[Not a ZDoom bug] Zdoom hangs on starting...

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Zdoom hangs on starting...

Post by Rogue »

Hi all,

when I start zdoom, it well, almost freezes my machine... it first asks for where my wad files are, then I give it a good answer, but then it just sits there, no screen change nothing... doing ctr-alt-del after a long while I eventually get the dialog box saying zdoom is not responding... then the machine takes forever to repsond to the clicking of killing the app, so long that doing another ctr-alt-del to restart the machine is best..

Zdoom version 2.47i
Win 98
AMD 1.2 Ghz Irongate chipset 256MB RAM
GeForce 2 (32MB), nvidia driver v43.45
DirectX 9
SBLive! gold (over 5 years old now)
D-link ethernet
Yamaha SW60XG (wavetable ISA midi card)

any advice would be much appreciated!

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Post by Enjay »

Well, the first piece of advice would be to try the latest version. Try that and see what happens.


still troubles

Post by Rogue »

Well, I got depserate and tried the newest vesion of ZDoom, it hangs, i then even tried the version 1.22, it hung too... now I am beginning to think that it is my machine at fault.... though zdoom is so far the only game that hangs, however all vesions of zdoomGL hang.... I do not think it is an fmod issue, since jDoom works just fine.... so now I am susoect to one stragne thing I have setup on my machine at home; it is not in the internet, but it has a network card installed, and I gve it a dummy ip adress... why you may ask... actually it is because of my diabloii fetish.... there was a .dll that allowed one to play multiple copies of DiabloII at the same time (the .dll replaced a .dll in the diaboii directory, so it could not affect anything else) at any rate, it allowed one to exchange items with one's diabloII characters without an internet connection or anything... it used to be tha zdoom ran fine, maybe this dummy netowrk stuff is what is causing it to hang... I'll try to take the network card out and see if zdoom starts to work, but if it does not, then hat is so sad... I like the zdoom port and there are so pretty good wads that are zdoom only... hmmm.... I think the linux zdoom can run ok... can not remember if I got it to compile, but that is the old 1.22 version... some questions for the experts though:

(1) is there a command line switch to tell zdoom to NOT try anynetworking stuff?

(2) can changing screen resolutions be the problem? is there a command line switch to run it within a window?

thanks to all in advance!

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Post by HotWax »

ZDoom shouldn't do anything with your network unless you tell it to, so (1) is probably unnecessary. As for (2), just start it with +set fullscreen 0 on the command line.

Good luck with your problem.

Post by Rogue »

I finally got back from vacation, at any rate I went ahead and pulled the network card out. now Zdoom in all its version work fine, no hanging at all.... it is worth noting that zdoom v1.22 also hung with the network card in place.. so now then ugly question is why??

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Post by Chris »

You're using Windows 98. Windows98+Networking == teh evil
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Post by Graf Zahl »

Chris wrote:You're using Windows 98. Windows98+Networking == teh evil

I never had problems with it.

Post by Rogue »

Even if networking under Win98 is evil, why would Zdoom hand at startup if I have fake IP adresses, its almost the same as having a static IP from a DSL when the DSL goes down... does zdoom do somekind of networking initializing on startup?
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Post by randi »

Rogue wrote:does zdoom do somekind of networking initializing on startup?
If you don't use any networking parameters, all it does is load WinSock without actually using it. So that could be causing your network drivers grief, although it shouldn't matter.

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