For some reason fonts with one color(white) are displayed dark gray

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For some reason fonts with one color(white) are displayed dark gray

Post by [_ilystra_] »

For some reason fonts with one color(white) are displayed dark gray. Before I made them one color (before, they were with a gradient) there was no such thing, but whatever the gradient was - the darkest color was always black or dark gray.
This problem appears both in gzdoom and zandronum (the main port for which the mod Biohazard is made).

The font standard is STCFN - STGNUM. Font in TrueColor PNG.

To adjust the size of font in the mod two sets of images are used at once - small font in Graphics/Small Font and with increased quality in Hires/SmallFont HRes. Both versions are identical except for their resolution
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Re: For some reason fonts with one color(white) are displayed dark gray

Post by [_ilystra_] »

Now my font is dark even with a gradient..... here's a comparison between without coloring ( at top ) and with coloring

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