Are there features of DECORATE that no longer work at all in modern GZDoom?

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Are there features of DECORATE that no longer work at all in modern GZDoom?

Post by ichxg0 »

I've been trying to add some kickback to a kick attack, and the mod is written I DECORATE, but when trying to add some actor flags, GZDoom wouldn't load it; I feel like I'm going crazy because sometime GZDoom just, freaks out, it seems like. Sometimes there's something in my autoload, but in this case it still happens. Is this to be expected? or am I just not grasping how to use weapon flags...

edit: also will mention I *think* it has some ACS. Maybe that's dependent on the decorate being in a certain state?
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Re: Are there features of DECORATE that no longer work at all in modern GZDoom?

Post by Enjay »

Hard to tell what's wrong without seeing your code.

However, it should still work. It sounds like you are trying to copy from an existing mod. Does that work?
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Re: Are there features of DECORATE that no longer work at all in modern GZDoom?

Post by ichxg0 »

Yeah, you're right, here is the mod I want modify, adding kickback to a kick attack, as it were.

Code: Select all

Actor KickItem : CustomInventory
		TNT1 A 0 A_Overlay(-999, "Kick", true) //GZDoom only, I wish Zandronum added support for A_Overlay
		TNT1 A 0 A_OverlayOffset(-999, 0, 32) //So the offsets won't be messed up
		Fail //So you can use this item multiple times!
		TNT1 A 0 A_OverlayFlags(-999,PSPF_PLAYERTRANSLATED,true)
	    TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySoundEx("KICK",CHAN_7)
		TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("PowerStrength",1,"KickBerserk")
		TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIf(momZ > 0, "AirKick")
		TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIf(momZ < 0, "AirKick")
		TNT1 A 0 A_SetSpeed(0.25)
	    KICK ABC 1
        KICK D 3 A_FireCustomMissile("Kick_It",0,0) //[bool useammo] has to be 0 to prevent this item from chewing ammo of the gun you're holding
		TNT1 A 0 A_SetSpeed(1.0)
		TNT1 A 1
		TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIf(momZ > 0, "AirKickBerserk")
		TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIf(momZ < 0, "AirKickBerserk")
		TNT1 A 0 A_SetSpeed(0.25)
	    KICK ABC 1
        KICK D 3 A_FireCustomMissile("Kick_It2",0,0)
		TNT1 A 0 A_SetSpeed(1.0)
		TNT1 A 1
		TNT1 A 0 A_Recoil(-5)
	    AKIK ABC 1
        AKIK D 3 A_FireCustomMissile("AirKick_It",0,0)
		TNT1 A 1
		TNT1 A 0 A_Recoil(-5)
	    AKIK ABC 1
        AKIK D 3 A_FireCustomMissile("AirKick_It2",0,0)
		TNT1 A 1

//this has to be a "FastProjectile" to prevent the actor from creating selected weapon's decals
Actor Kick_It : FastProjectile
    Radius 20
    Height 6
    DamageType Kick
	RenderStyle Translucent
	Alpha 0.75
	Scale 1.00
	Damage 25
	Speed 30
	decal "none"
	SeeSound "none"
	DeathSound "none"
		TNT1 A 0
		TNT1 A 0
		TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("KickHit",CHAN_BODY)

//this needed for berserked mode!
Actor Kick_It2 : Kick_It
	damage 200

Actor AirKick_It : Kick_It
	Damage 50

Actor AirKick_It2 : Kick_It
	Damage 500
Unfortunately I don't have the exact code that was throwing the error, I got frustrated and trashed it..

I did try "WEAPON.STAFF2_KICKBACK" but that didn't seem to work, so Iooked a little deeper and found some other way to add it (In theory) but I can't remember what it was I was trying to copy in. I was actually just copying it from the wiki, and yes, the original mod does work fine..

Maybe you know what the other option for adding kickback is? It was through weapon properties - "ApplyKickback"

All I did was try putting "WeaponKickback 8" or whatever underneath the "+UNDROPPABLE" and "+UNTOSSABLE" flags. I get not a valid property. In the case of the Staff Kickback one, it didn't recognize the flag.. I tried both with a plus and without a plus in front of it, in case it made a difference.
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Re: Are there features of DECORATE that no longer work at all in modern GZDoom?

Post by Enjay »

I think what you are talking about is Weapon.KickBack, not WeaponKickBack
I don't know if it's what you are looking for though:
"How far attacks by this weapon push the enemy back. Damage is also a factor in kickback." (from )
So, it pushes enemies hit by the weapon back. Is that what you wanted?

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