Exploding Imp update

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Exploding Imp update

Post by Melvinflynt »


Still not sure how much hp he needs. And he will have new sound. His death sound will be a mix of screaming and exploding. Gimmie ur thoughts.
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Post by Enjay »

Heh, nice! Sitters did something quite similar to this for his "Genetic Disaster" level for Risen 3D - but that was a model rather than a sprite.


And yes, I was in god mode. :P
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Post by Melvinflynt »

That was pretty cool. These guys i'm gonna have in statue form and they'll like randomly come alive. Kinda like that one hexen level with those floating guys that are dormant and then they all of the sudden come alive. I'm trying to stick with the style that the creators of the game made it so I'm not going to use any 3-D models.
I have some other ideas on new monsters like a big dude carrying two chainguns and skeleton dudes with shotguns that move really fast.
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Post by Matt »

I say you should give it enough HP so that *most* of the time you can take it out with one shotgun blast from *just* outside the blast radius, so that it closes in with that last bit of distance at unpredictable times letting Murphy's Law do the rest. :D

Looking forward to the skeleton dudes.
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Post by Enjay »

Melvinflynt wrote:I'm trying to stick with the style that the creators of the game made it so I'm not going to use any 3-D models.
I wasn't trying to imply that you needed to, in case you thought I was. I think your sprite looks cool. :thumb:
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Post by Unknown_Assassin »

Nice monster. :)
Vaecrius wrote:I say you should give it enough HP so that *most* of the time you can take it out with one shotgun blast from *just* outside the blast radius.
Like the Chaingunguy, who has 70 health.
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Post by Matt »

The chaingunguy usually dies from one shot? o_O (though one-hit kills seem to be more common with the latest versions... but then this could be my new 800x600 resolution)
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Post by Unknown_Assassin »

Vaecrius wrote:The chaingunguy usually dies from one shot? o_O (though one-hit kills seem to be more common with the latest versions... but then this could be my new 800x600 resolution)
With my experiences...yes, but generally, it should die by one shot from the shotgun. I guess it depends on the distance between you and the monster. Sometimes. when I fire close (I mean really close), it doesn't kill the Chaingunguy. I'm assuming that the bullets overlap each other, which subtracts damage that the monster will recieve from the bullets.


I could be wrong, and I suck at aiming properly. :?
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Post by Gez »

Unknown_Assassin wrote:I could be wrong, and I suck at aiming properly. :?
I vote for this one.

The Heavy Weapon Dude usually takes two shotgun hits, or one supershotgun hit. However, sometimes he can be downed in just one shotgun hit, if he's close enough to get all seven pellets and you "roll high" on the damage.

It's the reverse of the imp, who is usually killed by just one shotgun blast, but sometimes survives and need another.

Demons and spectres usually need three shotgun shots to die, but sometimes two are enough. A single shot with the SSG is always enough, at least at close range.
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Post by Melvinflynt »

Enjay wrote:
Melvinflynt wrote:I'm trying to stick with the style that the creators of the game made it so I'm not going to use any 3-D models.
I wasn't trying to imply that you needed to, in case you thought I was. I think your sprite looks cool. :thumb:
I know you weren't trying to imply that, I just wanted to explain my goal more hehe. That exploding 3-d imp reminds me of getting blown up in Quake 3. I loved the gibs in Q3
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Post by Project Shadowcat »

I thought Chaingun Guy had 80 HP, according to the data provided by DeHackEd.

Methinks an ideal HP level based on Vaecrius' suggestion would be 65. 5 over an Imp, but 5 under the average shotgun damage level.
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Post by HotWax »

The wiki wrote:actor ChaingunGuy 65
spawnid 2
obituary "%o was perforated by a chaingunner."
health 70
radius 20
height 56
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Post by TheDarkArchon »

DeHackEd has always told me it was 70 HP.
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Post by Project Shadowcat »

Okay, forget it. :)

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