I don't see why you'd (No offense, Randy n' Graf.) want to downgrade Blood to an enhanced Doom engine.
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Re: Zblood v4

Post by Skunk »

I don't think it's downgrading. You lose, what? Vexels, billboard sprites, texture scaling, and actual moving sectors? In exchange you get a full customizable scripting system, a full customizable weapon, item, and enemy system, and lots more, not to mention and I guess THIS would be the biggest part to me to be honest but the fact that ZDoom is still being worked on and updated and improved. No one is doing that to Blood's modified Build engine. In fact, quite opposite: GT Interactive won't even think about releasing the source code. And they probably never will despite Monolith, the actual creators of Blood (GT just owns the name) have been demanding it. Thankfully ZDoom is getting most of the Build features. It's getting to the point now I bet you could make a program to convert Build levels over to ZDoom...
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Re: Zblood v4

Post by Enjay »

Skunk wrote:It's getting to the point now I bet you could make a program to convert Build levels over to ZDoom...
Heh, there already is one. It's called Zdoom. ;)

Zdoom can already load Build maps and then you can dump them from the game. You only get the architecture, of course, but it can do it. (I forget the exact method though.)

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